CRAP Club PCARS 2 Time Trials - Thanks for taking part everyone, we will return one day!

Didn't get chance to get a picture or video, when I finished all my dlc had vanished so had no leaderboards.
Great time by @Outspacer I struggled with a 1:29.4xx.

I'll have another go and try and get a video up.

Tips, make sure you have full battery at the start of the lap, don't accelerate hard when you start the TT, keep your foot on the brake to regenerate battery till the corner then gently accelerate till half way (3rd gear 65 - 70mph) around then floor it, your speed should be about 177 mph over the start finish line and it's worth a couple of tenths.
Try and stay on the brakes as long as possible (no coasting) as that will give you more battery, slow in fast out through the chicanes.

You beat me by a couple of tenths, and give a tip for a couple of tenths... thanks! 👍 I had noted the 'H' but wasn't driving it with that in mind at all yet, just trying to improve consistency - sometimes I lose 0.5 sec just through T1 compared to my best :banghead:
Had a second go, with more success this time! :P


1:30.260! Now a case of chipping away, and nailing those chicanes and apexes!


Quite the beast this thing, although it'd be that bit more fun with a dirty big turbo in it, get that tail out!! :D
I was hoping to do a few laps tonight but work and kids have worn me out today so I'm trying again Friday or Sunday evening. When is it ending Sunday?

Yes Kevin, Sunday's the last day for this TT.......Lock those kids up in the garage if you have one, call it an adventure! :D
Well done everyone great times there!!

It looks like I won't have an opportunity to try again, I was hoping to today, but lack of time will beat me. :( I felt I had another second there at least to get, maybe with the next one I'll get more time!

Edit: list of times done as we end this TT, results up in a bit! ;)

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Here are the results of the TT in the Marek at Mugello:

@hasslemoff 1:28.179

@gregc 1:29.094

@Outspacer 1:29.124

@knukken 1:29.500

@Georgeagea 1:30.053

ELCANGRI 1:30.062

@HammyMansell 1:30.260

@krsht3 1:34.199

@nosoks 1:34.229

FlávioPonte 1:36.261

Very well done @hasslemoff super time, and close behind between others too!! Nice turnout also, good stuff! The next PCARS 2 TT will start from next Saturday, the 27th of October.
Didn't get time to enter this one, but had 45 mins on it tonight just to see where I stack up.
I can see about a second left to get, but the loose setup is hard to keep clean. The stable is understeer mad.


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Didn't get time to enter this one, but had 45 mins on it tonight just to see where I stack up.
I can see about a second left to get, but the loose setup is hard to keep clean. The stable is understeer mad.

Well done mate for having a go, the next TT starts on Saturday, I hope you take part, I'm thinking something American! :)
The new PCARS 2 CRAP TT is:

The Panoz Esperante GTR-1 At Oulton Park International!!!



To be done in “Time Trial” mode using stock setup (if you have a saved setup for this combo, please return it to “default” before trying, as times with the “setup used” symbol will show in the in game timing screen, and won’t be counted!) You can use "loose" or "stable" setup, and driver aids if you wish! Post an in game screenshot of your time and post it here for it to count, Good luck!! ;)

From now on the TTs will last a whole week. This TT will end next Friday night, the 2nd of November.