COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Since, according to studies, most people contracted the virus by close proximity to infected via air I go grocery shopping and to the drug store with this on my face, I kid you not. And yeah, I get funny looks. :lol: I served in the NBC corps and had to wear that day in day out, feels like home, lol, but you cant argue with 99,95% filtration rate. (due to a health issue I'm at a greater risk, so I take no chances.)

Since, according to studies, most people contracted the virus by close proximity to infected via air I go grocery shopping and to the drug store with this on my face, I kid you not. And yeah, I get funny looks. :lol: I served in the NBC corps and had to wear that day in day out, feels like home, lol, but you cant argue with 99,95% filtration rate.


Are you high risk?

Are you wearing that simply because you're concerned about yourself getting sick? Or is this an attempt to help society by not spreading the disease to others by getting it yourself?
So it's a lot like the racist attitudes propagated by people who have lots of anecdotal evidence of lazy African Americans or rapist Mexicans? You should be ashamed of yourself.

That's quite the tumblr levels of being offended.
@Danoff is right without being shameful.
Are you high risk?

Are you wearing that simply because you're concerned about yourself getting sick? Or is this an attempt to help society by not spreading the disease to others by getting it yourself?

All of the above.

I have a chronic illness that may be problematic if I contract the virus, and I have someone in the same household who belongs to the high risk group. Also, if I have it and dont spread it that's good, too, right?

Eye protection is a must since most viruses can enter the body via the eyes. For example, you can contract hepatitis (blood mist) that way, or the common flu. So, unless you already are infected and you just want to stop infecting others, the face masks are good. If you want to prevent contracting the virus yourself the only option is a full mask and a proper activated charcoal filter.
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Li Wenliang? Arrested?
He was called to the police and warned against spreading false rumors, that's all. Please learn more about the subject before accusing a country of 'arresting the doctor'.

Source for this? You taking the CCP at their word?
All of the above.

I have a chronic illness that may be problematic if I contract the virus, and I have someone in the same household who belongs to the high risk group. Also, if I have it and dont spread it that's good, too, right?

Sounds good, just checking. It would be awfully altruistic of you to wear that just to "do your part" to protect the vulnerable members of society.

Eye protection is a must since most viruses can enter the body via the eyes. For example, you can contract hepatitis that way, or the common flu. So, unless you already are infected and you just want to stop infecting others, the face masks are good. If you want to prevent contracting the virus yourself the only option is a full mask and a proper activated charcoal filter.

I'm not entirely sure how you really prevent contracting the virus if you're going to go out in public. In fact, it seems like a lot of steps would be required. For example, we're having our groceries delivered (again, this is for the benefit of society, not ourselves, I actually would kinda like to get sick with this thing sooner rather than later).

But what if that tomato you got delivered is one someone picked up in the store and coughed all over? What if that cardboard box still has virus living on it? So then you wash the tomato, but how carefully? Or you avoid buying the tomato, but it can survive on a lot of surfaces.

Going to the store yourself improves this just about none.

There are really not many ways to truly eliminate the prospect of getting the virus without going to measures that I've seen basically nobody take. Like sanitizing your mail, your cardboard boxes, and your tomatoes (can't grow your own in CO right now, at least outside). I have no idea what that santization would even look like.

One step that I do take is to try to leave delivered packages and mail alone for a while. I wash hands after handling them (or use gloves) and then leave them to sit for a while if possible. This presumably allows some virus on the surface to die. Apparently cardboard can harbor coronavirus for like 24 hours.
I feel sorry for the Corona beer manufacturer, that is some massive damage for the brand.

I've never liked that particular beer but I feel like I should buy some out of solidarity and maybe gift it to someone who does not mind the freaking name.
So it's a lot like the racist attitudes propagated by people who have lots of anecdotal evidence of lazy African Americans or rapist Mexicans? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Remember to keep that horse of yours well fed in these hard times. I simply don't understand this willingness to throw away the rights to do the things that makes life worth living. Just as I don't understand why so many people feel that the only way to protect those at risk is to lock down everything.
  • Goldman Sachs economists forecast a historically sharp and swift recession, with second-quarter GDP sinking a stunning 24% after a 6% decline in the first quarter.
  • The economists had expected a decline of 5% in the second quarter, after a flat first quarter but they said social distancing measures have affected many sectors of the economy and will hit the first and second quarter hard.
  • The economists still expect a spring back in the third quarter, of 12%, but they see unemployment peaking at 9%.
I'm not entirely sure how you really prevent contracting the virus if you're going to go out in public. In fact, it seems like a lot of steps would be required. For example, we're having our groceries delivered (again, this is for the benefit of society, not ourselves, I actually would kinda like to get sick with this thing sooner rather than later).8
But what if that tomato you got delivered is one someone picked up in the store? What if that cardboard box still has virus living on it? So then you wash the tomato, but how carefully? Or you avoid buying the tomato, but it can survive on a lot of surfaces.

That's relatively easy, I have a procedure for that. The virus stays on flat non organic surfaces for up to 3 days. I have the groceries in a box and leave it sitting in my Garage for 5-6 days. The groceries that need to go in the fridge get disinfected with a potent disinfectant.

My mask gets immediately washed with hot soapy water (alcohol-based disinfectants damages the latex of the mask) and my clothes go into a cotton bag that gets thrown into the washing machine right away.

The Mail also goes into a box, that which si truly important gets disinfected, or touched with throwaway gloves.

