Corvette C7

  • Thread starter boomee
Speaking as an industry insider, I'm awaiting the C7 with great interest.

The American automakers are now courting the World stage as never before, and declarations that 'interiors are a bit plasticky' and 'design is too brash' have worn them a little thin. However, the C6 'Vette (or 2012 Camaro, for that matter) don't need much of a upgrade to make them truly World-class.

This is now very much understood, and as a UK based engineer used to bespoke leather interiors and having a great interest in design-for-manufacture, if GM get the balance right with the C7... they could well have a car which is not just the equal but the better of 911, M3, etc without even referring to cost. Once you factor in the price, like the 1960's E-Type (or even 63 'Vette) you may be getting the bargain GT/sportscar of the century so far.

I've seen the grimy underbelly engineering of pretty much all the modern high-performance cars, from GT-R to 911, from Lotus to Ferrari, from Aston Martin to Bentley, as well as Ford GT (yuk - a right cut and shut that was), and a plethora of BMWs including the forthcoming i-cars.

And if the step-up from C6 to C7 is even half as big as was the step-up from C5 to C6, well, Mister Patriotic-American-car-enthusiast, sir, you'll have something to be proud of.
I like what GM have done with the current Corvette-

Make the regular one for all of the idiots who go "Yeah, I have a Corvette, which means I'm rich and patriotic" (Neither of which are usually true)

and then the ZR1 for people who actually want/can afford a great super car.

Hopefully they can keep this up.
The American automakers are now courting the World stage as never before, and declarations that 'interiors are a bit plasticky' and 'design is too brash' have worn them a little thin.

I'd agree up to a point, though the C6's interior really is atrocious. I've not driven one, only sat in them at a few motor shows, and it feels a good 15-20 years off the pace in terms of design and quality.

But your sentiment is spot-on - Chevy could do as little as update the interior and the C6's appeal would immediately double, and it's an appealing car to start with.

The one, single thing Chevy really needs to concentrate on for the C7 is a nice interior. Without going nuts and have it affect the car's value of course, but something better than late 90s Korean superminis would be a good start. The Chevy Volt has a great interior so GM obviously knows how to do it these days.
I like what GM have done with the current Corvette-

Make the regular one for all of the idiots who go "Yeah, I have a Corvette, which means I'm rich and patriotic" (Neither of which are usually true)

and then the ZR1 for people who actually want/can afford a great super car.

Hopefully they can keep this up.

And the Z06 for real car people who know they could run rings around a ZR1 by putting $10K into the engine ;)
I'd agree up to a point, though the C6's interior really is atrocious. I've not driven one, only sat in them at a few motor shows, and it feels a good 15-20 years off the pace in terms of design and quality.

But your sentiment is spot-on - Chevy could do as little as update the interior and the C6's appeal would immediately double, and it's an appealing car to start with.

The one, single thing Chevy really needs to concentrate on for the C7 is a nice interior. Without going nuts and have it affect the car's value of course, but something better than late 90s Korean superminis would be a good start. The Chevy Volt has a great interior so GM obviously knows how to do it these days.
Hasn't that been the rub since at least the C5, though?
Hasn't that been the rub since at least the C5, though?

It has, but that doesn't excuse the C6. Each 'Vette seems to have an interior that should have seen service in the previous generation. If the C7 has an interior from its own decade, then that'd be something to celebrate.
I'd agree up to a point, though the C6's interior really is atrocious. I've not driven one, only sat in them at a few motor shows, and it feels a good 15-20 years off the pace in terms of design and quality.

It depends on which interior option you've got. After they added the "upgrade" in 2008, which added a bunch of leather and some other refined materials, it was significantly better. But for $13,000... I don't really think it was a good idea to buy outright. I mean, it took them until 2012 to finally fix the goddamn seats, offering up a separate option that isn't completely flat and designed for comfort.

