COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
The tweet in your article calls the rumour "complete baloney".
The reporter who said that she asked Hawke's family about these rumours was also the same person who reported that Scott Morrison wasn't on holidays in Hawaii during the bushfires, which was found to be false. Dunno if that was a cover-up or misreporting, but if anything, her tweet makes me believe this rumour more.

Meanwhile, a judge, somewhere in my country (Portugal).
Are they like comforts and chizzits?
DFL = Down from London (Daan Fram landan). Wealthy range rover driving types who own property in Seaview, a lovely seaside village that is almost entirely empty for 3/4 of the year.
Grockle = Large, shirtless, drunk male holidaymakers, typically Yorkshiremen, wandering down the middle of Sandown high street in the blazing sun, holding up traffic because they believe being on holiday makes them impervious to traffic collisions.
We're mainland. It's those people from Isle of Wight you've got to watch out for.

(and Sheppey... :nervous: )

Being from Lymington I've had more than my far share of meeting folk from the Isle of Wight. I'll just leave it at that. ;)

Although all of the marinas here are closed I'm thankfully still working, although my work schedule has taken a beating due to being unable to finish or start certain jobs for a whole number of reasons due to the lock down. Orders have dried up completely since the lock down, so come mid July we'll start feeling the pinch.

I have to say how impressed I was regarding the UK's emergency Small Business Grant Fund. We along with many other local businesses applied for the grant and it was received (10K) in 5 working days from applying for it. No jumping through hoops, just a 10 minute online form to fill in and it was done.
Being from Lymington I've had more than my far share of meeting folk from the Isle of Wight. I'll just leave it at that. ;)

Although all of the marinas here are closed I'm thankfully still working, although my work schedule has taken a beating due to being unable to finish or start certain jobs for a whole number of reasons due to the lock down. Orders have dried up completely since the lock down, so come mid July we'll start feeling the pinch.

I have to say how impressed I was regarding the UK's emergency Small Business Grant Fund. We along with many other local businesses applied for the grant and it was received (10K) in 5 working days from applying for it. No jumping through hoops, just a 10 minute online form to fill in and it was done.
You've reminded me - the Lymington-Yarmouth ferry was first to go, no services at all.

Since, in my experience, Yarmouth is just a ferry terminal and nothing else, I'd actually forgotten the place existed. They have probably embraced a sort of apocalypse cult ever since the great iron whales stopped coming in...
UK figures for yesterday show almost identical positive tests to the day before, BUT there were nearly 3,000 more people tested, so the actual percentage of positive tests is down.

I believe care homes were added to testing yesterday, as there is now capacity to include them, so that may account for the increased number of people tested.

Can't take much out of one day's figures, but if that continues until the weekend, then that suggests UK has peaked and timescale is in line with e.g. Italy,Spain,Germany etc.

It is expected that the UK lockdown will be renewed for another 3 weeks in today's briefing.

The good thing about being behind in the European infection timescale, is that we *should* be able to take account of results from changes in lockdowns implemented elsewhere. However, if cases spike again in the other European countries, then we dont really have anywhere positive to go in the UK in 3 weeks time except to continue the lockdown as is. Let's hope that they don't spike then, for all our sakes...
^Bloody hell, it's like someone bolted a quali-spec 80s F1 turbo onto school shootings.

You've reminded me - the Lymington-Yarmouth ferry was first to go, no services at all.

Since, in my experience, Yarmouth is just a ferry terminal and nothing else, I'd actually forgotten the place existed. They have probably embraced a sort of apocalypse cult ever since the great iron whales stopped coming in...
Now I'm wondering how Holyhead's getting on. :embarrassed:
"Don't wear face masks if you're not sick. They're only effective if you already have COVID-19"
"Please wear face masks. It's better than nothing."
"Face masks are ineffective at controlling the virus! Please stop buying them in bulk!"
"Please wear face masks."

So which is it gonna be? Buy or not to buy? Are they effective or not? Between the mixed signals of healthcare workers treating COVID-19 victims getting themselves sick and things about masks not 100% sealing your face and letting air escape/flow, I'm left confused. Miami has already made them mandatory, and so has Hillsborough county, so I'm wondering when the time shall be when my county makes them mandatory as well. They're hard to find; if healthcare workers can't get them, then how's the common folk supposed to? Someone I know ordered them from Amazon and they're not due for delivery until June due to supply issues.
My brother's girlfriend is making some from cloth since she learned how to sew during this madness. She has a huge order list already. It's better than nothing right?
Wisconsin has extended the Stay at home order until May 24th.
Here it's May 4th and really wants to get things open by then to have at lease 5,000 tests per day
So I guess a wait and see what happens here.
"Don't wear face masks if you're not sick. They're only effective if you already have COVID-19"
"Please wear face masks. It's better than nothing."
"Face masks are ineffective at controlling the virus! Please stop buying them in bulk!"
"Please wear face masks."

So which is it gonna be? Buy or not to buy? Are they effective or not?
Masks, of the proper grade and in conjunction with eye protection and hand protection, worn correctly and both put on and removed correctly, are effective at protecting you from coronavirus and others from you if you have it. However, these are the things that doctors and nurses need to wear which treating patients with COVID-19 - buying them may means shortages where they are actually needed.