Like I said, I have served in the NBC corps, this is super easy. Its the minigolf-version of decontamination. You should have seen us washing cars and building several tents to decontaminate ourselves and our gear. And sarin-drills, oh my.
That's relatively easy, I have a procedure for that. The virus stays on flat non organic surfaces for up to 3 days. I have the groceries in a box and leave it sitting in my Garage for 5-6 days. The groceries that need to go in the fridge get disinfected with a potent disinfectant.

My mask gets immediately washed with hot soapy water (alcohol-based disinfectants damages the latex of the mask) and my clothes go into a cotton bag that gets thrown into the washing machine right away.

The Mail also goes into a box, that which si truly important gets disinfected, or touched with throwaway gloves.

Like I said, I have served in the NBC corps, this is super easy. Its the minigolf-version of decontamination. You should have seen us washing cars and building several tents to decontaminate ourselves and our gear. And sarin-drills, oh my.

No produce? What do you do for organic surfaces?
Back at the shop today.

The delivery we had was only about a third of what we ordered, the warehouse is struggling right now.
We had a lot more frozen products, its just the dry stuff we were lacking.
We had milk and bread....and handwash/soap for the first time in forever, but no toilet paper again.
Still quite busy but it usually is on Friday anyway because its pay-day for most.
Still plenty of empty shelves and people asking if we were closing.
A female colleague's sister has tested positive for the virus so we wont see that particular colleague for a fortnight.
No produce? What do you do for organic surfaces?

I don't buy much veggies at all. Potatoes get peeled and cooked, shrooms get cooked too so no issue there, and I get my vitamins from baby food. Don't laugh, its super high quality, tasty and clean. (I've been eating baby food before the virus, just because its so tasty :dopey: )
Alternatively you can buy canned fruits, they retain much of their vitamins.
Anyone else feel like that $1-2T could have been better spent to upgrade our healthcare system capacity and fastrack treatments/vaccines? Do that and offer general guidance on social distancing...but don't, by decree, stop the economy.
Anyone else feel like that $1-2T could have been better spent to upgrade our healthcare system capacity and fastrack treatments/vaccines? Do that and offer general guidance on social distancing...but don't, by decree, stop the economy.
Your Governor has stopped the economy, and requested you stay inside. Do you intend on supporting this plan wholeheartedly and to the best of your ability?
Your Governor has stopped the economy, and requested you stay inside. Do you intend on supporting this plan wholeheartedly and to the best of your ability?

:lol: I'd like to nominate for @Dotini post of the year.

I mean, yeah? It's not a big deal for me so far. A little boring, but work isn't impacted much. Others are not so fortunate.
Don’t forget, back in late Dec and early Jan, both the CCP and WHO were assuring people that there was no human-to-human transfer. Still believe that?

Hindsight's supposed to give you better vision than that.

At the end of December a local cluster of cases were the only human cases known. No evidence of human-to-human transfer existed due to the possibility that each member of the cluster had been exposed to the same non-human virus source. That's what was true and it's what the WHO were saying.

Whether or not China was being fully transparent is definitely arguable, but in December 2019 the WHO could only state the facts as they were aware of them, that's what they did, and that's what you mis-read.
So Nevada & California are on the 30-day, assuming New York’s quarantine will last as long. Wonder what state is next.

My work is confident we will be seen as essential but I’m prepared to leave for 2 weeks at least. New luxury cars are not essential, only our service department could be.
So Nevada & California are on the 30-day, assuming New York’s quarantine will last as long. Wonder what state is next.

My work is confident we will be seen as essential but I’m prepared to leave for 2 weeks at least. New luxury cars are not essential, only our service department could be.

Illinois is on the list starting tomorrow.
So Nevada & California are on the 30-day, assuming New York’s quarantine will last as long. Wonder what state is next.

My work is confident we will be seen as essential but I’m prepared to leave for 2 weeks at least. New luxury cars are not essential, only our service department could be.

That's what we're counting on. We ship out parts all over the southeastern part of the US and our phones haven't really slowed down that much.
Hindsight's supposed to give you better vision than that.

At the end of December a local cluster of cases were the only human cases known. No evidence of human-to-human transfer existed due to the possibility that each member of the cluster had been exposed to the same non-human virus source. That's what was true and it's what the WHO were saying.

Whether or not China was being fully transparent is definitely arguable, but in December 2019 the WHO could only state the facts as they were aware of them, that's what they did, and that's what you mis-read.
The only facts available to the WHO were what the CCP was telling them, and they decided to go with that.

Lijian Zhao, Deputy Director General, Information Department, Foreign Ministry, a “warrior wolf” within the CCP and one of Xi’s favourite little puppets, has been making claims (repeated by other Chinese ministers and authority figures) that COVID was brought to Wuhan by US military (for the world Military Games) and NBA players in November....

So CCP claims that back in December, there was no evidence for human to human transfer, but at the same time is putting forth a theory that it was brought to China by humans back in November. Sounds to me like they don’t even believe their own BS.
Lijian Zhao, Deputy Director General, Information Department, Foreign Ministry, a “warrior wolf” within the CCP and one of Xi’s favourite little puppets, has been making claims (repeated by other Chinese ministers and authority figures) that COVID was brought to Wuhan by US military (for the world Military Games) and NBA players in November....

So CCP claims that back in December, there was no evidence for human to human transfer, but at the same time is putting forth a theory that it was brought to China by humans back in November. Sounds to me like they don’t even believe their own BS.

Over decades, the US has outsourced roughly 90% of our pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries, as well as vital automotive, aviation, electronics and other industrial supply chains. Now they threaten to cut us off from these vitally needed industries which form the basis of our national health, economy and military backbone. They say our military and basketball players are the source of their coronavirus. We may be only millimeters away from catastrophic conflict with our frenemies if certain issues aren't straightened out, and quick.