COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I can imagine why you don't see the meaning of my post: i don't arg about the meaning of the data, i contest the quality of the data and the idea that we can rely on them.
Was it plan that you daughter stays in NL after visiting university?

Another exemple here:

Lombardy* death/million is 676 to date, Calabria is 15.
Considering Italy, or any other country at this stage is just making an arbitrary composite dataset. Virus doesn't care about frontiers.
*: For context, Lombardy GDP per Capita is more than the double of Calabria. Lombardy is also known to be one of the most connected European region with China and have since investigated past (before the surge) severe pneumonia cases to find they were actually undetected Covid-19 cases.​

Still not sure of your point? But if you're saying the quality of the data is questionable, I totally agree. The numbers are presented as though they represent firm statistical data with universal application, whereas, in fact, I suspect they are dependent upon the approach taken by each reporting jurisdiction. So their usefulness in extrapolating to other jurisdictions may be limited. I guess we'll know better when this whole episode comes to an end & the data can be analysised more thoroughly

I have one daughter studying in the Hague - she's under (somewhat half-hearted) Dutch lockdown. My other daughter was supposed to go to the Netherlands to look at universities. She never went & will now have to decide without visiting them (although she has spent a fair amount of time in the Netherlands already visiting her sister).
Over 100 pages deep and people still can't grasp the basic concept that is at the very point of this pandemic... staggering
I have left my house two times since the 3rd week of February, each time wearing mask, glasses and gloves.
I have read every post in this thread, and contributed numerous times. I think I grasp the concept of pandemic.
This doesn't make much sense, the company "can" get 80% of the wage bill back from HMRC for workers that are furloughed, it would be those that are willing to take the 20% decrease that would be furloughed first I'd have thought. I understand that even if things are busy, cash flow might be in a bad state and the next couple of months are bound to bring uncertainty. We've had all first half orders for medical stuff pulled forward to ASAP, we've got a tonne of work to do, but next month we'll be struggling for cash in the bank to pay for stuff because of a rocky Brexit related start to the year.
Our CEO is saying revenues have taken a sudden downturn across the UK so despite my area being busy they want to have an excuse to reduce their wage bill. They sneaked the message in in an email to a little used HR inbox while some of us were working at home and didn't have full access to mail. At the same time they're also trying to pull the "if you don't reply to this by the deadline then you have automatically accepted the pay cut" trick.

Most of us on the site I'm on have been here decades and they'd have to pay us at least two years' wages in the event of a layoff so it's time to dig our heels in. This is their way of trying to constructively dismiss us so they avoid paying us off. The job market is so ropey at the moment that they think they can afford to get away with shenanigans like this.
Total deaths in the US are still only in 4 figures. The highest figure in the past 10 years for ordinary flu deaths is 61,000. Yet our leaders are saying this is war, or like war, or the moral equivalent of war. The disruption to society has been as bad (or worse?) than WWII. In a real war, soldiers or citizens who side with the enemy, walk away from their posts, practice treason, subversion, propaganda or sabotage are dealt with harshly. In a real war we normally fall into line with leadership, chain of command and in support of the cause of victory. Fighting a real war requires discipline. If our soldiers and citizens lack commitment to the cause, lack discipline or the ethic to support the cause, then they must be disciplined.

In wartime, the occasional rebel or mental defect who claims the earth is flat or the moon made of cheese doesn't make the grade as a soldier or useful citizen. We used to put them in insane asylums, but not prisons. Depriving them of the means to communicate by phone/computer/etc by commercial communications account moderators, police or court order would be a thing.
America has been at war for the last 18 years straight. Plenty of people, including government officials, have voiced opinions that could easily be construed as “siding with the enemy”. Should everyone who objected to Vietnam have been put in a mental hospital, or cut off from society?

I mean, why does known conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow still have a TV show?

After Soliamani was killed, several US media outlets were quoting Iranian State TV propaganda, verbatim. We going to throw CNN in the looney bin?

Slightly shifting gears, but still on the topic of censoring info that goes counter to the accepted narrative....have a look at this.

Say what you want about Laura Ingram, say what you want about Hydroxichloroquine....but you’ve got Twitter, an American company (I think) removing an American’s post for being “fake news”, but doing nothing about Chinese government officials promoting a conspiracy theory that originated from a website that is known for its holocaust denial (Global Research)
Italy has been hit super-hard, not through a lack of effort or preparation, but mostly by a confluence of bad luck and unique circumstances. With a bit of luck, their plight will not be in vain - as alluded to above, a hard hit now should hopefully lessen the impact of future waves of the virus.

