This is adapted from a post I've sent about tyres in GT6 (and more) on our own forum.
While we can't expect road cars to have the grip or downforce of the race cars we need to try to keep a balance to our events. Tyres particularly in the game can highlight where GT5 and 6 get it wrong e.g. the tyre model, force feedback and at lower speed where the physics are particularly way off and that's for some race and road cars which can be really difficult to recover from a slight error from (more so than driving a real car). I and others have learned to drive with stock tyres reasonably well without aids. However, I accept the game gets it wrong. GT6 along with many other simulators switches to using a different algorithm at slower speeds. Driving fast or slow in real life sometimes isn't as difficult as in some games.
The loss of grip approaching the limit isn't very realistic in Gran Turismo even more so with abs on 1 or more..... as again abs in game doesn't work like in real life.
The upcoming big SIM that many are pinning hopes on, me included
is supposed to address a lot of these areas.
There is an interesting post on a GTP Project Cars thread I'll dig out.
In the meantime I'm happy to up some of our events to grippier tyres to make it fun for all. I say some of our events as some below are already set up with that in mind.
1 The Roadsters @440pp etc are already set up with SH tyres when most of those cars have CS by default.
2 Racing and Road Hot Hatches use RH tyres when the stock road and even some race versions default to CH,CS. Without abs these cars are really fun for close racing. We've been testing them at higher power closer to the British Touring Car regulations and they still seem to give good close racing that is enjoyable for all.
3 The American cars racing that Pete has hosted has used SM tyres. Most cars stock have SH or CS.
So we'll try to do better at taking all into account in future.
Something like yesterday's events could have been run on Sports Medium tyres and still enjoyed by a wide range of players.
Hope that's ok with everyone.