COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Your graph just helps solidify us people who think this was population control from the get go with a dash of international biological warfare.
Not really, it looks like basic triage. You use what you have to treat what you can and move on; if you can't save someone you should spend your time and resources saving someone else you can save. If you don't and spend time trying to save the person you can't save and not saving the person you could save, they both die.

If you have limited resources - like if there's an out of control pandemic causing a unsustainable influx of patients - you use those resources to ensure the best outcomes, which generally means the most lives saved. Sometimes that means giving pain medication to help someone who could live rather than easing the pain of someone who is going to die. That's a pretty horrible decision to have to make, and A&E/ER doctors and nurses have to make it all the time. It's little wonder their suicide rates are 700% of the general population.

Incidentally, you're not reading it like it's grouped vertically, right? Someone could be aged under 30 (1pt), have systemic disease (3pt) and be in the 10-50% survival bracket (2pt) for a total of 6pt, and be lower priority than someone over 60 (3pt), healthy (1pt), and with a high chance of survival (1pt) for a total of 5pt. It's not saying old people are riddled with disease and unlikely to live.
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Not sure how that graph solidifies such a conspiracy theory.

If there was a major event resulting in 5,000 people being injured but the nearest hospitals only had resources to save 4,000 people, I imagined they'd be making a similar strategy on whose going to be saved. I wouldn't be surprised if this sort of decision-making is actually something every hospital has in place for the most extreme situations.
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@ryzno - For anyone that hasn't been in or around healthcare, this is nothing new. The dictionary has the word "triage" listed as its first know usage in 1918 but I'm sure the concept predates that. It's just simple logic, really. Use the supplies, which isn't just medication or bandages but also staff's time, where they'll be put to best use. And as @Famine stated, that doesn't necessarily mean that just because you're older that it's an immediate death sentence.
It's clearly population control, but not by Trump, who is in charge of the government, but by a higher government like... uh... the illuminati... yea... they knew people wouldn't wear masks and spread this around and get people killed because hospitals would overflow. So we should show them who's boss and... not wear masks? [/s]

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It's clearly population control, but not by Trump, who is in charge of the government, but by a higher government like... uh... the illuminati... yea... they knew people wouldn't wear masks and spread this around and get people killed because hospitals would overflow. So we should show them who's boss and... not wear masks? [/s]

China... I'm done wasting my time with y'all.
And I don't believe in the illuminati, have you ever seen me posting in that thread?
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China... I'm done wasting my time with y'all.
And I don't believe in the illuminati, have you ever seen me posting in that thread?

Ah... China. My bad. China aimed population control at... wait the US? And their plan was to overflow hospitals because of anti-maskers? So... wait... no mask then?
Ah... China. My bad. China aimed population control at... wait the US? And their plan was to overflow hospitals because of anti-maskers? So... wait... no mask then?
I'm going to entertain the idea & believe Ryzno may be suggesting that China was looking for a way to purge its population.
I'm going to entertain the idea & believe Ryzno may be suggesting that China was looking for a way to purge its population.

I see, the US is just collateral damage. It's weird that they went from their 1 child policy to a 2 child policy then. Maybe they needed the kids to spread it or something? Hang on, getting confused again...
I really need to catch up on that show :lol:
I don't know what show that is as I've pared my television consumption to nearly nil. It's just one of a number of animated gifs I've compiled in a bookmark folder titled "Drinking Game" for use in response to those frequent, practically cliche "I'm done..." declarations, which seem to be a manifestation of a victim complex. I'd be fine with such a declaration being sincere (they never are, or it wouldn't be a cliche), but I'd much rather not get the opportunity to use those gifs.

I really need to catch up on that show :lol:

I don't know what show that is as I've pared my television consumption to nearly nil. It's just one of a number of animated gifs I've compiled in a bookmark folder titled "Drinking Game" for use in response to those frequent, practically cliche "I'm done..." declarations, which seem to be a manifestation of a victim complex. I'd be fine with such a declaration being sincere (they never are, or it wouldn't be a cliche), but I'd much rather not get the opportunity to use those gifs.

