COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Indeed, I did think the same - the anti-vaxxers being an offshoot of the tin-foil hat wearing types. Although, the hardcore Christian Science set also are not that keen on vaccine-ing up, so maybe there's a correlation somewhere. Maybe.
There's also that, but I still think that to be somewhat removed from political ideology.

It just seems like this pandemic has been so politicized at every stage. A particular confounding aspect of it is the correlation between anti-lockdown sentiment and anti-mask/anti-vax sentiment. If you don't like the economic impact of lockdown measures, you should be embracing fully the masking and vaccinating measures.
You know...ten years ago, I wouldn't have thought anti-vax sentiment to be particularly partisan. Actually, I'd have probably first associated it with the pyramid power, healing crystals set who I'd expect to lean left and away from agri/petro/pharma. My view has...changed.
Republican politicians and Trump supporters seem to be turning jab refusal into some kind of political statement. If there are antivaxxers on the left I don't seem to be hearing about them on the social media nowadays.

Nothing like your first jab, as in better? I didn't see what you had to say about it but that's how what you've said above reads.
It's better. First time was kinda severe for a day or so. I couldn't stop shivering. That's not the case this time.
I hope so too. I think a 3rd wave will happen and in terms of case numbers it could look similar to the 2nd wave, but the million dollar question is how many cases translate into hospitalisations, which will hopefully be substantially lower. Let's hope so anyway.
Judging by Israel, where the number of infected in hospital has fallen by ~94% from the early January peak, that looks to be the case. Ireland has seen an almost identical drop in that timeframe too, albeit with a much harsher lockdown than Israel's to make up for our relatively paltry vaccination rate.
Republican politicians and Trump supporters seem to be turning jab refusal into some kind of political statement. If there are antivaxxers on the left I don't seem to be hearing about them on the social media nowadays.
That's kind of what I was getting at. I think typically those who are vocally anti-vax aren't so (either anti-vax or vocal about it) because of their political bent. That's definitely changed for the COVID-19 vaccine, but I sort of saw it going that way with the anti-science sentiment on the right over the past several years.

It's better. First time was kinda severe for a day or so. I couldn't stop shivering. That's not the case this time.
I'm sorry you had a difficult time the first go 'round, but I'm glad it's been better for the second.

That's interesting. This is pure speculation based on my understanding of the twofers, with the first dose being about introducing the body to something to look out for and the second about getting the body to actually attack it and build the capability to do so again, I wonder if you may have actually encountered a low viral load prior to your first shot. I don't suppose you happened to get an antibody test at any point.

Of course I may be misunderstanding some of this--good chance, even--so I'd certainly appreciate someone with a better understanding of it chiming in.
Chinese document discussing weaponising coronaviruses provides 'chilling' information

Keep in mind this was uploaded by Sky News Australia, who have been frequently downplaying the severity of the virus and objecting against lockdowns.

It's basically the Australian equivalent of Fox News (and I believe it's actually being rebranded that soon), run by the same owner of Fox (Rupert Murdoch).
Chinese document discussing weaponising coronaviruses provides 'chilling' information

As @Nexus says, you can't trust Fox News Australia at all! Especially not a reporter who is pushing her own book of conspiracy theories :lol:

The document doesn't sound new to me, perhaps this one is, but it's saying similar things that previous ones have. Once you allow for the FNA selective quoting no doubt leaving out parts that would tell you it isn't a 'guide', what you have is basically a threat assessment of the kind that every major government does (and would be rightly accused of negligence if they did not do).

I don't know anything about the scientist / post-grad lecturer and his theories. But by similar subtraction of assumed spin, it's quite plausible that he doesn't push the terrorist attack theory as a belief, merely uses it as a 'what if' teaching scenario.

She makes no attempt to reconcile the clear conflict between her claim that the document is a guide and her claim that the scientist views SARS as a terrorist incident.

