COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Horse dewormer. Deworms horses. Harmful to humans.

Covid vaccine. Stops you from dying.

How on earth did we get to this point?
Average IQ is 100. That's a polite way of saying a bit thick and easily led.
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Why is that alpaca wearing a hat?
A yes, vaccine pimps. Well known for their nuanced and balanced takes on things.
Except that's not what they're called. They're called medical doctors, and they go through years of training specifically to have a nuanced and balanced take on things. That's what science is for. Some of them are not as good at it as others, but when you're talking about something systemic like a vaccine rollout then the good doctors have definitely had a chance to stick their two cents in.

I'm not sure there are pimp conferences where fellow pimps discuss the best methods to distribute their "products" - pimps seem pretty against sharing information with their peers. I can't see them having much social structure at all, no American Pimps Association, no Nobel Prize for Pimping, no charities trying to address the gender gap in pimping by encouraging young girls to take up pimping as a profession.

Just because you can change two words in a sentence, doesn't mean it still makes sense.

Besides, why would you call them vaccine pimps? "Anti-vax" is pretty plainly descriptive, it's people against vaccination. If you find it derogatory for whatever reason, then it's because of the actions of a significant proportion of anti-vaxxers. But in what way is "vaccine pimp" more descriptive than "medical doctor"?

Isn't this the narrative that you and others have been pushing that if you're young and "fit" that you don't have anything to be scared of from getting Covid?
And male, apparently. Being young, fit and male means he has nothing to fear. Sometimes I forget how strongly rooted the idea that males are stronger/better/tougher is, but there's always someone to remind me how their willy makes them a superior species.

Humourously, men are more likely to die of COVID overall, but it's likely gender related lifestyle factors than anything genetically related to being XY or XX. So really, the more VokswagenX leans into being a man's manly man, the more likely he is to die of COVID.
Why is that alpaca wearing a hat?
To hold the flower up.

Just going to get my popcorn ready to see the heads of anti-vaxxers explode.

Also, looks like every medical worker who's anti-vaxx for whatever reason will lose all hope of fighting their employer too:

Meanwhile, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will extend a vaccination requirement issued earlier this summer — for nursing home staff — to other healthcare settings including hospitals, home-health agencies and dialysis center

CMS is the agency that controls reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid patient care, if a hospital loses that funding they'll likely be bankrupt in less than two months, but probably closer to one. So every health system is going to put in place a really restrictive policy surrounding the vaccine because they're not keen on losing money.

Guess I need to break out the world's tiniest violin to play a sad song for all the nurses who are going to lose their job.
Can anyone let me know if the booster shot from Pfizer is identical to the first 2 shots? Or is it a different dosage?
Can anyone let me know if the booster shot from Pfizer is identical to the first 2 shots? Or is it a different dosage?
I'm going solely by the CPT codes (Current Procedural Terminology, released by the AMA and used in billing/charge routing), this is what they say:

  • 91305: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation, for intramuscular use
  • 0051A: Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation; first dose
  • 0052A: Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation; second dose
  • 0053A: Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation; third dose

We're working under the assumption that 0053A is the billing code for the booster dose. So assuming the government doesn't throw a curveball, it should be the same 30mcg/0.3mL dose. The problem is that the 0053A code is also used for the third dose for the immunocompromised, and we're not 100% sure if the immunocompromised just got the third dose earlier or if they really should get four doses.
I'm going solely by the CPT codes (Current Procedural Terminology, released by the AMA and used in billing/charge routing), this is what they say:

  • 91305: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation, for intramuscular use
  • 0051A: Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation; first dose
  • 0052A: Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation; second dose
  • 0053A: Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative-free, 30 mcg/0.3 mL dosage, tris-sucrose formulation; third dose

We're working under the assumption that 0053A is the billing code for the booster dose. So assuming the government doesn't throw a curveball, it should be the same 30mcg/0.3mL dose. The problem is that the 0053A code is also used for the third dose for the immunocompromised, and we're not 100% sure if the immunocompromised just got the third dose earlier or if they really should get four doses.
This is what I was thinking. While I am past 6 months from my last dose, I am concerned that the upcoming vaccine recommendations will create a crunch in supply well before I am able to get a booster.
This is what I was thinking. While I am past 6 months from my last dose, I am concerned that the upcoming vaccine recommendations will create a crunch in supply well before I am able to get a booster.
There will be some crunch in the supply chain, but it won't be like when the vaccines were first released. There are way more facilities equipped to handle the vaccine's cold storage now and we've figured out the logistical part of getting people through. Couple this with every drug store administering the vaccine along with most primary care doctors who belong to a decent-sized health system and I wouldn't worry too much.

There's also a decent stockpile of vaccines in the US right now too and assuming Biden's team isn't completely incompetent, they should've geared up for the latest mandates.

I would imagine the biggest bottlenecks would be among state health departments and other government-sponsored vaccination programs. Places like Walgreens should be able to get you in pretty quickly.
It's a term/hashtag that originated from Dutch alt-right, racist, populist, antivaxx looneys. Not going to type the actual Dutch word here because I don't want to provide the SEO for that.
I don't know who it was, but someone said they searched the phrase and found no results. The first thought to enter my head was that translating it to Dutch and searching again might yield more.

