You don't really know how to debate a point, do you?
Yes, board mother, I do (edit: what Synon said). I wanted to indicate that people who insist that you can't race the A.I. or ever lose to the A.I. or have fun with the A.I. CAN, if you give the game a chance. Which MEANS, you do not have to consider GT6 as NOTHING more than a hot lapper app. And unless you have memory deficiency, you surely remember me saying this. Unless you do a lot of skimming.
I HAVE mentioned more than a couple of times that yes, the bots need to be improved. You grouchers have a weird attitude, that if we don't howl about the cars all sounding like vacuum cleaners that we LOVE the sound in GT6. That if we don't gripe endlessly about the bots that we LOVE the bots. That if we don't spit at the Standard cars that we want ALL the cars to be Standards, we love them so much. And that we love Kaz and Polyphony Digital SO much that... well, see below.
You're forgiven.
It's what eventually became rickrolling, it's basically a troll. I was attempting to say in an entertaining way that even if (remember,
if, I'm not saying they're going to do it) GT8 was a troll game in which Polyphony sent a big F.U. to all the players, there would still be some people who would buy it.
Not a large number of people and I specified that, because by and large consumers are fairly discerning, but there are the rabid fans out there who would buy anything with a GT logo on the front.
I think you are highly mistaken, young person. As perpetually addicted as gamers are to anything with Madden, Halo or that 🤬 GTA series, they will not buy ANYTHING with that name on it if it turns out to be, say, Tetris.
You perpetuate a false meme.
Well, you certainly missed the point of my post. No, releasing a game for the public to buy is not the problem, releasing half a game and failing to support it properly is. The attitude that I spoke of as a problem is the one that way too many people are willing to fork out even more money for anything with the name GT on it. This is the attitude that allows PD to put out such a sub standard product like GT6, completely ignore "the fans" you so highly speak of and then even think about putting out another installment of the series before finishing the current one.
Absolutely wrong on all counts. The only way this argument works is if Kaz and the team have become so enamored with PS4 and the possibilities it offers, and grown so bored of GT6 that they dropped it. Something much more involved and possibly corporate is going on.
I. Have. Discussed. This. Very. Point. A lot.
I was one of those this time around that said, Yes Kaz, release GT6 when you said you would, and I'll be happy to wait for those updates because GT5 was built buy you and your team with some annoying design choices. Some of that was from the odd way the Japanese look at games like weird little Pokemonish collectibles. Part of it was from bad design choices like the XP system, especially the way it was implemented, and Race Mod that let you race mod only 17 cars, with limp liveries in which you could paint all of one surface. And after racing my sims and Forza 4 after a long hiatus, the physics in GT5 felt too sure and safe, and about a dozen other things I disliked. I was ready to move on to a fresh installment.
Now look, you are clearly aware of two huge Damoclesian swords hanging over GT6 which we have been debating for at least several weeks here.
- PS4 was released first, and sorely lacks a good racer since Drive Club and Project CARS are late to the party.
- Rumors of PD working hot n heavy on a Prologue have infected net discussions like a plague.
This is what happens when you release a flagship game like GT6 after a weird GT5 on the old system, and people don't flock to it in the usual flood. Especially when the parent company is starved for liquid cash.
You guys have a very hard point to prove, in that PD has become used to producing weird, wonky, unfinished games, because many of those very same people were there working on every game in the series. GT5, we have discussed to death, and too many people act like GT5 was made in isolation with absolutely nothing else going on to distract the team, when GT PSP was a huge interruption, and a damage build that got mostly scrapped was another. GT6, we're in the process of beating that horse, and you can't ignore the need SONY has for a racing game for PS4. Especially one with Gran Turismo on the box which won't really be Tetris. But even as wonky and weird as GT5 and 6 are, they are pretty darn good racers. Still, they can't hold a candle to whats possible on PS4.
You can rant and rave at those of us who would want a Prologue as blithering idiots or whatever, but you can't deny that this sort of game has some real, actual appeal. And especially the fact that anything Kaz can do on PS3 will be a quantum leap better on PS4.
Now, whatever happens, happens. If it ends up that we get GT7P and GT6 kind of gets leftover work to bring it to GT5 level, you can either waste a lot of time here complaining when you could be enjoying yourself, or you can be more pragmatical about the situation.
And on the matter of enjoying myself, I think I will. You guys sit here and grump forever if you want, but I think having fun is more fun.