Round 3 Results
Lap 17 - TNR_REBELLION - FutureF1 - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
Lap 17 - FutureF1 - j1Nk21 - TNR_REBELLION - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: FutureF1 +90s - An initial collision between FutureF1 and Jink destabalises the latter's car. The subsequent loss of control then collects Rebellion's car too.
Lap 24 - j1Nk21 - TNR_FILO - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
Lap 34 - TNR_REBELLION - FutureF1 - Avoidable Contact
Verdict: TNR_REBELLION +90s, Driving Standards 1/3 - Rebellion tries to run around the outside of T4 with Future on the racing line. Future holds this line to the exit while Rebellion refuses to yeild, resulting in contact; however Rebellion's car is not far enough alongside to give him the right to the space. Alarmingly Rebellion appears to dive-bomb Future's car into T5 resulting in Rebellion driving crashing into the barriers of his own accord. If such behaviour is repeated disqualification from the series will follow.
Lap 37 - FutureF1 - Ettick_ - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA - As Future is lapping Ettick, Future sees Ettick crossing the track to follow the racing line and so stays right. Ettick is surprised by Future's car and makes a second move back to the right causing contact. While the slower class is not required to move out of the way, it is important to remember to stick with your decisions for the sake of clarity.
Driver's Brief will be up tomorrow night.