A while back, I reverse image searched a cartoon he posted (it was a maskless guy pushing a shopping cart past a couple of masked sheep standing on two legs pushing a shopping cart and giving him the stinkeye) and found it to have originated on a Dutch anti-mask/COVID-denier (this was pre-vaccine) Twitter feed.
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Looks like Ben Shapiro and Co. aren't going to comply with the employer mandate.

If his company has less than 100 people, it doesn't matter. If it does have more than 100 people, well then...


Anyone can choose not to comply, OSHA will have a field day though and if you don't pay OSHA fines then you can be arrested. I've worked in enough places to know that you don't screw with OSHA. It also opens the door to lawsuits as well.

But ya, leave it to a conservative media host to not get vaccinated, you know because that's worked swimmingly for so many of them. Guess more people want to earn the Herman Cain Award.
But ya, leave it to a conservative media host to not get vaccinated, you know because that's worked swimmingly for so many of them. Guess more people want to earn the Herman Cain Award.
Pretty ignorant take. You should know the other side a little better. Pop out of your bubble every once in a while.

These people aren't anti-vax at all. Ben Shapiro is super pro-vax.

I got the double Pfizer jab back in April.

But, if I had caught and beat the virus before that, I would have never taken the vaccine.

Natural immunity is a thing. They should follow the science.

But instead, it seems like Biden just wants to get his vaccinated % numbers up.

The Herman Caine Award, really? Terrible, Terrible, Terrible, but really funny.
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I don't know who it was, but someone said they searched the phrase and found no results. The first thought to enter my head was that translating it to Dutch and searching again might yield more.
I'll put it in a DM so you can check it out. Putting it in the search on Twitter should give you lots of material.

But ya, leave it to a conservative media host to not get vaccinated, you know because that's worked swimmingly for so many of them. Guess more people want to earn the Herman Cain Award.
Anyone taking any guesses on how many of those who are particularly anti-vax in the media are actually fully vaccinated?
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Natural immunity is a thing. They should follow the science.

But instead, it seems like Biden just wants to get his vaccinated % numbers up
I wonder whether there's a non-ignorant take on (a) why catching a virus that (even if you survive it) is known to have adverse side effects which are worse than the vaccine is more "science" than giving your immune system the tools to make more antibodies against it or (b) why having a higher percentage of vaccinated workers is a bad thing.
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Pretty ignorant take. You should know the other side a little better. Pop out of your bubble every once in a while.
The "other side" is full of ignorance and misinformation. I'm really good at not getting in that bubble.
These people aren't anti-vax at all. Ben Shapiro is super pro-vax.
I admittedly don't follow Ben Shapiro because he's an idiot and a pseudo-libertarian. But, yes, I do see that he got his vaccine:

So which begs the question, what is he not going to comply with then? He's been vaccinated so he's complying by default. He's also likely an "independent contractor" so he probably doesn't have any employees either outside maybe an assistant or two.

But, if I had caught and beat the virus before that, I would have never taken the vaccine.

Natural immunity is a thing. They should follow the science.

But instead, it seems like Biden just wants to get his vaccinated % numbers up.
That's not following the science though. Yes, natural immunity is a thing but natural immunity wanes and provides varying degrees of protection. Natural immunity also has varying degrees of protection against new variants as well. Vaccines, coupled with natural immunity, greatly improve your chances of not being reinfected, especially with new variants.

Also, the US needs to get its vaccination numbers up if there's any hope at all of getting out of the pandemic. We likely need somewhere between 70-80% of the population to be vaccinated at sufficient levels in order to achieve herd immunity, we're currently at something like 53%. The big issue is that since people are taking so long to get vaccinated, we're reaching the point where the initial vaccines are losing their efficiency and we're needing boosters. I get that some people were waiting for FDA approval, but that hasn't seemed to move the vaccinated number up very much. Now that it's approved, the only reason not to get vaccinated is that your doctor tells you not to due to a medical condition or allergy.

Biden also needs to push the FDA harder to get the vaccine approved for kids. It's safe and with the skyrocketing number of pediatric cases, the very, very tiny risk of vaccine complications is nothing compared to the higher risk of COVID complications. The fact that the vaccine wasn't approved for 5-11 year olds prior to the start of school was a huge miss and one that I will blame on Biden and the FDA. 5-11 year olds should've been approved in early August and all we should be waiting on is the additional data from 0-4 year olds.

Allowing younger kids to get the vaccine and adding it to the slew of vaccines that are required for you to attend school in the first place, would go a long way in helping the herd immunity number.
If his company has less than 100 people, it doesn't matter. If it does have more than 100 people, well then...

View attachment 1079239

Anyone can choose not to comply, OSHA will have a field day though and if you don't pay OSHA fines then you can be arrested. I've worked in enough places to know that you don't screw with OSHA. It also opens the door to lawsuits as well.

