Memories: Part 2
Sylvia pulled onto SSR7...

...only to see that the checkpoint people were still collecting toll.
Hey! aint that Sylvia?
I believe that is!
Aint she that L-
AH, dont say it...
Hey! How's yo girlf-

Sylvia proceeds to run over the checkpoint-man's feet.
My feet! You ran over my 🤬 feet! You 🤬!
I told you so....
Shut the 🤬 up!
Whoops...I may've clipped it a bit says Sylvia, with a smirk on her face
Ok, let's open the taps a bit...
Sylvia then smashes the gas, and then sees the speedometer rise
Then She shifts again from 4th, forgetting that the SL doesn't have 5 gears...
Huh? 5th is reverse?

The Speedo climbed yet more...all the way up to:
The engine temperature then shot up dangerously.
Ha! the tunnel
Perhaps I should get some practice...
Sylvia stops the SL,

Builds the revs,

And takes off!
At the end of the tunnel, the Street WarZ crowd beckoned on all of it's JDM glory:
3 S13s,
a FC RX-7,
An alfa 147,
and several other cars were parked, and their drivers were talking.
Sylvia's sister, however, was nowhere to be found.
Then out of the corner of her eye, a Green mustang Flew out of the end of the opposite tunnel...
Author note:See VTiRoj's Fanfic for part 3.