COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I was just going to come in here and comment on how all these news stories and Youtube videos keep telling me that everybody in China has Covid and everything is going to hell in a handbasket again. I'm like, pssh, Covid doesn't even exist where I live anymore, we just do things and don't worry about it. It's winter, everybody's got a cold.

But apparently everybody does have Covid. I hope y'all get better soon.

I still think it's worth testing travelers from China. Yes, the BF.7 variant is the primary variant in China at the moment, but given the CCP's less-than-trustworthy antics, there could be a new variant emerging that we haven't been informed of. China also has a massive population, and one figure I read the other day said that given the infection rate, the entire population could be infected in 40 days. That dramatically increases the likelihood of a mutation. In addition, with that many people becoming infected, it very well could increase the spread in countries where the vaccine rollout has been poor especially since international travel is common in China.

I mean, I feel for the Chinese people since their government basically imprisoned them, gave them worthless vaccines, and now is just letting them die left and right. I get that people with the means want to get out of the country too, but at the same time, the world did such a poor job containing the initial outbreak that we really should've learned our lesson.

Also, given the vaccination rate for the bivalent formulation is pretty low (in the US at least), we're really just sitting on another timebomb. I think something like less than 35% of the US population has the updated booster making 65% of the population essentially unvaccinated. Maybe it's better in other countries (at least, I hope it is).
I haven't had the booster yet either. I also haven't had any Covid or anything, just my usual poorly designed sinus problems. And I won't be able to get the booster until after training because I can't risk any of those side effects until then. I think one of the biggest reasons uptake isn't higher is because the virst vaccine literally caused people to take sick days and they don't want to have to do it again.
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So... get the shot on Friday and be sick over the weekend...
That makes too much sense for most people. Sacrifice a weekend of Netflix and buffalo chicken dip?!

For me it doesn't make sense because being sick or out of it is not allowed in aviation, especially during training where every day is like a 17 hour duty day.
Chinese authorities have stated that some 80% of China's population has been infected with SARS-CoV-2 since they abandoned all Covid restrictions last month, and have reported 72,000 deaths from Covid in that same period.

However, this figure just doesn't make sense when compared to global statistics.... 72,000 deaths from 1.2 billion infections/cases represents a case fatality ratio (CFR) of just 0.006%, which is more than two orders of magnitude lower than elsewhere in the world except North Korea (UK - 0.89%, US - 1.089%, EU - ca. 0.8%, Global average - 1.045%).

Using the global average to estimate Covid deaths in China, that would put the death toll at over 12 million people in this wave alone, or a staggering 225,000 deaths per day since the beginning of December. That might seem outlandishly high to some, but I reckon it is not unrealistic or implausible...

China sees some 29,000 deaths a day normally, though 225,000 deaths a day is 8 times as many deaths as that... 2 times as many deaths as normal would represent some 1.5 million Covid deaths in the last two months alone, however that would assume an unrealistically low CFR - and, if anything, the CFR is very likely to be higher than average once healthcare systems become overwhelmed. With that in mind, I seriously doubt that China has observed a CFR over the last two months of much lower than 0.5%, which is a conservative estimate and would still imply some 6 million extra deaths in this current wave alone.

Given that China can easily cope with 29,000 deaths a day, I'd say that a death rate twice as high would maybe put some extra strain on facilities nationwide, but nothing like what has been witnessed in China in the last few weeks... as such, the chances are very high that the current death rate in China is well over 2x normal, and 8x normal would at least fit with what has been observed almost everywhere else.


Tl;dr: Chinese officials state 80% infection rate across the country but only 72,000 Covid deaths. More likely figure is anywhere from 6 to 12 million extra deaths since the beginning of December...
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Chinese authorities have stated that some 80% of China's population has been infected with SARS-CoV-2 since they abandoned all Covid restrictions last month, and have reported 72,000 deaths from Covid in that same period.

However, this figure just doesn't make sense when compared to global statistics.... 72,000 deaths from 1.2 billion infections/cases represents a case fatality ratio (CFR) of just 0.006%, which is more than two orders of magnitude lower than elsewhere in the world except North Korea (UK - 0.89%, US - 1.089%, EU - ca. 0.8%, Global average - 1.045%).

