COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
No - the population as a whole isn't actually relevant to these numbers.

Twice the number of positives from half the number of tests is four times the rate of infection. Unless the USA has a higher threshold for determining who gets tested than the UK, the USA's infected population would be 20 times higher than the UK's (five times the population at four times the rate of infection).

If the thresholds for testing are different then the UK is conducting tests that the USA considers unnecessary and its infected population is actually lower than results suggest. On the flip side, the USA would not be not conducting tests that the UK considers necessary, and its infected population could be actually higher than results suggest.

The UK has conducted roughly one test per 2,000 people. The USA has conducted roughly one test per 20,000.
Dont know about the UK, or even other states in the US, but right now Michigan is only testing the severely sick and sick people who traveled out of country.
So, with regards to age: In NL most IC patients are turning out to be younger than 50. Elderly are still the ones most frequently dying (a lot of times because they choose not become a vegetable or go to IC anymore), but the majority on respiration are <50. Link (Dutch, but Google Translate should help). Also NL: we're reaching the critical point in some hospitals with regards to IC patients. Link (Dutch, and a cookiewall that can be circumvented by using incognito mode). Personally, I expect lockdown on Monday the latest.

In the mean time I'm firmly working from home and will be hosting two virtual conferences next week. It's nice to see businesses adapt where it's possible, at least the one I work for (Pivotal, now VMware). But I'm thinking a couple of steps ahead: with things about to get hectic I'm considering volunteering for either hospital work, grocery shopping for those who can't/shouldn't or something else. Think I could convince my company to give me dispensation for that. I'm healthy (for now) and pretty fit, so I think I'm better useful elsewhere then where I'm currently at (software sales are going to be completely ****ed this year anyway).

The employers however can only apply for delays of payment. Nobody is going to pay for my 60-100% revenue loss, but myself. I am looking at 50-100k loss here. And the only thing I can do is apply for delays in payment of my bills and tax.
I understand. Have worked as a freelancer for 12 years. Currently on a payroll though, but I'm quite sure that had I still been freelancing I'd be royally screwed.
Not a silly decision, but there should definitely be some reciprocation. The USA has tested half the number of people that the UK has (16,540 vs 32,771 as of Friday) yet has twice the number of positive results (2,177 vs 1,143 at present). That suggests either that COVID-19 is present in the USA at four times the rate of the UK already, or the UK is testing people unnecessarily...
🤬 is about to get real. If it spreads to the homeless and addicted in North America it will spread like a wildfire. They will not get tested.
I genuinely wonder if I had it. Not long into the known existence of coronavirus I spent several hours packed in a room with hundreds of visiting Chinese families. A few days later I had a fever, cough, aches, de crapzez, and generally felt rotten.

I'm fine now and none of my family (immediate or otherwise) have, even these weeks later, shown any sign of illness (touch wood it remains that way). Still wonder if I had it though.

I'm pretty sure that that is how the vast majority of people feel when they get it. Nothing really to write home about, but bad enough to make you hole up and go off sick for a few days. One thing I noticed is that it kind of crept up on me over the course of 2 to 3 days which is in line with the symptom descriptions. Flu on the other hand IME tends to hit hard and fast, often over a matter of hours.

Dont know about the UK, or even other states in the US, but right now Michigan is only testing the severely sick and sick people who traveled out of country.

As far as I can make out that's the case here in Switzerland - my doctors surgery didn't even want to see me unless I considered it was really bad, therefore I never got tested. I think the only tests that are being made are for those people who are very ill as a result of the virus, i.e. being hospitalised.

I'm convinced that this corona virus is way way more widespread than the statistics would indicate, and that for the vast majority it's nothing more than having a mild flu (although I personally have never had a mild flu - they always hit like a sledgehammer with me). It's just when it gets to somebody with a weakened immune system it really capitalises on that and turns into an absolute killer.
Are the conditions known though if those who are being tested are already sick and showing symptoms or simply random testing. It was to my knowledge that testing here in the US has been primarily done at healthcare facilities and hospitals which only points at patients who currently are sick.
There won't be random testing, but there will have been testing done on people presenting to their GP (uhh... "family doctor"? The local guy with the clinic and five-ten other people like him, who are the gatekeepers for everything but not necessarily a specialist themselves in any one discipline), at A&E (the ED), an out-of-hours clinic (a mix of those things), or calling 111 (that, but on the phone) with symptoms consist with COVID-19 - which is basically a heavy cold - initially for those at risk of exposure (people returning from hotspots within two weeks), those in high-risk categories or occupations, and anyone who's come into contact with someone who has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

If the USA is, or the States themselves are, only testing people who are presenting with advanced symptoms it's little wonder that more than 10% of tests are positive, and that could well indicate that the true representative number of people already infected is 100x higher than the tested positives (because the average known infection rate is 0.1% of population elsewhere) - and roughly 5x higher still accounting for the cases that never present.