Based on what I've seen as of late, there aren't many Corvettes that don't have the upgraded interior option. However, I am uncertain about the upgraded seats for this year... I haven't gone to check on a new Corvette in years, they just haven't updated anything enough to warrant it.

My guess is, based on the popularity of those options, they'll make it all standard equipment in the new Corvette, and the base price of the car will likely balloon into the mid/high $50K range (which is still a solid value), leaving room for the Camaro and "Code" (or whatever they're calling it) below.

GM can do interiors, their new Buick lineup and all of the new Cadillacs definitely show it. I think the C6's burden comes from it being from another time at GM, and knowing they really didn't need to change much of anything to keep the car competitive.
Yep, the poor quality and design of the interiors of recent 'Vette's (or a lot of American cars) is something they should work on.
They used to look so good.


Even the C4 with its dated digital dashboard has more appeal than the C5 and C6.
Am I the only one here who likes the interior of the C6 and wants GM to carry on making it with maybe just slight tweaks?
Am I the only one here who likes the interior of the C6 and wants GM to carry on making it with maybe just slight tweaks?

Yes. Yes you are.

I mean seriously, this is the ZR1:


Admittedly it looks better with a dab of leather, but you can't polish a turd. The design is at least a decade out of date, the cabin is awash with haphazardly-strewn buttons and the steering wheel looks like it came from a Chevy Cobalt.

What you can't appreciate from the picture is the general air of naffness. Some of that is forgivable for the price, because the 'Vette is great value for the performance, but in reality your average European supermini now has a higher quality interior.

I'm not even against cars with naff interiors - in the right car, they can sometimes be endearing. And ultimately, as long as the driving position is good I can usually cope. But really the 'Vette deserves a bit better.
And the Z06 for real car people who know they could run rings around a ZR1 by putting $10K into the engine ;)

Yeah the Z06 was the Corvette from this generation, even in stock form.

Am I the only one here who likes the interior of the C6 and wants GM to carry on making it with maybe just slight tweaks?

Well, besides the seats being trash I don't see what's wrong with it.
A 50k Corvette compared to a 50k Audi is hilarious. Have you actually driven a Corvette before? Calling the interior subpar is far too kind. It's bad.
Just for comparison's sake - an interior shot from an Australian car whose design is now 15 years old.

Quite. I like the Corvette itself, but that needs to change. I'm sure it will - American carmakers in general have really stepped up their interiors in the last five years or so.
I think if they get a good balance of style, control, economy and much, much better interior. I would like it more, the Viper seems like its taken design ques from europe aso hope the Vette does too, and if they want to take on the world they need to acknowledge the world a put the wheel on the RIGHT side. The competition put it on the left as an option so why can't GM switch it too.
Am I the only one here who likes the interior of the C6 and wants GM to carry on making it with maybe just slight tweaks?

I like it as well.

It's not the best interior, but I don't mind it as long as Chevy keeps putting the money where it matters on a car like this. (drivetrain & chassis)
I hope they make it more expensive and bring in an easier slower cheaper baby vette, i see to many storys that make me laugh because they can afford a vette (and nothing else) and end up crashing it in no time. Should be priced like a supercar if it acts like a super car. Yes cheapness brought in the money before but if its of higher standard/quality and 20k more expensive, what to say that it wouldn't sell as much, or at least make sure they can drive it properly. If there was a baby c7 then people could be that and get a taste of a supercar without going over the limit. Dodge should do the same, a 75% sized version. What you think?
I like what GM have done with the current Corvette-

Make the regular one for all of the idiots who go "Yeah, I have a Corvette, which means I'm rich and patriotic" (Neither of which are usually true)

Can't say I bought my base C6 for that. But I'm sure people have, in the same way people buy used 3 series BMW's for 10 grand and act like they're better than you.

I like it as well.