I think it is due to preparation, but not in a manner you can blame anyone or anything for. It seems rather that Italy was hit by an unforeseen and massive wave of sudden infections. The poor souls were never given a chance to prepare themselves.

Although, to be honest, I do believe that poor healthcare, budget cutting, and the general poor standards of health and hospitals in the southern countries play a lead-role in the high number of casualties.

For Italy's sake, I will join you in the hope that they've endured the worst...
Say what you want about Laura Ingram, say what you want about Hydroxichloroquine....but you’ve got Twitter, an American company (I think) removing an American’s post for being “fake news”, but doing nothing about Chinese government officials promoting a conspiracy theory that originated from a website that is known for its holocaust denial (Global Research)

That's because, for whatever reason, the whole world seemingly loves to kiss China and Winnie the Pooh's behind. I get it's about money, but I really wish companies would have a spine and not buy into China's propaganda.
I think it is due to preparation, but not in a manner you can blame anyone or anything for. It seems rather that Italy was hit by an unforeseen and massive wave of sudden infections. The poor souls were never given a chance to prepare themselves.

Although, to be honest, I do believe that poor healthcare, budget cutting, and the general poor standards of health and hospitals in the southern countries play a lead-role in the high number of casualties.

I can't comment on the quality of healthcare in Italy, but I'm not sure that the comment about "general poor standards of health" is fair. Surely, one of the reasons for the high mortality rate was because of good health in the sense that there are more very old people in Italy than elsewhere?
That's because, for whatever reason, the whole world seemingly loves to kiss China and Winnie the Pooh's behind. I get it's about money, but I really wish companies would have a spine and not buy into China's propaganda.
Unfortunately it’s not just money, and this is just my opinion, but I believe there is a growing number of people in positions of power, or who would be considered as part of the “global elite,” who look at the CCP model and believe it’s the correct way for humanity to move forward, in regards to “solving” some of society’s larger problems. And I think it’s the classic “well the theory seems great”, but in practice, things go very sideways very quickly (and of course, while the idea is that everyone would be treated equally, obviously that doesn’t happen in practice).

To me, when I take a step back and look at this Coronavirus situation as a whole, we have a disaster which originated in China, to which the world is almost being forced to adapt CCP style policies to combat. Tinfoil hat time, it it makes me think....
The problem in North America in general. Big Cities, New York,LA,Chicago,Toronto Houston,etc. There are major drug problems,homelessness in the inner city and elsewhere. If it gets into that population we are in for huge problems. Hospitals will be overwhelmed. Unfortunately and I hope not,this is looking like a major problem.
Just to lighten the mood a little bit, has anyone else noticed a significant decrease in the amount of spam calls they're getting? We just realized there haven't been any for awhile when we usually get at least a half dozen every day. Just got two today so I guess they were approved to go back to work? :lol:
The problem in North America in general. Big Cities, New York,LA,Chicago,Toronto Houston,etc. There are major drug problems,homelessness in the inner city and elsewhere. If it gets into that population we are in for huge problems. Hospitals will be overwhelmed. Unfortunately and I hope not,this is looking like a major problem.
It can’t be worse in the US than in somewhere like India or Pakistan (see the pictures and videos of displaced Indian workers I posted a couple of days ago).

What about the refugee camps in Greece, or the goings-on at the Greek/Turkish boarder?

I don’t disagree that it’s a major problem, i just don’t see how the US is in a worse position than huge amounts of the global population.
It can’t be worse in the US than in somewhere like India or Pakistan (see the pictures and videos of displaced Indian workers I posted a couple of days ago).

What about the refugee camps in Greece, or the goings-on at the Greek/Turkish boarder?