Obviously I have to admit that I don't know the above, but I can say for certain that I know nothing more after watching that clip!
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Got my vaccine letter in today for an appointment next Monday since cases have been rising in a frustrating fashion in Moray. I'll be getting the one from Pfizer.
Three days after my second Pfizer jab and I think I'm back to normal. I really got the feeling my body was fighting off flu symptoms as sniffles, raised temperature and aches and pains all came and went at different times. Hopefully, my antibody count has now increased.
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I received my second shot yesterday and was lulled into a false sense of security by making it through my work day and not having anything worse than a slight fever up to the point I went to bed. That changed at about 2 in the morning when it felt like someone left the window open during a polar vortex, my slight fever also went up a tad. I'm already feeling a bit better but still called into work as I didn't get much sleep.

I'm just happy it's done and potential booster shots aside don't have to worry as much about contracting Covid or passing it on.
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Chinese document discussing weaponising coronaviruses provides 'chilling' information

This 'paper' was cited in "The 3rd Yan Report" in March. You can find it here and her other reports are also readily available online - though it should be pointed out that these are not 'published' articles, and have been heavily criticized by various people, though the third 'report' is apparently a takedown of those 'reviewers'.

A key bone of contention is the involvement of Shi Zhengli, the prominent virologist whose paper (published in Nature) on the similarity between SARS-CoV-2 and previously discovered coronaviruses (notably RaTG13) now forms the bedrock of the argument that SARS-CoV-2 did not arise in a lab. Yan's claim is that this and other key papers are fraudulent and are all part of a much wider conspiracy involving everyone from SARS researchers, other prominent scientists, major scientific journals, the mainstream media and, of course, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This stretches credulity somewhat, though the fact that Shi is based at the very lab that is at the centre of the lab leak hypothesis in Wuhan does ring some alarm bells.

In Yan's 2nd report, she claims that the pandemic is a deliberate 'attack on humanity' and that even the people of China itself were targets. It kind of begs the question what the CCP (who she directly accuses of orchestrating the entire exercise) were hoping to achieve, but anyway.

Curiously, however, one of the authors of the 'Chinese document' that discusses the possible weaponization of coronaviruses also authored several papers after the first SARS outbreak claiming that SARS is of 'unnatural origin': which is kind of bizarre. This paper also cites the fact that there was at least one cluster of cases originating from a "lab leak", and that is also well documented in the mainstream scientific literature.


I personally don't buy the argument that the Chinese government are 'perpetrating an attack on humanity', but I am also not convinced that the pandemic is not the result of human intervention of some description. The fact that China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically have long and open track records of research into SARS and SARS-like coronaviruses is indisputable, as is the fact that low-key outbreaks of SARS-CoV have occurred in China before. No doubt the consequences for the staff involved in those outbreaks were dire, and hence protocols would almost certainly have been in place in order to deal with any such future incidences. As such, I would be amazed if the Chinese government did not have a detailed plan as to how to respond in the event of a new outbreak, up to and including means to obfuscate and deflect responsibility if the outcome was considerably worse than before, like what has happened.

The evidence for this pandemic being the result of a planned and coordinated bioweapons "attack on humanity" is very weak, but there are troubling aspects about how China has responded to the international community's requests for an open investigation of China's SARS research programmes that do lend credence to the idea that there is something of a cover-up going on, but the sheer scale and devastation already caused by the outbreak has gone well beyond the stage where the Chinese authorities can just punish a few scientists and facility managers and hope to get away with it.
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but there are troubling aspects about how China has responded to the international community's requests for an open investigation of China's SARS research programmes that do lend credence to the idea that there is something of a cover-up going on

There are cover-ups and then there are cover-ups. This very well may be the former. Covering up poorly followed procedures, or poor procedures, which resulted in a global outbreak so that you can save face is a different scale of obfuscation than covering up a deliberate attack on your own people and the world. And there are some in-between stops there too, like covering up your research into a bioweapon that got accidentally released due to poor procedures. I guess, even assuming a cover-up, which is not safe to assume just because China (an incredibly secretive government) is being secretive, there are still a wide range of possibilities for what it is they're covering up.
New York Yankees 1st and 3rd base coaches test positive for COVID after being vaccinated.

