COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye

I can believe that. A buddy of mine who is still enlisted (non-active duty or something; he's told me he spends 1 weekend each month at his base) shared he got vaccinated back in December and it wasn't a choice for him, then. He wasn't really bothered b/c he had already gone through a bunch of vaccines and he had a new-born to think of.
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Anti-vaxxer quits the military after 18 years over the COVID-19 shot. Patriots aren't quitters and quitters aren't patriots.

Anti-vaxxer quits the military after 18 years over the COVID-19 shot. Patriots aren't quitters and quitters aren't patriots.

I'd like to be able to read what his letter said. I suspect the guy is a kook but it is too hard to read. Perhaps he already had covid. Who can tell from your blurry post.
I'd like to be able to read what his letter said. I suspect the guy is a kook but it is too hard to read. Perhaps he already had covid. Who can tell from your blurry post.
It's a mix of vaccines are bad and untested, Biden withdrew us from Afghanistan and the administration is all Marxists.

He's a nutter, and given the number of shots the military has to have as part of any deployment, a hypocrite of the highest order.

Oh and he doesn't want to be used as a political pawn, which is also rather hypocritical given he's using it to be about as political as possible.

Disclaimer: Assuming it's not all ********.
Here's a pretty good data set that shows how well vaccines work at preventing death.
In England, between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 51,281 deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19); 640 occurred in people who were fully vaccinated, which includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated.
So 640 people died who were vaccinated, but if you look at just breakthrough cases, it's 256. This means 99.5% of all COVID deaths were among the unvaccinated.
I cannot understand how people can be so brainwashed into thinking that there's something awful with these vaccines.
Someone tells them something they want to believe, like the left is destroying America, the COVID-19 pandemic was created to make Trump look bad and Biden stole the election, and everything that follows is automatically more credible. They're being played like delusional ****ing fiddles. They're lining up like lemmings to leap from a cliff...pity the innocent are tethered to them.
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I'd like to be able to read what his letter said. I suspect the guy is a kook but it is too hard to read. Perhaps he already had covid. Who can tell from your blurry post.

Best bit is when he already quit last year, with an extra year in the service compared to this year somehow, in an Instagram post she's since deleted.

This woman is a turbo-walt by proxy.
Someone tells them something they want to believe, like the left is destroying America, the COVID-19 pandemic was created to make Trump look bad and Biden stole the election, and everything that follows is automatically more credible. They're being played like delusional ****ing fiddles. They're lining up like lemmings to leap from a cliff...pity the innocent are tethered to them.

But they're listening to people who did get the shot.

I mean, how ****ing dumb can a person be?
Someone tells them something they want to believe, like the left is destroying America, the COVID-19 pandemic was created to make Trump look bad and Biden stole the election, and everything that follows is automatically more credible. They're being played like delusional ****ing fiddles. They're lining up like lemmings to leap from a cliff...pity the innocent are tethered to them.
I would imagine a number of them also see this as a convenient way to paint themselves as a martyr for poor decisions they were going to make anyway. "Oh noooo, I have to quit my job/the military/whatever because the EVIL GOVERNMENT says I have to get a vaccine, it's not my fault! What no, I wasn't planning to quit anyway or about to get fired, it's all the government's fault! Woe is meeeeee"
You know, I give the LDS Church a ton of crap for good reason. But, I have to give credit where credit is due:

While conspiracies are absolutely going to derail things, the fact the leaders of the LDS are telling members to get vaccinated and saying that there isn't a religious exemption for being Mormon shows that they aren't completely out of touch. I know data has shown that the most likely person not to be vaccinated is a middle-aged, white, male, who's religious and votes Republican so targeting that group is definitely a good thing, especially when that's probably the biggest demographic in the LDS Church.

Weirdly, this is probably going to fracture the LDS Church even more than it already is too. There are a ton of sects that believe all sorts of crazy things like polygamy and child marriage, so I can definitely see some people breaking away to form an anti-vax LDS sect. It's kind of interesting to see it all play out too since a majority of world religions had this happen hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago. So now we're witnessing a schism in the making.

I really wish other religious organizations would jump on board with this too (I know some have). Religion is a huge driving force in many people's lives and it seems like a good way to get them to give up their ridiculous conspiracy theories is to basically say "God wants you to get vaccinated" or something like that.
I really wish other religious organizations would jump on board with this too (I know some have). Religion is a huge driving force in many people's lives and it seems like a good way to get them to give up their ridiculous conspiracy theories is to basically say "God wants you to get vaccinated" or something like that.
Last year I was expecting things to play out like this meme...

download (1).jpeg

Little did I realise... GQP...
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There's no plans in the UK to provide boosters for anyone under the age of 50, and even then there's more concern about the rollout of the flu vaccine this winter AFAIK, but the plan is to provide both in the same visit to over 50's should they request it.

Meanwhile, 46 y.o.'s are not going to be eligible for boosters, so they are being urged to enjoy the next 3 months in the pub before their immunity wears off. Or so I heard.