COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
What if all this virus was Thunberg's attempt to stop climate change?

That article has made me a bit homesick... you could see my apartment in that picture if it were higher resolution.

In happier news, the McFly gig due to take place in that big round building is now also likely to be cancelled too.
The problem is we push kids to take on mountains of debt to get a 4-year degree just for the sake of getting a degree. Than once they graduate with their worthless degree that has no real career path they are stuck with said mountain of debt and no job prospects.
Well by that logic I guess there’s no point in getting an education. :rolleyes: I mean I’m not disagreeing with what you said about trade jobs, I help run an autobody shop and I know finding employees is tough, but what you said couldn’t be further from the truth in regards to what it is like after college.
We have got two metre stickers on the floor of the shop now which pretty much everyone is following, its still pretty busy despite the lockdown.

Our manager is off for another two weeks for her chest infection after she coughed on the shop floor on Monday and a customer complained, we will be getting three new temp staff by the end of he week.

The way the death number have risen in the UK in the last two days is pretty scary.
It is a bad time to have a tickle in your throat or unrelated issue that leads to coughing.
It is a bad time to have a tickle in your throat or unrelated issue that leads to coughing.
Like me.

I've had an annoying persistent cough for nearly a month now. I've had it before and got a whole host of tests done, but it isn't anything serious... allegedly.

Given that I am isolating with my 75 y.o. Mum, I had to assume I had the virus for a while, but I now know I am not infected (my Mum tested negative :lol:).

But... what I cannot abide or even remotely understand is how people can openly cough in public without even attempting to contain it. It annoys me at the best of times, but right now it is beyond inconsiderate... it's plain dangerous.

I went to the supermarket and local shop this week and both times someone openly coughed just feet away from me... I nearly lost my rag at them, but figured it was pointless to confront them about it. The fact is, so many people just don't get it... or they do get it, and just don't care.

I think @Danoff might be on to something to compel people to wear masks when they are out, which at the very least would force people to consider being a tad more considerate. Yes, some coughs are hard to control, but it is perfectly possible to keep one's mouth shut when coughing most of the time... but if someone can't control their cough and end up coughing into the open air, then they should away from others.
Given that I am isolating with my 75 y.o. Mum, I had to assume I had the virus for a while, but I now know I am not infected (my Mum tested negative :lol:).
Really? I'd love to know how I can get my mum tested. She's 83.
I haven't seen anything bad in public with regard to unhygienic stuff, but I've only been out a few times since the strict measures came in. They have put one way markers in the lanes at my nearest supermarket though. I pointed them out to a lady ignoring them on Sunday and was just met with an eye roll and a loud hmph.
Really? I'd love to know how I can get my mum tested. She's 83.
Well, my Mum was unfortunate enough to end up in hospital last week for something unrelated to coronavirus, and she was kept in overnight. It turned out she had a slightly high temperature, so they tested her for SARS-CoV-2 and she tested negative. I'm glad to report that she got home the next day and is now recovering well - and, more importantly, is not showing any sign of having picked up an infection while in the hospital... or even from the testing procedure itself.
It is a bad time to have a tickle in your throat or unrelated issue that leads to coughing.

Yeah I know. One of the symptoms of the blood pressure medicine I'm on is a rather random dry cough but occasionally it can get out of hand until I can get something to drink to stop it. I'm scared that my boss might one time hear my cough two or three times in a row and think I've got the virus instead of just a side effect to a medication.
There's plenty of well paying jobs, people just need to realize that getting your hands dirty isn't the end of the world. Currently trade jobs are so in demand companies put "Now Hiring" permanently on their vehicles and CDL gigs are always in demand and pay rather well.

The problem is we push kids to take on mountains of debt to get a 4-year degree just for the sake of getting a degree. Than once they graduate with their worthless degree that has no real career path they are stuck with said mountain of debt and no job prospects.
Well someone should tell those 53 million Americans (half of whom have high school diplomas or lower qualifications, and are not currently studying) to go out and land one of those well paying jobs. Since this ain't the thread for it, I'll leave you to your delusions.
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U.S. Intelligence kicks in an open door/preaching to the choir/states the obvious.

China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials. The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.
On one hand, I’m glad to hear this.

On the other hand, this only increases my growing concern about what could happen as tensions between the US and China grow.

