COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I went to Morrison's yesterday and for the first time encountered a queue outside. But... it only took about 5 minutes to clear and then the shop itself was much quieter than normal, so it was a great thing to see.

I couldn't help noticing the music, however. The first song that was playing as I entered was 'I'm Still Standing' by Elton John... I couldn't help but think that someone, somewhere is having a laugh. I also noticed some mildly inappropriate music the last time I was there, but I can't remember exactly what it was. Now I am primed for an experiment - I'm going to compile a list of inappropriate songs to check if someone really is putting on subtly inappropriate songs on purpose, or if it is just my imagination.

On a related note, the BBC showed a heartwarming video of a whole street dancing to 'Night Fever' by The Bee Gees. I said "at least it's not 'Stayin' Alive'... or 'Tragedy'..." though, come to think of it, 'Night Fever' is not exactly entirely appropriate either.
Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take effect however all of this takes a number of days. Their recommendations for what you can do to safeguard yourself are ...
1) Drink lots of hot liquids - coffees, soups, teas, warm water. In addition take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes bc this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that’s entered your mouth into your stomach where your gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.
2) Gargle with an antiseptic and warm water like vinegar or salt or lemon every day if possible
3) The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. And detergent or soap kills it but you must take bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down in your home and go straight to the shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily, hang them in sunlight which also helps to neutralize the virus
4) Wash metallic surfaces very carefully bc the virus can stay viable on these for up to 9 days. Take note and be vigilant about touching hand rails, door knobs, etc. and keep these clean in home home
5) Don’t smoke
6) Wash your hands every 20 minutes with any soap that foams and do this for 20 seconds
7) Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levelS
8)Animals do not spread the virus to people. Its a person to person transmission.
9)Try to avoid getting the common flu as this already weakens your system and try to avoid eating and drinking any cold things.
10) If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the system through the throat but will sit in the throat for 3-4 days before it passes into your lungs.
In addition ...
Experts suggest doing this simple verification every morning: Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If this can be done without coughing, without difficulty, this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. It is recommended to do this control every morning to help detect infection.
Anyone have an answer for how much of this is true?

I can't find anything to verify it, I can't help but think this might be part of the reason for some negatives.
I've seen and heard of a couple posts going around talking about sore throats, but the CDC and WHO haven't added it to their list as far as I can tell.
Xinnie's puppet at the WHO pissed off more people than I imagined.


Sign here if you want to.
Sad news today. My colleague who contracted Covid-19 has passed away this morning.

It’s still unclear if he contracted it in our workplace or at home through his wife who is a nurse.

He did have poor health and suffered a chest infection in December through into January.

Just stay safe and look after each other.
Anyone have an answer for how much of this is true?
Yeah, none of it. This is yet another recycling of the list shared around by gullible boomer mums on Facebook.

As soon as you see the "warm liquids" part, close it down and block whoever sent it. Unless you're related to them, in which case inform them that they should fact-check things sent to them by Aunt Gladys, whose son's girlfriend's sister is a nurse, before sending it out to everyone on their friends list, because they're making **** worse if they don't.

The opening paragraph is a gem, either written by someone who has very little knowledge, or designed to confuse people with very little knowledge:

So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take effect however all of this takes a number of days.
The medicine is inhaled, is it?
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Sad news today. My colleague who contracted Covid-19 has passed away this morning.

It’s still unclear if he contracted it in our workplace or at home through his wife who is a nurse.

He did have poor health and suffered a chest infection in December through into January.

Just stay safe and look after each other.
Very sorry to hear that.

My sister's friend and neighbour from Milan has just found out that her Uncle has died, and that her father cannot attend his funeral.

Alas, I fear we will hear many more sad stories before this is through.
Sad news today. My colleague who contracted Covid-19 has passed away this morning.

It’s still unclear if he contracted it in our workplace or at home through his wife who is a nurse.

He did have poor health and suffered a chest infection in December through into January.

Just stay safe and look after each other.
Really sad to hear, RIP.
And now someone in government has said "herd immunity strategy" and can rightfully be utterly pilloried for it:

Of course it was Hunt.
And now someone in government has said "herd immunity strategy" and can rightfully be utterly pilloried for it:

Of course it was Hunt.

Are we keeping bingo cards for the predictable tomfoolery?
He is loosing political support in the states (including former political allies, that perceived his incompetence, I would say too late), our Congress just eats him everytime he tries to do anything, and our Supreme Court already leaked that any crazy move from him will not last 30 minutes.
That sort of separation of powers is enviable.
Day 5.
Said to be peaking late May here.
Not as bad but still above the "line"

The weirdest thing came to think.
What if all this virus was Thunberg's attempt to stop climate change?
Some rumor's say it was an attempt to stop the worst polluting countries so make a better Earth.
A big jump in numbers of deaths in the UK in the past 24 hours. Up 50% from yesterday to 563. RIP.

That's just deaths that are in a hospital and that the family have consented to their loved ones death being recorded I believe(?), plus a natural lag time and I would imagine we're fair bit higher...

Also thank you to whoever keeps the OP updated, work is mad at the moment and I've not had much chance to really spend making it useful so thanks
In Washington State it's cold, wet and windy. But there's a glimmer of hope in recent albeit incomplete data: Hospitalizations for patients with symptoms of COVID-19 declined last week by more than 20%. The number had been rising for more than a month. Our hospitals are not yet running at capacity. Equipment is in short supply but so far is enough. We have done 65,324 tests with 4,880 confirmed positive. Deaths are 195, the bulk of which I think are from nursing homes. We remain in lockdown until further notice.
Are people really this bad with money?