I don’t disagree that it’s a major problem, i just don’t see how the US is in a worse position than huge amounts of the global population.
Look at the US rate of infection. Give it 2 weeks. Its hitting India,that is another problem they will have to deal with. Their healthcare system in India will implode.
Ontario public schools closed until at least May 4 now. Private schools and daycares officially until 13 April, but only because the provinces is limited to mandating that 14 days at a time under the emergency measures. Isn't a snowball's chance in hell of them being open before the public schools though.
US has passed china in deaths now.
But Trump doesn't believe in China's numbers. :lol:

Also said that 1 million people have been tested in the US, and follows up in saying I haven't heard about testing for weeks.
So has 1 million been tested?
So Arizona is in stay at home status starting 5pm tonight, through the end of April. I will still be traveling to work unfortunately. Apparently testing new cars falls into a gray area under "auto repair", so I'll be given a piece of paper stating I'm allowed to travel to work in case I get pulled over. (doubt it)
Also said that 1 million people have been tested in the US, and follows up in saying I haven't heard about testing for weeks.
So has 1 million been tested?

The news here is reporting Trump's "one million" claim and saying that the real figure is far, far fewer. The estimate is that despite being a global epicentre for the virus the US has only done about a third of the testing of Italy per-capita. Governors reportedly told Trump in a conference call that they simply don't have enough test kits, I suspect that's the root of the low number of tests rather than any unwillingness to perform them.

The US lockdown seems a bit straggly, very late, and there seems to be little acceptance in government of the fact that it may go on for more than just a couple of months. It's strange to see the US caught on the back foot like this unless, all personality jibes aside, Trump genuinely does control everything the government and authorities do to such an extent that they're incapable of acting on issues that he himself doesn't understand (or wishes to ignore).
The US lockdown seems a bit straggly, very late, and there seems to be little acceptance in government of the fact that it may go on for more than just a couple of months.

It totally depends on the state. Each state is dealing with its own little pandemic with its own pandemic timeline.

As you can see from the data, state responses and progressions are all over the map. Demographics are different, response from government is different, local healthcare systems are different, emergency preparedness is different...
USA might want to do the census next year or whenever the virus runs its course for the year. There's going to be less people for sure by then.
If it weren't for our Governors stepping in with the shutdowns we'd really be up sh creek. And thanks must go to Dr. Brix and Fauci and the team, even somewhat Pence. Without them Trump would be damned along with the rest of us. Trump believes nobody including the virus team, obviously. How could a President think people would be stealing masks? C'mon man WTF? Find your own facts (weed thru the mess) and don't rely on others for the truth, most others have their own agenda/spin, that's life. Help those in the health care field helping us if you can. #StayhomeStaysafe
Just to lighten the mood a little bit, has anyone else noticed a significant decrease in the amount of spam calls they're getting? We just realized there haven't been any for awhile when we usually get at least a half dozen every day. Just got two today so I guess they were approved to go back to work? :lol:
Calls have dropped but my inbox has increased probably by 50% at least from retailers..
Russia is threatening to jail anyone responsible for causing someone else to become infected and die from COVID-19 for seven years. Pretty difficult to prove, but also a pretty serious deterrent to anyone thinking about ignoring health advice being promoted around the globe by people who know what they are talking about. As such, though it is perhaps unlikely to ever be enforced, it is at least a good sign that Russia are taking this deadly seriously.

And yet, Bolsonaro, Trump and several others are directly putting the lives of the citizens they swore an oath to protect at risk, and for what? Trump is, at the very least, tempered by the fact that the US is awash with some of the finest scientific and economic minds the world has to offer, and yet his words somehow (and tragically) can and do carry far more weight than all of these people combined with a frighteningly high number of people who, paradoxically, 'don't like being told what to do', and yet hang on Trump's every unbelievably dumb word.

Bolsonaro, on the other hand, is just pure evil. A cretinous, dangerous, vicious pig of a human being who is a clear and present danger to the very people who handed him power... let's hope they never forget what he is doing to their country.

When it's the drugs gangs in the favelas that are trying to enforce the quarantine you know the country is in trouble.
I think a good compromise would be for Bolsonaro to meet with the drug gangs who disagree with his approach to discuss the situation. In order to gain their trust, Bolsonaro should agree to meet with them alone and in a secluded spot, preferably near some swamp land or deep in the Amazon forest.
Russia is threatening to jail anyone responsible for causing someone else to become infected and die from COVID-19 for seven years. Pretty difficult to prove, but also a pretty serious deterrent to anyone thinking about ignoring health advice being promoted around the globe by people who know what they are talking about. As such, though it is perhaps unlikely to ever be enforced, it is at least a good sign that Russia are taking this deadly seriously.

Isn't this just another 'legal' way to remove dissidents?