Here's a scene I just witnessed. I live in a small town that is normally heavily touristed. There are still some people coming to visit & wander around. I was out walking on the local golf course when I saw a middle-aged couple sitting on a bench by the lake having some lunch. A couple of girls were walking by & the middle-aged man beckoned them over & asked them to take a photo of them with his phone. I thought for a moment they were family, as they were all asian. But no, the girls carried on walking, the man took his phone back from them & resumed eating his lunch. WTF.
Perhaps the resident GTPlanet experts can comment on this:
China, South Korea, Taiwan & Japan seem to have been able to get control of the virus by aggressive measures of testing & isolating geographical areas. Possibly also true of Russia, although I don't hear much about Russia. Even though China may have been a bit slow out of the gate for political reasons, they seem to have been able to squash the spread of the virus.
In Europe, efforts to control the virus were half-hearted, even though they had the example of China, Iran & Italy to warn them. Italy now reported more deaths & is on track to end up with more cases than China.
The US seems to have done an even
worse job than most European countries, even though the US had more forewarning than the European countries. I can't see any reason why there will not be an explosion of coronavirus cases & deaths in the US over the next 2 - 4 weeks.
Shutting the economy down entirely without a more co-ordinated strategy to test, isolate & treat the infected seems to be the worst of all possible worlds. I'm not sure how "flattening the curve" is going to help that much either. OK, it may help the health care system cope & may save some additional lives, but it will also drag out the process making the hit to the economy even longer & deeper.
Finally, I see countries closer to the equator - "warm countries" are reporting a steady rise in cases. If the virus takes a hold in Africa & South America it's going to spread rapidly through crowded populations that in many cases don't have even rudimentary sanitation available. Another potential catastrophe.
None of this seems very positive.