Using the global average to estimate Covid deaths in China, that would put the death toll at over 12 million people in this wave alone, or a staggering 225,000 deaths per day since the beginning of December. That might seem outlandishly high to some, but I reckon it is not unrealistic or implausible...

China sees some 29,000 deaths a day normally, though 225,000 deaths a day is 8 times as many deaths as that... 2 times as many deaths as normal would represent some 1.5 million Covid deaths in the last two months alone, however that would assume an unrealistically low CFR - and, if anything, the CFR is very likely to be higher than average once healthcare systems become overwhelmed. With that in mind, I seriously doubt that China has observed a CFR over the last two months of much lower than 0.5%, which is a conservative estimate and would still imply some 6 million extra deaths in this current wave alone.

Given that China can easily cope with 29,000 deaths a day, I'd say that a death rate twice as high would maybe put some extra strain on facilities nationwide, but nothing like what has been witnessed in China in the last few weeks... as such, the chances are very high that the current death rate in China is well over 2x normal, and 8x normal would at least fit with what has been observed almost everywhere else.


Tl;dr: Chinese officials state 80% infection rate across the country but only 72,000 Covid deaths. More likely figure is anywhere from 6 to 12 million extra deaths since the beginning of December...
I don't think we will get an official number ever. However, we might see the effects IF younger Chinese died of Covid instead of the older Chinese. This would be reflected in a further stunting of the population pyramid.
I'm surprised 80% of the population has been infected. That percentage seems quite high, if not dubious.
After three years of somehow avoiding it. I'm part of the Covid club now.


Only really bad symptom was a extremely painful sore throat I had over the weekend, which thankfully has started to wear off.
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I'm surprised 80% of the population has been infected. That percentage seems quite high, if not dubious.
And yet, ironically, these are 'official' figures from the same source that has continually downplayed their Covid statistics thus far.

I can well believe that 80% of the population has been infected in this wave though. Firstly, it undoubtedly started some time before the restrictions were ended, but then China went from having the toughest restrictions on the planet to having none whatsoever, literally overnight. The timing and the nature of the policy change almost guaranteed a near-comprehensive wave of infection - so much so that one could honestly say that had the CCP actually wanted to achieve this purposefully, they could scarcely have done a better job.
After three years of somehow avoiding it. I'm part of the Covid club now.

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Only really bad symptom was a extremely painful sore throat I had over the weekend, which thankfully has started to wear off.
Hope you are over the worst of it already. I was pretty ill for 4-5 days and positive for 13 days, but fortunately it seems to have passed through me without too much trouble.
Hope you are over the worst of it already. I was pretty ill for 4-5 days and positive for 13 days, but fortunately it seems to have passed through me without too much trouble.
Thanks.Aside from a bit of a coughing fit last night, feel more or less perfectly fine this morning. Started feeling sick on the 20th after returning from a trip to Sydney for a checkup with my heart doctor, so I'm guessing I've been positive for at least that long.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Vaccine injuries and deaths exist as a matter of fact, look it up on google, Reuters, TheGuardian, ElPais and others have articles on it.
Blood clotting issues happen in some people who get the vaccine, something as serious needs to be looked at with urgency instead of ignored which has been the norm for over two years.
Perhaps if some social media channels like Twitter, Youtube etc and other MSM didn't cancel debate there wouldn't be as much vaccine hesitancy!
I got close friends who got the vaccine and no apparent side effects, but also know people who got side effects, in particular older people. Where does the "safe and effective" stand at this point? it's no longer a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" either. How many more shots do you need to be protected, it's getting ridiculous really, I don't know any other vaccines that needed this many shots.

Also manufacturing practices in times of great greed could've lead to situations such as these perhaps? or what is the alternative explanation for contamination in vaccine batches? Japan noticed this but what about other countries who might've not noticed it?