I could understand if we were several months into lockdowns, but if you're struggling to pay bills after missing out on a couple weeks of income you are living beyond your means.
People wind up living paycheck to paycheck for a huge number of reasons. I don’t think now is the time to be judging people for their financial situation.

There are plenty of multi billion dollar corporations who are asking to be bailed out after only a few weeks of shut down. How come Boeing was unable to set aside a rainy day savings account?
Day 5.
Said to be peaking late May here.
Not as bad but still above the "line"

The weirdest thing came to think.
What if all this virus was Thunberg's attempt to stop climate change?
Some rumor's say it was an attempt to stop the worst polluting countries so make a better Earth.
Did you actually just post this? Really? Yes it was all a ploy by a 16 year old to stop pollution by killing innocent people.Wow,here we go with utter nonsense.
Day 5.
Said to be peaking late May here.
Not as bad but still above the "line"

The weirdest thing came to think.
What if all this virus was Thunberg's attempt to stop climate change?
Some rumor's say it was an attempt to stop the worst polluting countries so make a better Earth.
I think blaming this on Greta is a wee bit of a stretch (blaming the Davos crowd would be less of a stretch)...but every crisis is a great opportunity to push an agenda. Canada’s Environment Minister wastes no time

At least she got ratio’d for that tweet.
Are people really this bad with money?

I could understand if we were several months into lockdowns, but if you're struggling to pay bills after missing out on a couple weeks of income you are living beyond your means.
Well **** me I guess.

If I go without work for 75% of a month I would barely be able to afford half my rent. Not taking into consideration of actually being able to live after that.
That's just deaths that are in a hospital and that the family have consented to their loved ones death being recorded I believe(?), plus a natural lag time and I would imagine we're fair bit higher...

Also thank you to whoever keeps the OP updated, work is mad at the moment and I've not had much chance to really spend making it useful so thanks
Yeah I was just coming here to post the very same thing. Are other countries reporting deaths in the same way?
I think blaming this on Greta is a wee bit of a stretch (blaming the Davos crowd would be less of a stretch)...

You think blaming a 16yr old child for a global pandemic emanating from a specific city in mainland China is a stretch, but blaming the population of a small town in Switzerland to be less of a stretch? :lol:

I love the stupidity of these conspiracy nuts, nothing ever changes
We're starting to see a slow down in new cases here and that's with a major ramp-up in testing abilities:


I'm assuming some other states are seeing the same sort of thing as well. I just wish we could close our state's borders to keep out of state travelers out of here. The number of California and Colorado license plates I see is staggering, especially heading up the canyons to do, what I assume is backcountry skiing. Hopefully once the weather turns nicer we don't see a spike in all the out of state tourists that come in to enjoy the national parks.
So, now it appears that wearing face masks may, in fact, help in preventing the spread of the virus. This has always seemed somewhat self-evident to me. Being advised to "cough into your sleeve" is a good idea, but wearing a face mask isn't? A whole variety of prophylactic measures represents the logical way to control the spread, rather than relying on a single "miracle cure". I imagine, in the future, well-designed, reusable face masks will become a stock item in every household's medical kit.
Are people really this bad with money?

I could understand if we were several months into lockdowns, but if you're struggling to pay bills after missing out on a couple weeks of income you are living beyond your means.
Have you no clue what's going on around you? Millions of people live paycheck to paycheck. Many of those need more than one job to do it. The problem will get worse as more jobs become automated.
Sad news today. My colleague who contracted Covid-19 has passed away this morning.

It’s still unclear if he contracted it in our workplace or at home through his wife who is a nurse.

He did have poor health and suffered a chest infection in December through into January.

Just stay safe and look after each other.

My condolences, RIP. Stay safe.

That sort of separation of powers is enviable.

In a way, our weakness became our strengh in this situation :)

Our congress is fractured in almost 30 parties. This creates some slowness to resolve things (or corruption...), but in this situation, it helped to brake his impulsivity, and they're acting with relative efficiency to defend the population, surpassing political differences.

What also helped is the fact that since day one he hostilized the congress, the supreme court, free press, and now the governors and mayors (well he's a wannabe dictator after all, any other independent position defies his ideal perverted world), creating animosity that turned against himself, and now he is completely weakened by his inability and incompetence as president. His party elected only 56 out of 513 deputies, 4 out of 81 senators, 3 out of 27 governors, and he already broke up with the party, trying to create a new one that he and his family could control totally.

Today, his support tops 30%, but mainly are politically irrelevant (as cynical as this could feel), although they can still become a problem. A good portion of our lower judiciary courts ideologically allies with him (the figure of Mr. Sergio Moro, a former judge that condemned his political rival before the election, and now is our Justice Minister exemplifies this), a portion of prosecutors defends, daily on Twitter, far-right ideals against the constitution, individuals and democratic institutions, and also military/police officials, especially lower ranks but not limited by it, that even today glorifies the military dictatorship, as himself. He has also some other allies, like some businessman and neoliberal ideologes, wanting to supress labour, association and individual rights for workers, but they are publicly dwindling.