You think I'm defending PD? I'm providing observations and reasoning from stated assumptions.
Please go and read some of my post history. I'm about as critical of Polyphony and Sony as it comes. I think the way that they have handled both GT5 and GT6 this generation is atrocious, and would be considered poor form from a brand new indie company.
However, I'm not about to accuse them of raking in millions and swimming in pools of cash if the evidence isn't there to support it. The evidence shows that they're making what is likely a tidy profit, but probably nothing like what they saw back in the good old days of GT1 through GT4. And certainly not 🤬 you money like Rockstar probably made off GTA5.
You'll have no problem providing some evidence for that then. I've done my best, let's see what you can come up with. You're yet to provide any reasoning for your claim, other than "they sold a lot, so they must be making lots of money".
Humorous.... Guess what? You may be shocked to learn it, but no... I have no need to provide evidence to you or anyone beyond what I've provided. You seem to think one has to be a business major to comment on the greed behind their slaggardly performance, and to provide detailed financial reports for Sony and their vassal satellite profit centers? Lol... That's ripe. If they don't make a dime but provide what they advertised and btw, what we paid for, then they did their job but any reduced profit is their loss, tough, since they then clearly under-priced the product. Too bad for poor Sony corporation.
If I offer an item for sale and make no profit, it's my bad, not yours for buying it.However, If I sell you that object, then turn around and don't deliver, or deliver only a part of it, then it's not only my "bad" but I've also become criminal, in spirit if not also in a court of law. I'll leave the posting of industry financials to you and the rest of the reseller community posing on the forums as if you were "regular joe" customers, as it's beyond my pervue both in terms of easy availability and my own personal interest, which doesn't extend to following detailed game-industry financial numbers.
We all pick sides. I'm not an investor in this. I'm a consumer. As such, I'll fight for my rights to receive what I paid for, not for your right to make a "tidy" profit at my expense so you can drive your porsche.
I also don't follow game industry financials and I'm not about to start. I can, however do a rough calculation based on assumed playership and combine it with the product price to establish a raw input value from customers, ie, what is being lost from consumer's bank accounts and what's being taken in by you and your 1% friends. For the first 1 million licenses, that number would roughly be $60,000,000, as predicated by initial sale prices at and prior to release (I ordered my copy in either August or September 2013), and generously accounting for subsequent discounting post-release, and a guesstimate at the
present gt6 player numbers of around 3-4 million, that's roughly $180,000,000 taken in by Sony, PD, and all their partner middlemen resellers so far. As far as I'm concerned, ie, as an end-user, they or "you" are all part of the same entity.
In any case, neither Sony nor PD are going away crying with their pockets empty. They are making a profit. What you call "tidy" profit, and what I call, in light of their continued failure to deliver paid content, and the current NWO business community's low value vs price "hand over fist".
Yes, I think you are defending Sony/PD, regardless of whether you realize it, whether your motivations are born of loyalty to Sony, to PD, or whether something I said reminded you of your own similar business practices or the economic class to which you belong. Your post was quite clearly a defense of Sony/PD and the business practices they employ, (or a defense of the economic class which employs these NWO practices) no matter any other posts you've written.
Finally, I am not writing about GT1, or GT4, or GTA. I am writing about GT6. You guys sure like to blur the lines between what is and what was and what will be, as if GT1 or GTA predicates the responsibilities that Sony and PD have wrt GT6. GT1 is gone. done, over. GTA is someone else's title.