Anything else may ameliorate the risk both to you and to others from you, if worn correctly and both put on and removed correctly. In fact anything that covers your goo holes (valved masks with no exhalation filter at the bottom of the ladder, just ahead of the bead-mask) will greatly reduce the chances of you passing it on to anyone else if you have it, especially in conjunction with gloves. They're not an absolute barrier that protects you in full, and if you put on or take your mask off like Shinzo Abe does:

... they may be almost useless even if they do stop you directly huffing it in your mouth and nose, because you're putting the stuff you're trying to keep off your face right onto your fingers, which you then use to rub your eyes, pick your nose, or yoink a bit of pork from between your teeth.

For the correct procedure, imagine that every piece of PPE has diarrhoea smeared all over the external (protective) surfaces.

This is by no means an unusual picture of Abe.
...Here in South Africa, the government announced that hardware stores and motor spare parts dealers can now partially resume business, but only to select customers such as 'qualified tradesmen'. Restrictions placed on the sale of alcohol is being strengthened, though, and anyone caught transporting any type of alcohol other than for the manufacture of hand sanitisers and the like will be arrested.

Some shops partially opening is fine and all, but my 68 year old father is a manager of motor spare parts franchise. No doubt the head office will demand the swift reopening of his branch which is located in the downtown CBD, one of the most busiest parts of the city.

"Worried" can't even describe what I'm feeling right now.
Someone I know ordered them from Amazon and they're not due for delivery until June due to supply issues.

Stuff from Amazon pretty much all has dates that are way out there. However, they'll probably get their order much sooner. I order some toner from my printer last week and it said that it was due to arrive May 4th. It showed up via FedEx five days after I placed the initial order. Masks and mask supplies might be a little longer, but I'm guessing it's not a six week lead time on them.
Masks, of the proper grade and in conjunction with eye protection and hand protection, worn correctly and both put on and removed correctly, are effective at protecting you from coronavirus and others from you if you have it. However, these are the things that doctors and nurses need to wear which treating patients with COVID-19 - buying them may means shortages where they are actually needed.

Anything else may ameliorate the risk both to you and to others from you, if worn correctly and both put on and removed correctly. In fact anything that covers your goo holes (valved masks with no exhalation filter at the bottom of the ladder, just ahead of the bead-mask) will greatly reduce the chances of you passing it on to anyone else if you have it, especially in conjunction with gloves. They're not an absolute barrier that protects you in full, and if you put on or take your mask off like Shinzo Abe does:

... they may be almost useless even if they do stop you directly huffing it in your mouth and nose, because you're putting the stuff you're trying to keep off your face right onto your fingers, which you then use to rub your eyes, pick your nose, or yoink a bit of pork from between your teeth.

For the correct procedure, imagine that every piece of PPE has diarrhoea smeared all over the external (protective) surfaces.
Well I think that's where the confusing information is coming from, especially if they are "of the proper grade". Many family members of mine are scrambling to buy anything, any type of mask, regardless of grade and material. Meanwhile, if it comes down to it, I'll just cut an old t-shirt and double wrap it around my mouth, along with still practicing the use of hand sanitizer, wiping of surfaces, and not touching my face while out in public. Face masks have long been out of stock locally in my area.

Ensuring that all people living in a state have a proper-grade face mask is a bit of a stretch, but apparently so is asking for everyone to maintain social distancing while out in public locations like grocery stores, which is why I think some states made face masks mandatory in the first place. When I do my grocery runs on the weekends, I run into countless people who don't stand at the indicated positions while waiting in the check-out line, especially this one rude man who when I asked of him to please step back to the next indicated spot in line marked by tape (they were so close to me that they had their gut making contact with my back!), I got an annoyed expression of disgust from him, as if I spoke of some nonsense he couldn't believe he heard, and then he stomped his way out of the current line and into another one...still right behind the next person in checkout.

Stuff from Amazon pretty much all has dates that are way out there. However, they'll probably get their order much sooner. I order some toner from my printer last week and it said that it was due to arrive May 4th. It showed up via FedEx five days after I placed the initial order. Masks and mask supplies might be a little longer, but I'm guessing it's not a six week lead time on them.
Granted said person I know of who ordered said masks from Amazon is living in New York, so that could explain the date and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually did take that long. I wouldn't think it's the same for other states, but just a safe estimate in case customers start asking where their order is or why it hasn't been fulfilled yet.

..and the first false 'threat' already hit

A woman who was reportedly coughing on people and telling them she was infecting them with coronavirus has been arrested, according to law enforcement.

Nome police arrested 36-year-old Dawn Oozevaseuk this week after receiving a report of the incident. Oozevaseuk has been charged with terroristic threatening in the second degree, and is being held without bail.
In work today we've go these new face shields which we know have to wear, and my god they are horrible!

We have to wear them on the tills whilst serving customers and because its warm you sweat so much whilst your wearing it and you cant wipe the sweat away, I had some sweat dripping into the mask and there was nothing I could do, they also give you small brief headaches.

We haven't got the plastic shields attached to the tills so that's probably why we have the face shields now, and we shouldn't be forced into wearing them, its our own risk if we don't but we are risking it by even working anyway.

I am grateful that they have thought of us and our health but this seems excessive, face shields in my opinion are the sort of equipment that should be used by those who work in the health sector. For example hospital staff....and not those who work in retail or supermarkets!

Also our manager suffered an asthma attack and was in hospital for three days, she was supposed to return to work next week but it will be the week after now.

So yeah it wasn't the best shift. :indiff: