COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 1 month
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 5 hours (postman)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 1 day
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 7 days (grocery store)
- Entered any building other than your home - 7 days (grocery store)
- Shaken someone's hand - 33 days
- Driven a car - 33 days
- Gotten takeout - 10 months
- How many people live in your house - 2
How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 1 week
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - today with my neighbor
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 2 months
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 1 week (grocery store)
- Entered any building other than your home - 1 week (grocery store)
- Shaken someone's hand - 2 months
- Driven a car - 1 day
- Gotten takeout - never
- How many people live in your house - 4
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 9 weeks approx.
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 0 days (i.e. I did today)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 0 days (i.e. I did today)
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 1 day
- Entered any building other than your home - 0 days (i.e. I did today)
- Shaken someone's hand - Probably 3 months (late January)
- Driven a car - 0 days (i.e. I did today)
- Gotten takeout - 10 weeks
- How many people live in your house - 2

-- for context, I'm am coming to the factory every day since we manufacture for the medical supply chains. We have a skeleton staff. I'm looking at making PPE for the NHS, this may require bringing some staff back in.
Does anyone understand what's been happening in Belgium? It currently has the highest number of deaths per capita of any country (excluding the pretend countries of Andorra & San Marino) at 455/million. This is more than twice that of neighbouring Netherlands.
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your apartment. - 8 weeks (tv delivery)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - Today (work)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - Today (work)
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 1 day
- Entered any building other than your home - Today (work)
- Shaken someone's hand - At least 2 or 3 months ago
- Driven a car - Today (work)
- Gotten takeout - Delivered to my apartment, never. Picked up a pizza through drive thru 1 week ago
- How many people live in your apartment - 1
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 6 weeks
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 1 day
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 4 weeks
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 2 days (grocery store)
- Entered any building other than your home - 1 day (grocery store)
- Shaken someone's hand - more than 2 months
- Driven a car - 1 day
- Gotten takeout - 4 weeks
- How many people live in your house - 3

Addition to survey? Gone for a walk/bike ride - 1 day (I go out every day)
Does anyone understand what's been happening in Belgium? It currently has the highest number of deaths per capita of any country (excluding the pretend countries of Andorra & San Marino) at 455/million. This is more than twice that of neighbouring Netherlands.

I'd agree that based on population demographics that doesn't make a great deal of sense.
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - Last Week
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - This morning
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - At work, this morning
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - Yesterday, Home Depot(work)
- Entered any building other than your home - Last night, gas station and my new girls house.
- Shaken someone's hand - Ummm
- Driven a car - Last night
- Gotten takeout - Last Weekend
- How many people live in your house - 3
And no I don't work at Home Depot lol.
Last edited:
How long has it been since you've:
-Had someone who doesn't live in you home inside your home.- 5 weeks (British Gas engineer to fit a Hive meter)
-Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home.- yesterday
-Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE.- yesterday
-Entered a public facing commercial building (such a grocery store or bank).- yesterday
-Entered a building other than your home.- yesterday
-Shaken someone's hand.- honestly cant remember
-Driven a car.- N/A
-Gotten takeout.- 3 weeks
-How many people live in your house.- 2

Mine wont be as impressive as others because of work.

How long has it been since you've:
-Had someone who doesn't live in you home inside your home.- does in the garage count? If yes, then 5 days ago
-Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home.- today, at work
-Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE.- today, at work
-Entered a public facing commercial building (such a grocery store or bank).- grocery store 5 days ago, but I’m working at both a hotel, and a summer resort right now. Stopped at the hotel this morning, now I’m at the resort.
-Entered a building other than your home.- today
-Shaken someone's hand.- cant remember, several months ago
-Driven a car.- today
-Gotten takeout.- yesterday, for lunch. Same again today. I’ve been going to a local coffee shop for lunch every day, trying to support them as best I can...been tipping 25%.
-How many people live in your house.- 3 (everyone is still working).

Construction in BC Canada has not really slowed down at all. I’m fortunate to be able to say that other than some minor inconveniences regarding certain stores being closed, line ups at grocery stores, and certain items being sold out, the Coronavirus pandemic has had little impact on my corner of the world, thus far.