When you combine growing tensions between Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and China regarding territorial disputes in the South China Sea, with growing global resentment of China’s environmental impact, combined with growing concern over human rights violations regarding Uighur Muslims (and god knows what else), combined with issues around IP theft, combined with trade wars, combined with a hypersonic missile arms race...combined with all this Coronavirus stuff....I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibility for things to spiral into open conflict between the US and China. I really hope that can be avoided.
I'm well aware things happen that result in living paycheck to paycheck, I've been there several times myself.

This only makes the original post worse! :lol:

It’s ok to be-little people in a worse position than I am now, because I used to be in that same position!

I’m personally in a pretty decent financial position tho, ta :lol:
I'm well aware things happen that result in living paycheck to paycheck, I've been there several times myself. It's largely the reason I've made sacrifices in order to build up a somewhat decent safety net.
The problem with my end is that I live in California, and I also can't afford a car with the prices I'm stuck paying, so that severely limits my opportunities. Public Transportation works wonders, but for the places I get bites from it would have proven extremely difficult to get there and back. I make 40k/yr and even then it still gets rough sometimes, as well as the fact as having been forced to live on my own within the past year, after splitting bills with a significant other(now an ex) for a good while. I'm transitioning and making some good improvement here at my company which is great, but I'm not quite there yet so I'm not exactly comfortable at this very moment. Luckily for me I still have my job, but I do sympathize for those that are running into these issues.
Our manager is off for another two weeks for her chest infection after she coughed on the shop floor on Monday and a customer complained....

A customer complaining about something they know nothing about, quelle surprise!

It is a bad time to have a tickle in your throat or unrelated issue that leads to coughing.

Like me.

I've had an annoying persistent cough for nearly a month now. I've had it before and got a whole host of tests done, but it isn't anything serious... allegedly.

I know that feeling, I've had the same issue with a persistent tickly cough that I just can't get rid of, but it just like a build up and then I need to cough. This is usually once every 4-5 minutes, sometimes just the one cough, other times a fully-on hack that doubles me up in pain.

But... what I cannot abide or even remotely understand is how people can openly cough in public without even attempting to contain it. It annoys me at the best of times, but right now it is beyond inconsiderate... it's plain dangerous.

I went to the supermarket and local shop this week and both times someone openly coughed just feet away from me... I nearly lost my rag at them, but figured it was pointless to confront them about it. The fact is, so many people just don't get it... or they do get it, and just don't care.

I can sympathise with this. I've just got over pluerisy, and the last thing I need is some p**** coughing away over my back when I'm trying to get over this.

On the other end of the scale, I have my mother-in-law who, at 76, cannot be told what is going on - she just doesn't get it and how serious it is for her, especially being an ex-smoker and having scarring on her lungs from pneumonia. 'I'm alright, I don't go out' is the mantra we keep getting from her - that may be the case, but we can't risk anyone else coming in, in case she catches it from someone asymptomatic which is quite easy when her son works for a sanitary waste removal company, and two more family members work as care home management.

But every day, it's the same **** every single day trying to explain it to her as we go back over everything again and again.

Probably only cargo planes left, just amazing how quickly normal traffic stopped.

I was driving around with a buddy last night, and we went to Schiphol. There were !2! cars parked at the departure terminals. Normally it looks like a traffic jam on a highway there. We drove around for a good 3 hours, all while keeping an eye out for incoming planes. From 20.00 till 23.00 no planes arrived, less than 10 departed. Most of them cargo. Just after 23.00 2 planes arrived. And that was it. If anyone is in a position to do the same, go for it. It is an absolute unreal situation to see airports abandoned like that. And so many parked planes. Every lot was filled.
I was driving around with a buddy last night, and we went to Schiphol. There were !2! cars parked at the departure terminals. Normally it looks like a traffic jam on a highway there. We drove around for a good 3 hours, all while keeping an eye out for incoming planes. From 20.00 till 23.00 no planes arrived, less than 10 departed. Most of them cargo. Just after 23.00 2 planes arrived. And that was it. If anyone is in a position to do the same, go for it. It is an absolute unreal situation to see airports abandoned like that. And so many parked planes. Every lot was filled.
If you see the video, you can hear Dennis say "Wow".
Anyone have an answer for how much of this is true?

I can't find anything to verify it, I can't help but think this might be part of the reason for some negatives.
I've seen and heard of a couple posts going around talking about sore throats, but the CDC and WHO haven't added it to their list as far as I can tell.

I’m a veterinary technician. We have had long discussions on if pets can be carriers of COVID19. We have had hundreds of calls from clients asking the same. This is what we know.

Dogs and cats do have/can contract a corona virus. They are NOT the same as COVID19 and are pretty species specific. As of today they is no link between pets and human transmission in the typical sense.

However, pets can become fomites. Meaning that an infected person would need to have contact with pet to possibly shed virus ONTO them. That, in turn makes a pets fur a possible carrier.

I understand that is an extreme condition and it would need things to line up perfectly for you or family member to become infected by the virus from your pet.

We in the veterinary world are trying to understand this virus everyday.

A fomite (/ˈfoʊmaɪt/) or fomes (pronounced /ˈfoʊmiːz/) is any inanimate object that, when contaminated with or exposed to infectious agents (such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi), can transfer disease to a new host.[1]

For humans, skin cells, hair, clothing, and bedding are common hospital fomites.

Fomites are associated particularly with hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), as they are possible routes to pass pathogens between patients. Inadequately washed hands, Stethoscopes and neckties are common fomites associated with health care providers.

Basic hospital equipment, such as IV drip tubes, catheters, and life support equipment, can also be carriers, when the pathogens form biofilms on the surfaces. Careful sterilization of such objects prevents cross-infection. Used syringes, if improperly handled, are particularly dangerous fomites.

In addition to objects in hospital settings, other common fomites for humans are cups, spoons, pencils, bath faucet handles, toilet flush levers, door knobs, light switches, handrails, elevator buttons, television remote controls, pens, touch screens, common-use phones, keyboards, and computer mice, coffeepot handles, countertops, and any other items that may be frequently touched by different people and infrequently cleaned.

Researchers have discovered that smooth (non-porous) surfaces like door knobs transmit bacteria and viruses better than porous materials like paper money because porous, especially fibrous, materials absorb and trap the contagion, making it harder to contract through simple touch. Nonetheless, fomites may include soiled clothes, towels, linens, handkerchiefs, and surgical dressings.[2][3]
Maybe the President should be nice to them.

Trump seemed most proud of this during the briefing. Trump said "Did you know I was number one on Facebook? I just found out." To quote someone else, "Of course you're number one on Facebook. It's 🤬 Facebook."

EDIT Sorry for the language
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School closure in Denver just got extended from April 17 to April 30. This is kicking the can down the road, and it wrecks business.
Is this an example of an airline continuing to fly their regular route in order to maintain their gate slots?

Or was this flight actually full of people? I don’t think it was, but I’m not sure. I’ve seen quite a few Canadians on twitter posting screen shots of flight information for flights from China to Vancouver, they’ve been a daily thing for weeks now (I mean, they’ve always been a daily thing, but they continue to be a daily thing even after travel restrictions were imposed...unless I’m mistaken about the travel restrictions Canada has in place regarding China).

I’m a little confused, as I’ve seen some people say there are hardly any planes flying, while others are saying that many airlines are still flying to keep their gate slots.

Another question - hypothetical because i don’t know the details of this - let’s say the US bans travel from China, is an airline still allowed to fly between the US and China to maintain their gate slots? Or would that be unable to happen because of the travel ban? I assume trade is not banned, so what category does an empty passenger plane fall under?
Yeah, none of it. This is yet another recycling of the list shared around by gullible boomer mums on Facebook.

As soon as you see the "warm liquids" part, close it down and block whoever sent it. Unless you're related to them, in which case inform them that they should fact-check things sent to them by Aunt Gladys, whose son's girlfriend's sister is a nurse, before sending it out to everyone on their friends list, because they're making **** worse if they don't.

The opening paragraph is a gem, either written by someone who has very little knowledge, or designed to confuse people with very little knowledge:

The medicine is inhaled, is it?
My goal is to help stop the spreading of it. I've been in some 'discussions' about it already.

It's really disappointing how much garbage people are spewing.

Another post claimed to be a retired doctor, recommending people run their fever as close to 105 as possible.

I don't even know if a doctor can legally say that.