I was kind of wondering the same thing regarding the two Utah Jazz NBA players who apparently were showing no signs of being sick yet they tested positive.
That one's easy. They were tested because money.
There won't be random testing, but there will have been testing done on people presenting to their GP (uhh... "family doctor"? The local guy with the clinic and five-ten other people like him, who are the gatekeepers for everything but not necessarily a specialist themselves in any one discipline), at A&E (the ED), an out-of-hours clinic (a mix of those things), or calling 111 (that, but on the phone) with symptoms consist with COVID-19 - which is basically a heavy cold - initially for those at risk of exposure (people returning from hotspots within two weeks), those in high-risk categories or occupations, and anyone who's come into contact with someone who has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

If the USA is, or the States themselves are, only testing people who are presenting with advanced symptoms it's little wonder that more than 10% of tests are positive, and that could well indicate that the true representative number of people already infected is 100x higher than the tested positives (because the average known infection rate is 0.1% of population elsewhere) - and roughly 5x higher still accounting for the cases that never present.

That one's easy. They were tested because money.
NYC confirms first death.
Here is a Houstonian yelling at an ABC13 reporter. 6 am and the grocery store parking lot is packed. The panic hit Houston on Thursday.

Look at his sad face.

When I went on ‘holiday’ (from Thursday) there where 250ish U.K. infections... the first day of my holiday the PM say that large scale gatherings aren’t a problem. It’s now two days later and we’re at over 1,000 infections.

Can’t wait to hear what they’ve got planned for next week! As someone who commutes via public transportation I’m looking forward to being in the 80%!
So, with regards to age: In NL most IC patients are turning out to be younger than 50. Elderly are still the ones most frequently dying (a lot of times because they choose not become a vegetable or go to IC anymore), but the majority on respiration are <50
As i wrote a day ago , doctors in France raised the alarm regarding young patients. But a few hours ago, the french health minister published a short but very important notice that first medical investigation shows that most of those young patients in intensive care took the same preventive anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen (Brufen, Advil, Motrin...) or Cortisone.
My local Tesco store today. Panic, panic & more panic. There was no tissues, bread, eggs, pasta, certain size nappies, Washing up liquid, dog food, hand wash / sanitizer, frozen pizzas, hardly no chips, no paracetamol, no ibruthen, & no mince. Madness.

My local Tesco store today. Panic, panic & more panic. There was no tissues, bread, eggs, pasta, certain size nappies, Washing up liquid, dog food, hand wash / sanitizer, frozen pizzas, hardly no chips, no paracetamol, no ibruthen, & no mince. Madness.

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I don't know when it started but people see it and they feel they need to as well and it breeds. It's disgusting what irrational minded people will do
Went to my local Walmart earlier on my third try to purchase water. Still nothing. Store wasn't really any busier than normal but the TP and water shelves are empty. I'm sure the soap is too but I haven't bothered to look. I'm curious what these companies are doing to try and alleviate the problem.
I don't know when it started but people see it and they feel they need to as well and it breeds. It's disgusting what irrational minded people will do
Exactly. It’s terrible, absolutely selfish. Elderly people need those essential supplies and so do anyone who are already in certain conditions.

It’s not all about me too but I’ve recently had quite a painful injury to my hand, I’ve been using ibruthen to help me sleep because it eases the pain a tiny bit. I Ran out of it a few days ago and now I can’t get any now because of selfish entitled people buying more than 2 at once. (Which I’ve seen happen in self checkout).

I hope everyone on here & their families stays safe through these times.
Here is a Houstonian yelling at an ABC13 reporter. 6 am and the grocery store parking lot is packed. The panic hit Houston on Thursday.

What an idiot. The guy shows up to shop at 6.00 am & then yells at local TV crew for reporting the fact that people are "panic shopping".

There's no evidence of "panic shopping" where I am ... except the (weird) absence of TP. Why would people feel a desperate need to buy bottled water - unless they live in Flint, MI?
I'm a little annoyed with people buying baby supplies that don't actually have or take care of kids. I was in need of wipes and they just weren't any to be found, thankfully after checking and rechecking Amazon, some ended up in stock. I ended up buying four cases (a case lasts about a month). I figured I'll keep two and send two to daycare and tell them they're for backups in case any kid gets caught short. Worst-case scenario, they don't need to use them and I won't need to take wipes for a while. But I'd hate to see some kid have mudbum because the Karen's of the world bought up all the wipes after they bought up all the TP.
Not even joking, if you're in your home you can just use your shower to clean off after a toilet session. This TP obsession is unwarranted. I know some OCD people that have to do it every time. They even take off all of their clothes when they use the bathroom. That part is optional.
Not even joking, if you're in your home you can just use your shower to clean off after a toilet session.

I figure at the very least, you can use a moistened paper towel and if those are gone a moistened regular towel, underpants, or t-shirt will work as well. I know it's not ideal, but it's better than nothing.

Hopefully, the TP shortage will level out soon, especially with Amazon and eBay cracking down on resellers.
I figure at the very least, you can use a moistened paper towel.

Or even just napkins...which is the epiphany I had yesterday when I went to my local supermarket to find the toilet paper was low (but not totally gone) yet napkins where still totally stocked up.

Napkins are basically toilet paper for your face....I bought five large stacks :D