Furthermore, our Health Minister has indicated that provided our numbers stay consistent for the next couple of weeks, the province wants to start slowly reopening certain businesses and industries.
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - today
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 1 day
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 1 day
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 1 day
- Entered any building other than your home - today
- Shaken someone's hand - always as little as possible, I don't even remember
- Driven a car - today
- Gotten takeout - 2 weeks (they were out if meat fingers crossed for tonight)
- How many people live in your house - 5

I'm essential so some of these can't be helped.
I will be showing up for work Monday with a health problem that doesn't allow for mask wearing.
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 4 days (daughter who no longer lives at home) or over a month
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - today
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 2 weeks (?)
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 2 days (grocery store) with best reasonable effort distancing
- Entered any building other than your home - same as above
- Shaken someone's hand - over a month (?)
- Driven a car - 2 days
- Gotten takeout - over a month
- How many people live in your house - 2

I'm on the bike daily and I walk to the mailbox daily, but close contact with others is avoided in both cases.
Hard to answer some of these as I'm starting to lose track of time.

Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 5½ weeks
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 3 days (supermarket cashier)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 3 days (as above)
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 3 days
- Entered any building other than your home - 3 days
- Shaken someone's hand - 6 weeks
- Driven a car - years
- Gotten takeout - over 6 weeks
- How many people live in your house - 2
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 2 weeks
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 2 days (grocery store)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 10 days
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 2 days (grocery store)
- Entered any building other than your home - 2 days (grocery store)
- Shaken someone's hand - Probably last Christmas
- Driven a car - 2 weeks (Passenger in car: 2 days
- Gotten takeout - 1 1/2 years, estimated
- How many people live in your house - 3
How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 1 week (caretaker for my mother)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - Tuesday
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 1 week (caretaker for my mother).
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 3 days (grocery store)
- Entered any building other than your home - 3 days
- Shaken someone's hand - 1 month.
- Driven a car - Tuesday
- Gotten takeout - Monday
- How many people live in your house - 3.
This seems pretty important, but not entirely shocking if it turns out to be true.

Some of the comments suggest this Dr be taken with a pinch of salt, as he is known for some rather wacky claims (separate from his work on HIV).

If anyone can find info which would either confirm or deny these claims, that would be much appreciated.
Is it weird that this virus doesn't affect kids, seems to gradually increase risk with age like clockwork, and takes out almost exclusively elderly and sick?

I don't know Jack about viruses.
Is it weird that this virus doesn't affect kids, seems to gradually increase risk with age like clockwork, and takes out almost exclusively elderly and sick?

I don't know Jack about viruses.

Does it not cause respiratory problems & pneumonia in people & that is what can be fatal to the old or sick? That seems fairly understandable - not really weird at all. What is harder to understand is why some seemingly completely healthy individuals can become very sick & some of those actually die, while the vast majority of people experience mild symptoms are even no symptoms at all.
Is it weird that this virus doesn't affect kids, seems to gradually increase risk with age like clockwork, and takes out almost exclusively elderly and sick?
That would be weird if it was demonstrated to be accurate. To my knowledge, this hasn't happened.

There have been children who have contracted the virus. There have been children who died after contracting the virus.

No part of it is like clockwork. Individual experiences vary wildly regardless of age.

The toll the virus has on the body is very much affected by underlying conditions. Underlying conditions are common (though neither exclusive nor consistent) among the elderly.

I don't know Jack about viruses.
Or children. Or the elderly. Or even clockwork, it seems.

The public enquiry into this whole thing is going to be quite something in the UK.

Not sure about that quote... how are we shutting down for "far longer" when our lockdown started later (but actually at an earlier stage relative to Italy) and is likely to be lifted after almost the exact same length of time...

Ironically, the UK is now in the situation where we would be well advised to wait a bit longer to see how lifting of restrictions works (or doesn't...) in countries that were ahead of us in terms of the outbreak progression. Would this guy prefer that we followed suit irrespective of how well or badly lifting restrictions goes in Italy, Spain or the US? I certainly hope not.

What this kind of comment seems to miss is the fact that this is only the beginning of what is likely to be a series of lockdowns, and that each country will have to try to keep their own economies ticking over while also addressing the most serious public health issue in a century. As such, I don't think that fingerpointing and 20/20 hindsight are particularly helpful, esp. when the key claim they are making is basically rubbish.
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 6 weeks? Maintenance to change light bulbs
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - 1 days (work)
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 5 days
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - 1 days (gas station)
- Entered any building other than your home - 1 days (work)
- Shaken someone's hand - Does a fist bump count? 5 days
- Driven a car - 1 day (Passenger in car: 3 weeks)
- Gotten takeout - 2 days
- How many people live in your house - 1
Not sure about that quote... how are we shutting down for "far longer" when our lockdown started later (but actually at an earlier stage relative to Italy) and is likely to be lifted after almost the exact same length of time...