I think this shows why continuing to wear masks is important. With new variants, the likelihood that the current vaccines will be less effective grows. However, the good news is that from what we've seen so far is that the current vaccines do a really good job of keeping you out of the hospital and preventing death. So while you might end up feeling like crap for a few days, you likely won't end up on a vent or in a coffin.
Look forward to the day when enough of the population is vaccinated that we simply won't care if we, or someone we know, has Covid or not (other than feeling unwell for a while of course).

Unfortunately, in many places around the world, this will never happen. COVID is likely here to stay and will probably become seasonal like influenza.
... lend credence to the idea that there is something of a cover-up going on ...

I consider a cover-up almost a given at this point. However, that doesn't give any information as to what is being covered up. It wouldn't even prove that the Chinese authorities know what, if anything, they are covering up!
I think this shows why continuing to wear masks is important. With new variants, the likelihood that the current vaccines will be less effective grows. However, the good news is that from what we've seen so far is that the current vaccines do a really good job of keeping you out of the hospital and preventing death. So while you might end up feeling like crap for a few days, you likely won't end up on a vent or in a coffin.
I know 3 people in my department that supposedly got it (they obviously won't tell us because confidentiality, blah) but came back from their mandatory 2-week "vacation" like nothing ever happened. Do not personally know anyone that died from it. With that said, I'm not wearing a mask for the rest of my life so the faster it turns into a seasonal cold thing the better.
Had the AZ jab yesterday. No real side effects to report, little bit of discomfort in the arm which I'd liken to how it feels when you've just overdone it lifting something. Had it at a 'local' place, in a town of 200,000+ people. In the 30 minutes I was there, I saw 3 other people. I'd expected it to be way way busier.
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Look forward to the day when enough of the population is vaccinated that we simply won't care if we, or someone we know, has Covid or not (other than feeling unwell for a while of course).
You do not think covid will kill after a certain number is vaccinated ?
From the info i seen no one is saying it wont still be killing people .
Today CDC announced fully vaccinated people don't have to wear a mask indoors.
Or at lease I read.
So I guess no more mask mandate.
Today CDC announced fully vaccinated people don't have to wear a mask indoors.
Or at lease I read.
So I guess no more mask mandate.

Sort of. The CDC said fully vaccinated people don't need to wear masks indoors if it's not an overly crowded place. Going to a stadium, riding on a bus, etc. they still recommend wearing a mask. You also still need to adhere to any policies that a business has too, so if Store X requires people to wear a mask to shop there, you still need to do so. Since it's virtually impossible to tell if someone has been vaccinated or not, I see most stores still keeping with the masks since they don't want to be on the hook if an outbreak is traced back to them.

Also, the CDC recommends wearing a mask if you're in a higher risk category.
Today CDC announced fully vaccinated people don't have to wear a mask indoors.
Or at lease I read.
So I guess no more mask mandate.
Good. My work was sticking with "if the CDC says so" about masks, so hoping they will back down a bit. I've already stopped wearing mine while sitting at my desk.
You also still need to adhere to any policies that a business has too, so if Store X requires people to wear a mask to shop there, you still need to do so.
This is huge.

My daughter says there's hardly ever a day during which there isn't at least one shouting match between an anti-masker and an employee, security and/or management at her store. No arrests, amazingly, but her boss says masking of employees and patronage is going to continue to be a requirement for the foreseeable future, so it's probably going to only get worse with the CDC's relaxed advice.
This is huge.

My daughter says there's hardly ever a day during which there isn't at least one shouting match between an anti-masker and an employee, security and/or management at her store. No arrests, amazingly, but her boss says masking of employees and patronage is going to continue to be a requirement for the foreseeable future, so it's probably going to only get worse with the CDC's relaxed advice.
This really surprises me... not that anti-maskers are throwing tantrums (that is entirely as expected), but the hypocrisy that these people are almost certainly in the same camp as those who believe that government has no business dictating what private business owners can and can't do... shouldn't they be in favour of letting business owners decide their own policies?

I get that anti-maskers have a problem with government mask mandates (even though they shouldn't have), but continuing to have a problem with businesses that voluntarily adopt their own mask rules...? That makes no sense whatsoever - but, again, I suppose it isn't really all that surprising given that the majority of these people are thick as pig feces in the neck of a bottle to begin with.
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