It's not the best interior, but I don't mind it as long as Chevy keeps putting the money where it matters on a car like this. (drivetrain & chassis)
Ya, it's pretty dated by today's standards. But you gotta realized this car came out back in '05 and it was one of the best interior's for GM at the time. Since then, everyone even GM have stepped up their game. So I suspect the C7's interior will be as dramatic in change and quality as the C5-C6. I sorta moved up from a '95 F body so this interior feels perfect. Then again, I could care less what a car is like inside. I'm more into how the car performs and drives. Granted, if it's a 200k Bentley I might care a little more about inside ergonomics. But of course that's just my take and everyone has their own preferences right?
I hope they make it more expensive and bring in an easier slower cheaper baby vette, i see to many storys that make me laugh because they can afford a vette (and nothing else) and end up crashing it in no time. Should be priced like a supercar if it acts like a super car. Yes cheapness brought in the money before but if its of higher standard/quality and 20k more expensive, what to say that it wouldn't sell as much, or at least make sure they can drive it properly. If there was a baby c7 then people could be that and get a taste of a supercar without going over the limit. Dodge should do the same, a 75% sized version. What you think?
Everyone's heard stories of people affording "X" car and hearing about it getting wrecked by said owner in "X" amount of time. The Corvette is no different than say a novice driver wrecking their mom's corolla. It's all in the maturity of the driver. I'm not saying I'm a pro by all means since I haven't wrecked mine because I'm sure if I gave my Corvette to my 16 year old self, I'd probably end up wrapping myself around a tree quite quickly. I don't agree with your "should be priced like a supercar if it acts like one" comment. Because everyone knows that money can't buy skill. If you speak like that, then do you think that a GTR for example should cost supercar price as well? A Corvette's always been that high performance car that people dream of yet are still able to afford one if they work hard enough. (I bought mine used for a steal so I don't really count) It's the "everyman's" high performance sports car. There's always been a baby Corvette, it's called a Camaro (Well okay not always, since they killed the 4th gen in '02 and then came out with the 5th gen in '10). Dodge has cheaper performance car's as well underneath the Viper in terms of performance. They're all under the SRT-8 moniker.
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A Corvette's always been that high performance car that people dream of yet are still able to afford one if they work hard enough. (I bought mine used for a steal so I don't really count) It's the "everyman's" high performance sports car. There's always been a baby Corvette, it's called a Camaro (Well okay not always, since they killed the 4th gen in '02 and then came out with the 5th gen in '10). Dodge has cheaper performance car's as well underneath the Viper in terms of performance. They're all under the SRT-8 moniker.

Bingo on both points. New Corvettes are already expensive enough these days with the base model coupes sitting at over $50k in most places and finding one at/below that price isn't always easy. Theres a high volume Corvette dealer near me and they only ever have a few coupes if any. Most of their stock is Grand Sports starting in the $65-70k range and then on up the line. The ZR1 is borderline supercar priced at between $115-130k.

I think the next camaro needs to lose some weight and get back to that "poor man's corvette" image that it used to have.
I hope they make it more expensive...

...What you think?

I think "good luck getting others to agree with you". Part of the appeal of the Corvette, or indeed pretty much any American performance car, has been its affordability. Taking that away just to stop a few idiots crashing makes about as much sense as making it slower to achieve the same result.
Just thought i'd gauge a response tbh. I no that the appeal is the affordability but unless there hit the global market then it will only be affordable in america. And a DB9 (DBS for ZR1) is the same price bracket by the time its over here, if it ends up on sale in Europe with a euro spec (as they are revamping the factory) it could do well............would do well.

Also, Surprised no-one has mentioned the appearance of the C7 in GT5 yet? (in here)
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I think its about time this got put here because it still does partain to the car:

I also think with this massive surprise, we can actually more easily speculate on what it'll actually look like now that we have a 3d refference (Courtesy of PD) instead of hilariously poor renders and Spy shots.





Right off the bat, I'm actually seeing abit of the Stingray concept in the front end. That lip, that grille, even the overall nose shape shares some resemblance.