But ya, leave it to a conservative media host to not get vaccinated, you know because that's worked swimmingly for so many of them. Guess more people want to earn the Herman Cain Award.
There's an alternative too, which is testing weekly.

My wife's company is forcing everyone back into the office this month, despite the fact that we have unvaccinated kids, we've talked about where else she can work. I'm not a fan of OSHA, but isn't this what OSHA is for? To keep employees from having to choose between an unsafe work environment and quitting?

Conservative media is going nuts over the "overreach" and the big new scary government powers on display here. But OSHA already has a gazillion workplace safety rules. This is not particularly interesting given that it has the presence of weekly testing. If it were truly a mandate, which it isn't, it might strike me differently.

That being said, I do actually think this requirement is a mistake, and that a lot of OSHA in general is unconstitutional and shouldn't exist. The easiest way to point that out is the 100 employee minimum. Somehow if you have less than 100 employees you're just "different" and don't need to be concerned for the well being of your employees? 20 people in a conference room can still spread covid.
My wife's company is forcing everyone back into the office this month, despite the fact that we have unvaccinated kids, we've talked about where else she can work. I'm not a fan of OSHA, but isn't this what OSHA is for? To keep employees from having to choose between an unsafe work environment and quitting?

Conservative media is going nuts over the "overreach" and the big new scary government powers on display here. But OSHA already has a gazillion workplace safety rules. This is not particularly interesting given that it has the presence of weekly testing. If it were truly a mandate, which it isn't, it might strike me differently.

Of particular note is this bit of the article:
Fundamentally, the protection against life-threatening plague is one of the original reasons government exists. We’ve had mandatory vaccines for schoolchildren in America since before the Emancipation Proclamation. The Supreme Court has upheld that practice as constitutional for over a century, and only the political fringes believe there ought to be a debate about such matters. This is one of the few areas where government necessarily exercises power.
Weirdly, I opened that quote tweet to get to the article (because the Federalist is ****ing garbage and I'd deign to go looking for the piece manually) and the poster responded to it just 23 seconds before with more content from around that time:

But ya, leave it to a conservative media host to not get vaccinated, you know because that's worked swimmingly for so many of them. Guess more people want to earn the Herman Cain Award.
angry black widow GIF

They're all, or most of them, have been vaccinated. Some even work for a certain company that does what they advocate is against freedoms.
As of Aug. 17, all Fox News employees were required to enter their vaccination status, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott wrote in a memo earlier this week. If staffers don’t provide that information, they’ll be considered unvaccinated and subject to additional requirements, including daily on-site COVID testing, wearing masks in public areas, and social distancing.

Wearing masks remains optional for fully vaccinated Fox News employees, although the network requires staffers to wear a mask “in small, confined spaces with limited opportunities for social distancing and where there are multiple employees, including control rooms,” Scott wrote in the memo.
Conservative media is going nuts over the "overreach" and the big new scary government powers on display here.
Laughs in Texan anti-social media laws, abortion ban, and mask mandate restrictions
That being said, I do actually think this requirement is a mistake, and that a lot of OSHA in general is unconstitutional and shouldn't exist. The easiest way to point that out is the 100 employee minimum. Somehow if you have less than 100 employees you're just "different" and don't need to be concerned for the well being of your employees? 20 people in a conference room can still spread covid.
Ya, I'm not a huge fan of OSHA either since I think many of their rules are just asinine, but I also get that they need to cater to the lowest common denominator. While I know I shouldn't chug the mysterious bottle in the cleaning closet on my break or put my hand in the diamond-tipped spinning saw blade, not everyone knows that apparently.

I haven't really dug into all the new stuff yet, so I'm not sure what the rationale for the 100 employees is. My hunch is so Biden doesn't get backlash for wanting to sink small businesses or something like that.

I think what would've been a better way to do it is to say "if your business receives federal funds, you must comply or you'll lose your federal funding", which is essentially what they're doing with hospitals. Or a tax incentive could've been offered for meeting (and proving) vaccine compliance. This would have leveled the playing field a bit. With the federal government though, I think they do have every right to mandate their employees be vaccinated since it's an employer setting a policy for its employees. Contractors make sense to considering it sounds like the company either complies or loses their contract.

They're all, or most of them, have been vaccinated. Some even work for a certain company that does what they advocate is against freedoms.
Killing your viewers to own the libs, it's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em.
what is he not going to comply with then? He's been vaccinated so he's complying by default. He's also likely an "independent contractor" so he probably doesn't have any employees either outside maybe an assistant or two.
Ben Schapiro is part owner of The Daily Wire. They have more than 100 employees.

Here is the video I posted earlier. It is 3 ½ minutes long, and explains why they are opposed to Biden's mandate. I think this is the other owner, but I'm not sure.

I know it's a little off-topic, but I know Ben Shapiro as being this famous guy who, in spite of that, cannot please his wife in bed. How pitiful!
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no American Pimps Association, no Nobel Prize for Pimping
Katt Williams would beg to differ.
You seen any of his shows?
How civil of you MIE to make fun of a man who has erectile/performance problems.
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