The show is Brockmire. Jim Brockmire is a fictional baseball radio sportscaster. I would very loosely compare him to Bob Uecker in Major League with his on air drinking, but that is completely unfair to Uecker because his on air drinking in the movie is incredibly tame compared to Brockmire's debauchery.
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as someone who likes the idea of Post-scarcity economy I found The Great Reset initiative from The World Economic forum interesting, but what you guys in the US think about it?
I think @Danoff was quite against universal health care (if I remember correctly) so this must be even more terrifying to some.
Of course as anything involving humans there is a big chance someone will use it to screw people over and instead of creative freedom we could end up with China style population control as some suggest.
as someone who likes the idea of Post-scarcity economy I found The Great Reset initiative from The World Economic forum interesting, but what you guys in the US think about it?
I think @Danoff was quite against universal health care (if I remember correctly) so this must be even more terrifying to some.
Of course as anything involving humans there is a big chance someone will use it to screw people over and instead of creative freedom we could end up with China style population control as some suggest.

It's dumb, but this is not the thread for it.
I found The Great Reset initiative from The World Economic forum interesting

I'll respond to an aspect that perhaps does belong here. That anyone could look at a crisis of this magnitude (particularly eyeing the money being desperately spent to support people and businesses suffering from restrictions and lockdowns) and think it inspires a new way of doing things involving the destruction of 'capitalism' should tell you all you need to know about them and their ideas.
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I'm going to entertain the idea & believe Ryzno may be suggesting that China was looking for a way to purge its population.
I mean, it’s fair to say that China was lying about the virus from December-February for one reason or another (probably so that Xi could claim that China’s government is better than it really is).

I believe that China doesn’t get nearly enough blame as they should for this whole thing though. Yes, Trump/other Western leaders didn’t do his/their due dilligence in my opinion (you can argue about what the roles of government through this are, but that’s another discussion), but his/their decisions were far less critical in the early going than Xi’s/the CCP’s were.
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Winter lock down will start next Monday here in Hamburg. Will go for a "goodbye dinner" with 2 friends during the weekend because we won't be able to do it again anytime soon.
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It feels weird seeing the rest of Europe copying Ireland.
Right, so: I'm happy with the tier system that the Scottish government has introduced, could have been simpler but hey. I'm happy with my employers adjustments/policies in regards to safety at work but I'm not happy with my fellow employees demonstrated abilities to follow them. So I'm kinda stuck there.

As a "medically vulnerable" person, (asthma, sucks) I'm just going to treat every person I come across as having the virus and avoid them, as covid most likely would be an unpleasant experience for me.

I did a year as a student nurse and one of the things they do is spray your hand with a UV dye and then ask you to wash them. Then afterward they put your hands under a UV light and see how you did. If everyone could do this simple yet eye opening test, or even Boris or Nicola demonstrate it, then I think basic hygiene would be at the forefront of peoples' mind. I think a demonstration such as this would help implant into peoples' thinking that the actions they do have an impact on people who use facilities after them. As a nursing sister who taught me 'barrier nursing' said: touch NOTHING twice.

Wearing a mask is the simplest thing anything anyone can do to protect themselves and others, and is absolutely 🤬 all in the grand scheme of things.

Rant over.
I did a year as a student nurse and one of the things they do is spray your hand with a UV dye and then ask you to wash them. Then afterward they put your hands under a UV light and see how you did.
For her NP degree, my wife had to go to an elementary school to teach them something. She chose showing them how germ transfer from one person to another and how various means of hand washing (no washing, rinsing and soap and water) help with that. She opted for glitter as the stand in for germs. Seems like the general population need a similar demonstration.
For her NP degree, my wife had to go to an elementary school to teach them something. She chose showing them how germ transfer from one person to another and how various means of hand washing (no washing, rinsing and soap and water) help with that. She opted for glitter as the stand in for germs. Seems like the general population need a similar demonstration.
Some of them might cry "fake news".
Financial Times: Scientists warn of new coronavirus variant spreading across Europe

[EDIT] Since the article's locked behind a paywall, here it is in its entirety.

A coronavirus variant that originated in Spanish farm workers has spread rapidly through much of Europe since the summer, and now accounts for the majority of new Covid-19 cases in several countries — and more than 80 per cent in the UK.

An international team of scientists that has been tracking the virus through its genetic mutations has described the extraordinary spread of the variant, called 20A.EU1, in a research paper to be published on Thursday.

Their work suggests that people returning from holiday in Spain played a key role in transmitting the virus across Europe, raising questions about whether the second wave that is sweeping the continent could have been reduced by improved screening at airports and other transport hubs.