Ironically, the UK is now in the situation where we would be well advised to wait a bit longer to see how lifting of restrictions works (or doesn't...) in countries that were ahead of us in terms of the outbreak progression. Would this guy prefer that we followed suit irrespective of how well or badly lifting restrictions goes in Italy, Spain or the US? I certainly hope not.

What this kind of comment seems to miss is the fact that this is only the beginning of what is likely to be a series of lockdowns, and that each country will have to try to keep their own economies ticking over while also addressing the most serious public health issue in a century. As such, I don't think that fingerpointing and 20/20 hindsight are particularly helpful, esp. when the key claim they are making is basically rubbish.

Also areas that waited to lock down had higher and sooner peaks. Waiting to lock down can translate to a shorter duration lockdown.... with greater loss of life presuming healthcare triage.
Social Distancing

How long has it been since you've:
- Had someone who doesn't live in your home inside your home. - 6 weeks
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home. - yesterday
- Spoken in-person to someone who doesn't live inside your home within 6 feet with no PPE - 4~5 weeks(?)
- Entered a public facing commercial building (such as a grocery store or bank) - yesterday ( mask and gloves)
- Entered any building other than your home - yesterday (grocery store - mask and gloves)
- Shaken someone's hand - 6 weeks
- Driven a car - yesterday
- Gotten takeout - yesterday
- How many people live in your house - 3
It's wild to see how many of you are aggressively distancing. I mean I know that so many people around the world are doing it. But here's the evidence. It's very cool.

I'm a little surprised at how many of you are getting your own groceries. You know you can pay a few bucks to have it delivered right?
That would be weird if it was demonstrated to be accurate. To my knowledge, this hasn't happened.

There have been children who have contracted the virus. There have been children who died after contracting the virus.

No part of it is like clockwork. Individual experiences vary wildly regardless of age.

The toll the virus has on the body is very much affected by underlying conditions. Underlying conditions are common (though neither exclusive nor consistent) among the elderly.

Or children. Or the elderly. Or even clockwork, it seems.
If only you could put your attitude on hold just long enough to look at a graph.

The percentage rises gradually and increasingly between every age group going up.
So yes, that is kind of like clockwork. 1,2,3 etc.

Children? You haven't provided a reason why I should "know" that a breakout respiratory virus would barely affect children.

And why do you think there being a few exceptions make it somehow inherently dangerous?
Do you have children? If you do, you should be much more worried about literally anything else killing them.
It's wild to see how many of you are aggressively distancing. I mean I know that so many people around the world are doing it. But here's the evidence. It's very cool.

I'm a little surprised at how many of you are getting your own groceries. You know you can pay a few bucks to have it delivered right?
Friends of mine use a delivery service for their groceries, in fact they used the service well before any of this Coronavirus stuff started happening. Unfortunately, the service has been somewhat hit and miss, in that they’re not getting a lot of the things they order. Many items are being substituted with close alternatives, which is fine if they get penne instead of spaghetti, but not so fine if they get artsy scented soap instead of antibacterial hand soap. They’ve ended up paying for many things they have little to no use for.
Friends of mine use a delivery service for their groceries, in fact they used the service well before any of this Coronavirus stuff started happening. Unfortunately, the service has been somewhat hit and miss, in that they’re not getting a lot of the things they order. Many items are being substituted with close alternatives, which is fine if they get penne instead of spaghetti, but not so fine if they get artsy scented soap instead of antibacterial hand soap. They’ve ended up paying for many things they have little to no use for.

I've run into some of that. I got restrictive on the substitutions. So far it has held me over for quite a while. I might still end up needing to make a trip to the store, but I've avoided like 3 trips or so in the interim.
It's wild to see how many of you are aggressively distancing. I mean I know that so many people around the world are doing it. But here's the evidence. It's very cool.
Mine looks considerably more aggressive, but it actually hasn't changed since I last left the house on purpose in November.