Another Day on the Job
SSR7, 2:30 AM
Dispatch, this is John.V;
; In pursuit of a Lime Green Pagani Zonda-
-No Backup necessary. Will use Bugatti Interceptor to confront suspect.

John Finally caught up at the turnaround point.

John Moves in for a slam-

But misses!

The Pagani then drafts, goes right-

And lands a smash!
Oh, You're really askin' for it now!

John rear-ends the Pagani-

-And cracks it's chassis, imparing the handling.

It grinds the wall, and slows down.

Almost Immediatly, the Pagani catches up,

And grinds John against the wall.
Dispatch to John.V- Your Vehicle has sustained moderate chassis damage; We recommend~
He switches the radio off, and shunts the Pagani again.

It's successful, but sets the Pagani up for another slam-

-that nearly spins John!
Damn, this guy is tough, the 2nd turnaround! My last chance!

Having damaged the Pagani heavily, it nearly spun going around the chicane.

John got in front-

-dabbed his brakes-

-and was overtaken by the Pagani.

It lines up John for one last-

Now out of power, John slowly nudged the Pagani towards the wall.
Dispatch, I have apprehended the suspect-
A male, early 20s. Send a Patrol car over to pick him up.
Copy that. Sending a squad car over. Dispatch out.
Driving and Lime green Pagani Zonda R provided by