Because each variant has its own genetic signature, it can be traced back to the place it originated.

“From the spread of 20A.EU1, it seems clear that the [virus prevention] measures in place were often not sufficient to stop onward transmission of introduced variants this summer,” said Emma Hodcroft, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Basel and lead author of the study which is yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The scientific teams in Switzerland and Spain are now rushing to examine the behaviour of the variant to establish whether it may be more deadly or more infectious than other strains.

Dr Hodcroft stressed that there was “no evidence that the variant’s [rapid] spread is due to a mutation that increases transmission or impacts clinical outcome”.

But she emphasised that 20A.EU1 was unlike any version of Sars-Cov-2 — the virus that causes Covid-19 — she had previously come across. “I’ve not seen any variant with this sort of dynamic for as long as I’ve been looking at genomic sequences of coronavirus in Europe,” she said.

In particular, the teams are working with virology laboratories to establish whether 20A.EU1 carries a particular mutation, in the “spike protein” that the virus uses to enter human cells, that might alter its behaviour.

All viruses develop mutations — changes in the individual letters of their genetic code — which can group together into new variants and strains. Another mutation in Sars-Cov-2, called D614G, has been identified which is believed to make the virus more infectious.
Joseph Fauver, a genetic epidemiologist at Yale University who was not involved in the research published on Thursday, said: “We need more studies like this to find mutations that have risen to high frequency in the population, and then reverse-engineer them to see whether they make the virus more transmissible.”

The new variant, which has six distinctive genetic mutations, emerged among agricultural workers in north-east Spain in June and moved quickly through the local population, according to the study.

Tanja Stadler, professor of computational evolution at ETH Zurich who is part of the project, said that analysis of virus samples taken from across Europe in recent weeks showed they were derived from this same variant.

“We can see the virus has been introduced multiple times in several countries and many of these introductions have gone on to spread through the population,” Prof Stadler said.
Iñaki Comas, head of the SeqCovid-Spain consortium that is studying the virus and a co-author of the study, added: “One variant, aided by an initial super-spreading event, can quickly become prevalent.”

The researchers concluded that the “risky behaviour” of holidaymakers in Spain — such as ignoring social distancing guidelines — who “continue to engage in such behaviour at home” helped the spread of the new variant.

The research showed that the new variant accounted for more than eight out of 10 cases in the UK, 80 per cent of cases in Spain, 60 per cent in Ireland and up to 40 per cent in Switzerland and France.

Stringent lockdowns in the early part of the year helped bring the initial Covid-19 surge under control, with new cases substantially reduced over the summer.

But the virus has spread rapidly back through Europe in recent weeks in a resurgence that has forced national leaders to introduce painful new restrictions on social activities.
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Around 1,000 deaths a day = almost nothing.
Donald Trump Jr. declared on Thursday night that coronavirus deaths had dropped to “almost nothing,” questioning the seriousness of the pandemic on a record-breaking day for new cases in which more than 1,000 Americans died of the virus.

Speaking to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Trump Jr. pointed to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that he suggested show a declining coronavirus death rate.

“I went through the CDC data, because I kept hearing about new infections, but I was like, ‘Why aren’t they talking about this?’ ” Trump Jr. said. “Oh, because the number is almost nothing. Because we’ve gotten control of this thing, we understand how it works. They have the therapeutics to be able to deal with this.”

Laura Ingraham of course, providing the appetizer for such a stupid ass statement by mocking a CNN report, "Now the virus is attending the rallies. They're pulling out all the stops".
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So now we have groups of people protesting at our State Epidemiologist's house. Nevermind she isn't an elected official nor is dictating policy. If that wasn't enough, some shot out some windows at the state's Department of Health building.

There was also a massive concert last night at one of the nightclubs here...or whatever passes for a nightclub in Utah. From the pictures that showed up on reddit, it was wall to wall people. The U and BYU have students throwing huge Halloween parties as well. BYU isn't going to do anything because they're too busy kicking people out for having caffeine, but the U is already cracking down on it where it can. They can't do anything about those parties at private residences, but they are targeting the frat and sorority houses since they do have a say over them.

I have to imagine things are really going to get out of hand next week with the election. No matter who wins, there's going to be unrest and I can see the people who are already radicals becoming even more radical because their guy lost.

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