Vaccine injuries and deaths exist as a matter of fact, look it up on google, Reuters, TheGuardian, ElPais and others have articles on it.
You could post them instead.
Blood clotting issues happen in some people who get the vaccine, something as serious needs to be looked at with urgency instead of ignored which has been the norm for over two years.
It was. There are important details to understand though. The issue is certain sources purposefully withhold these details to cause this sort of questioning when Covid can cause a higher risk.
Certain COVID-19 vaccines, specifically the viral vector vaccines like the AstraZeneca and J & J vaccines, are associated with an increased risk of a blood clotting disorder called vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, which can be fatal. At the moment, there isn’t evidence indicating that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with the same risk. However, it’s important to also consider that getting COVID-19 itself increases a person’s risk of developing blood clotting problems to a greater extent than the viral vector COVID-19 vaccines.
Perhaps if some social media channels like Twitter, Youtube etc and other MSM didn't cancel debate there wouldn't be as much vaccine hesitancy!
Yeah, doesn't happen like that. What does happen is pages/people/claims get removed because this is what they post: "Vaccines cause blood clots!" That's not the full story, but sharing Covid also causes blood clots doesn't get the uproar/clicks the trash is after.
I got close friends who got the vaccine and no apparent side effects, but also know people who got side effects, in particular older people. Where does the "safe and effective" stand at this point? it's no longer a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" either. How many more shots do you need to be protected, it's getting ridiculous really, I don't know any other vaccines that needed this many shots.
What is the ******* yearly flu vaccine for $500, Alex.
Alex Trebek GIF by Jeopardy!

Also manufacturing practices in times of great greed could've lead to situations such as these perhaps? or what is the alternative explanation for contamination in vaccine batches? Japan noticed this but what about other countries who might've not noticed it?

This is just more speculation based on already contrived views made beforehand. Try Googling it.
Federal regulators have told Johnson & Johnson that about 60 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine produced at a troubled Baltimore factory cannot be used because of possible contamination, according to people familiar with the situation.
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I thought 3 years in we'd stop talking about how vaccines are bad and that we should "do our own research". Maybe after 6 years people will get it through their heads. Maybe not.
"Adverse reactions have been reported at a frequency of 0.01% for the Moderna shot."

I take more risk walking on the slippery parking lot going into work than that.

If you don't want to get the shot, just come right out and say it. I'd respect that immensely more than spreading information so false that your own "proof" refutes itself.
Vaccine injuries and deaths exist as a matter of fact, look it up on google, Reuters, TheGuardian, ElPais and others have articles on it.
No-one has denied that.
Blood clotting issues happen in some people who get the vaccine, something as serious needs to be looked at with urgency instead of ignored which has been the norm for over two years.
Well that's simply a lie
Perhaps if some social media channels like Twitter, Youtube etc and other MSM didn't cancel debate there wouldn't be as much vaccine hesitancy!
******** isn't debate.
I got close friends who got the vaccine and no apparent side effects, but also know people who got side effects, in particular older people. Where does the "safe and effective" stand at this point? it's no longer a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" either. How many more shots do you need to be protected, it's getting ridiculous really,
So you want 100% safe and effective then? Guess what...
I don't know any other vaccines that needed this many shots.
Flu says your wrong.

Also manufacturing practices in times of great greed could've lead to situations such as these perhaps? or what is the alternative explanation for contamination in vaccine batches? Japan noticed this but what about other countries who might've not noticed it?

So you're 'just asking questions..."

questions that have answers, you just ignore them. You know, like you ignored this...

"At this time, we do not have any evidence that these deaths are caused by the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine," Moderna and Takeda said in a statement on Saturday. "It is important to conduct a formal investigation to determine whether there is any connection."

...from your own source.

This is sarcasm, but it's quite literally how you sound (and have done for months now)...

Covid idiocy.jpeg
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Been trying to find a local place (less than ten kilometres from where I live) that administer covid boosters, but to my shock, no one does in my area. There are two large pharmacy chains in South Africa (Clicks and Dischem) but the former has stopped administering the vaccines completely while the latter has greatly scaled down the operation, with only ten stores in the entire province administering them! The whole of Gauteng!

Holy cow. The other sites are public hospitals, but knowing the state of utter disrepair going on in those institutions, I'd rather not go there if I can help it. And the private hospitals aren't administering them, either. What the heck happened while I wasn't looking in the past few months?!
Been trying to find a local place (less than ten kilometres from where I live) that administer covid boosters, but to my shock, no one does in my area. There are two large pharmacy chains in South Africa (Clicks and Dischem) but the former has stopped administering the vaccines completely while the latter has greatly scaled down the operation, with only ten stores in the entire province administering them! The whole of Gauteng!

