Requested the day off for my 2nd dose on the 27th and of course my boss is hard pressed to let me have it. Even though emails went out months ago telling us we could. (But we have to use our vacation time...)
Total BS. It's in their own interest to have their employees vaccinated.
My wife, a 1st grade teacher, who has been in the classroom 5 days a week since late September of 2020, has been fully vaccinated for 3 weeks. She got her first jab in late February. Pfizer. She doesn't have asthma but she has very bad allergies and she takes asthma medication. She's had 7 close calls and had to be tested 7 times since September--all 7 times negative. Thank goodness. I kept saying it was just a matter of time. And she was a prime candidate for somebody who might suffer badly after being infected with Covid-19.
She teaches in a very pro-Trump district and right wing media has stirred up a war against the teacher's union. They've all been warned for months not to post anything even slightly controversial on social media. Until March, most teachers were in the school 5 days/week but the students were broken down into 2 cohorts, each in class 2 or 3 days, depending on the week. Starting last week, all the students, except those who are still fully virtual, are back in the class every day. The parents were threatening to sue, or worse, if they didn't get kids back in full time. The school is struggling. They do not have proper social distancing. Many of the younger kids, especially the LLD kids, don't have a clue about personal hygiene. We're maybe 2 months away from having the majority of the adult population full immunized. These parents have totally lost their minds. I'm just glad my wife is vaccinated.
For the record she had no symptoms after her first shot. Maybe just a little tired/exhausted. After her second shot, shew as running a temperature of 100-101*F for 3 days and she felt like she had a sunburn over her entire body and suffered a terrible, non-stop migraine. On the 4th day, all her symptoms just completely disappeared.
I had my first dose, also Pfizer, last Thursday. I didn't suffer any symptoms except I was so tired/exhausted last weekend I felt like I could have slept 24/7. I'm assuming it was a side effect of the vaccine but who knows. I should have my second shot on April 24th.
FWIW, my one sister up state NY and her husband (a dentist) were vaccinated last month. And my two older sisters, in the greater Toronto area, are both scheduled for their first dose this weekend.