I’m a veterinary technician. We have had long discussions on if pets can be carriers of COVID19. We have had hundreds of calls from clients asking the same. This is what we know.

Dogs and cats do have/can contract a corona virus. They are NOT the same as COVID19 and are pretty species specific. As of today they is no link between pets and human transmission in the typical sense.

However, pets can become fomites. Meaning that an infected person would need to have contact with pet to possibly shed virus ONTO them. That, in turn makes a pets fur a possible carrier.

I understand that is an extreme condition and it would need things to line up perfectly for you or family member to become infected by the virus from your pet.

We in the veterinary world are trying to understand this virus everyday.

A fomite (/ˈfoʊmaɪt/) or fomes (pronounced /ˈfoʊmiːz/) is any inanimate object that, when contaminated with or exposed to infectious agents (such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi), can transfer disease to a new host.[1]

For humans, skin cells, hair, clothing, and bedding are common hospital fomites.

Fomites are associated particularly with hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), as they are possible routes to pass pathogens between patients. Inadequately washed hands, Stethoscopes and neckties are common fomites associated with health care providers.

Basic hospital equipment, such as IV drip tubes, catheters, and life support equipment, can also be carriers, when the pathogens form biofilms on the surfaces. Careful sterilization of such objects prevents cross-infection. Used syringes, if improperly handled, are particularly dangerous fomites.

In addition to objects in hospital settings, other common fomites for humans are cups, spoons, pencils, bath faucet handles, toilet flush levers, door knobs, light switches, handrails, elevator buttons, television remote controls, pens, touch screens, common-use phones, keyboards, and computer mice, coffeepot handles, countertops, and any other items that may be frequently touched by different people and infrequently cleaned.

Researchers have discovered that smooth (non-porous) surfaces like door knobs transmit bacteria and viruses better than porous materials like paper money because porous, especially fibrous, materials absorb and trap the contagion, making it harder to contract through simple touch. Nonetheless, fomites may include soiled clothes, towels, linens, handkerchiefs, and surgical dressings.[2][3]
Thank you. I was specifically curious about this one, I have 2 dogs and haven't at all considered getting rid of them so far.
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Is this an example of an airline continuing to fly their regular route in order to maintain their gate slots?

Or was this flight actually full of people? I don’t think it was, but I’m not sure. I’ve seen quite a few Canadians on twitter posting screen shots of flight information for flights from China to Vancouver, they’ve been a daily thing for weeks now (I mean, they’ve always been a daily thing, but they continue to be a daily thing even after travel restrictions were imposed...unless I’m mistaken about the travel restrictions Canada has in place regarding China).

I’m a little confused, as I’ve seen some people say there are hardly any planes flying, while others are saying that many airlines are still flying to keep their gate slots.

Another question - hypothetical because i don’t know the details of this - let’s say the US bans travel from China, is an airline still allowed to fly between the US and China to maintain their gate slots? Or would that be unable to happen because of the travel ban? I assume trade is not banned, so what category does an empty passenger plane fall under?
Most flights are running at less than 30% load factor, and Delta for instance is just under 20%. The flights you see are to hold their slots mostlyand that's about it. And most fleets have grounded a significant portion of their fleet, putting them in both short and long-term (aka retirement) storage. I know for a fact that component maintenance within Delta has had their purchasing powers reduced completely to zero. They're not allowed to purchase any new parts and as such they're ripping parts off of other aircraft to be serviced and replaced on those still flying. And the travel ban goes for the airlines, not just the pax.
Hasn't really changed. Just more obvious. In some respect, we all do though. The 7 Eleven register worker risks getting robbed at gunpoint.

The last time I checked, it was reported that 66 Italian doctors have died so far due to the novel coronavirus. I am assuming that this is a major change. In addition, there have been many more health care professionals who have become seriously sick but have survived.

Lengthy article on BBC website explaining - or trying to - the reason for widely differing mortality rates:
School closure in Denver just got extended from April 17 to April 30. This is kicking the can down the road, and it wrecks business.

Well... businesses aren't people, and protecting people is the key reason for these temporary rules. There's enough wealth in the USA for them to ride it out without needing to risk people by opening up businesses and schools four months too early. Any other course of action looks like it's putting business wealth ahead of personal well-being, that's not a good situation.