Holy cow. The other sites are public hospitals, but knowing the state of utter disrepair going on in those institutions, I'd rather not go there if I can help it. And the private hospitals aren't administering them, either. What the heck happened while I wasn't looking in the past few months?!
Exact same situation here in Scotland/UK, except anyone below 50 couldn't get a booster before now anyway, and soon even those will be gone for anyone except the over 70s and clinically vulnerable people.

Everyone seems pretty certain that boosters are not required for anyone else any more, but I'm not confident at all that they are right.
Exact same situation here in Scotland/UK, except anyone below 50 couldn't get a booster before now anyway, and soon even those will be gone for anyone except the over 70s and clinically vulnerable people.

Everyone seems pretty certain that boosters are not required for anyone else any more, but I'm not confident at all that they are right.
The funny thing is, the SA government recently SMS'ed me the vaccination code for my 'scheduled' booster shot. But I can't find a local place to redeem my, uh, voucher code. 🤔
No-one has denied that.

Well that's simply a lie

******** isn't debate.

So you want 100% safe and effective then? Guess what...

Flu says your wrong.

So you're 'just asking questions..."

questions that have answers, you just ignore them. You know, like you ignored this...

"At this time, we do not have any evidence that these deaths are caused by the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine," Moderna and Takeda said in a statement on Saturday. "It is important to conduct a formal investigation to determine whether there is any connection."

...from your own source.

This is sarcasm, but it's quite literally how you sound (and have done for months now)...

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You sure about that? I get poo thrown at every time I post something that goes against the narrative. Either way I'm not too interested in participating in an armwrestle between who's right and who's "left", I put the information here for anybody to draw their own conclusions. And like I said, these cases need to be investigated NOT ignored! That is one of the main reasons for vaccine hesitancy imo and for good reason.

We know as a matter of fact that there's such thing as vaccine contamination, as seen in the Reuters article I posted about Japan. Could be the cause of most vaccine deaths/injuries, or maybe there's more to it, time and further, hopefully unbiased research will tell.

You can probably dig a lot more cases If you use different languages in a search engine.
I get poo thrown at every time I post something that goes against the narrative.
There's no "narrative", only facts that don't fit how you want them to.
I put the information here for anybody to draw their own conclusions.
Would that be before or after you cherry pick the articles to put the vaccines in a bad light? No need to answer that one.

Swimming has risks.
Driving has risks.
Surgery has risks.
Flying has risks.
Breathing has risks.
Getting vaccinated has risks.

The key is to weigh the risks versus the benefits. The VAST majority of people that swim, drive, have a procedure done, fly, breathe and get vaccinated do so with no negative outcome.


Call me crazy but if for every one vaccinated person that dies, 14 unvaccinated die, that's pretty substantial.

But I'm sure the CDC is making things up again so they can't be trusted.
I think this quote from David Neiwert's book "Red Pill, Blue Pill" is appropriate.

"It’s almost inevitable that people who remain within the conspiracist alternative universe for any extended period will eventually feel almost completely isolated because of the kinds of personalities the universe attracts: insecure, possessing low self-esteem about their place in the world, yet bellicose, angry, aggressive, and often egotistical. People within this universe form fast, intense friendships that often burn out quickly, leaving a trail of hard feelings, small betrayals, and personal antagonisms that remain buried in their psyches.

Eventually, the isolation becomes complete. The end point of the conspiracist narrative is a person who is cut off from everyone in the world—his family, his old friends, his coworkers, even his next-door neighbors—because they all are either suspected active members of the conspiracy or are hapless, gullible pawns. He has no political power because he does not vote and does not participate in any part of the process. He even is cut off from the rest of the culture because he no longer consumes any media except material that helps support the conspiracy narrative."
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This is probably the right move, especially in terms of PR, and will likely force Pfizer to do the same:
Seen yesterday a lot of people credited Sanders with this as I guess he threatened to drag the CEO in front of Congress to answer for wanting prices that would net them a 400% profit?