Crash Simulation in Vision GT

  • Thread starter hispeed
No, that it'll have an influence on the game as a whole ie it could play a part in how you race, pit stops, purchase of used cars. Damage plays a large part of the Toca race driver series for example, that doesn't include a demolition mode.
Burnout is what the "fanboy" definition of damage should be in racing games. I had respect for the Burnout series until people said that this game is better than the likes of Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport, and maybe even GTR as well. You want to make damage shine? It starts with definitive crash modelling. I want a racing game, I don't want a "Crash Breaker" a "Takedown" or any kiddie crap like that.

Now, when GT5 starts (assmuming damage is implemented), Do you want to at least set the amount of damage from Arcade to Hardcore? Arcade damage would mean that you can keep banging away at the walls and other cars and not take so much damage. Hardcore, you slap a wall in an formula race car, and if those tires fly off from those rods, Game Over. Damage would be nice, but also fairness should be considered. I don't want a crash-happy game. I don't want to have fun crashing cars because I come to race, not start trouble.

I would think there would have to be sanity for this feature. You want a crashfest, get a Burnout game. You want racing with the threat of damage, you could get Forza, but Gran Turismo 5 could also be on your wishlist.

I rest my case. Proceed on.
i don't get your point John... It sounds to me that most you the people against damage have the same point ... that it would make the game a 'crash fest'...

To be clear... that is none of your concern. You cannot make a decision like this, based sollely on your opinion. Reality states that there are crashs, that cars can be destroyed... Gran Tourismo is somewhat trying to get to that point. And in GT5, there's a good chance of car damage, be it visual or 'simulated' via hud info.

if you guys are all scared that there might be glory and awesomeness in the visual representation of a car crash, perharps its time to get rid of the gaming console... what do you care if someone wants to load a race with 25 cars, drive the wrong way and make the biggest pillup possible in DTM racing history? Its the guy,s game and if he enjoys doing so, then take pictures in photomode to show off the superb graphics, its his choice, not yours.

Do not go judging what other peoples might do with the 'damage' capacities of a futur software because you don't like it compared to Burnout... I'd be super happy if there were SFX as good as in Burnout in GT5... as long as its realistic, if i'm go get into a pillup (be it my fault or not), i'd rather have an amazing experience doing so then going 'bump' and have some small orange icon on my screen.

The end result is the same, the only difference is, one's serious and boring, the other is what fireworks look to a child's eyes.

This issue is not about Graphics, be it close to Burnout or not... its about "Having" car damage, as realistic as possible.

Some of you guys might want to think about finding that innerchild back a little... games are games and will stay games... if there are no wow factor... might as well go back to Atari... they had the gameplay...

/end rant
Arcade damage would mean that you can keep banging away at the walls and other cars and not take so much damage. Hardcore, you slap a wall in an formula race car, and if those tires fly off from those rods, Game Over.

I agree. Options of no damage (but who wants that?), physical damage only, physical and some mechanical damage, or the whole kahuna. :)
Actually Laorin and Kylehnat, it is perfectly possible to finish races without damage in GT. I have been training hard in GT4 to finish as much races as possible without hitting another car (or the track sides), and even with GT4's insane wacko AI which crashes into your back whenever you slow down do get a quick exit out of a corner, and which on the other hand brakes way too much for a corner whenever they're in front of you, it is actually possible. If GT5 has improved AI, this should be a lot easier.

I agree it isn't all that simple in a rather lengthy race (say anything over half an hour or so), so there'd better be some sort of repair-option during pitstops. I don't want to ruin a 2h race in the 119th minute.

Oh I never said it was impossible. It is just difficult for all but expert-level players as it stands with the AI the way it is (and congrats to you and the others for being able to do it, btw). I'm not a "casual gamer" or a "n00b" or anything like that. I might want to clarify that I'm not talking about tracks like Midfield or the other courses where it is rather easy to finish a race without contact. I'm talking more about Nurburgring which is like the only track I race anymore. Passing there is just a *bit* more difficult, but I digress.

My only point is that it might require some kind of compromise that we haven't thought of yet. How did Forza do it? I haven't heard a lot of complaints regarding that game and it models damage doesn't it?
Aww yes! I would be willing to sacrifce car numbers for amazing damage!
To stop the damn wall riding too...

Edit: It would be good to have an option to turn down or up the damage or not, but I still want people getting more punished from hitting the walls all the time no matter what damage mode they are playing on, especially online.
Glass breaking and flying everywhere, sheet metal bending, and, the engine pouring out black smoke.

This is something that would cause complete havok and confusion! I jus pray they dont go too over the top w/ yellow flags..!!

Jus imagine the car in front engine exploding, oil and smoke everywhere.. loose control and hit the barrier throwing "glass" and other body panels every where.. the next car comes sliding through, the debris pierces the tires, blow out, flip over the curb.. you know the score!

One incident causing many!
I didn't bother reading all the posts, but earlier I had heard KY say something about using the EyeToy for taking pictures of vehicles, and transferring the models/skins/textures into the game, so you can have your own car in the game. No I am not lying, I have heard this from a reliable source and that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be put in the game.

They are most likely trying very hard to implement this into the game and it's a realistic goal they have set, if indeed this is put to use it will be one of the greatest features for the GT series.
I've heared that rumour too, the truth is Kaz hasn't said anything about what the Eye toy will be used for, that rumour was made up by a sad kid with nothing better to do than create rumours. The fact of the matter is, it is impossible with current technology thats publicly available (and will be for some time) for a camera to create a complex 3d model of something it views, bear in mind even if the next eye toy could match these specialist industry tools that cost several thousands of pounds, you'd still need a full 360 degree panning of the camera and then the car model stil wouldn't have an interior. As for textures, this is possible, but you'd need more than a picture of a car to make a texture fit and look good on a model, your reliable source is just passing on false info thats been discredited a good few times before and it's not a realistic goal, it would do two things, allow thousands of players to breach copyright laws very easilly, and also it's not going to provide anything of decent quality if they did do it. Sorry to bust that bubble but thats how it is I'm afraid.
I've heared that rumour too, the truth is Kaz hasn't said anything about what the Eye toy will be used for, that rumour was made up by a sad kid with nothing better to do than create rumours. The fact of the matter is, it is impossible with current technology thats publicly available (and will be for some time) for a camera to create a complex 3d model of something it views, bear in mind even if the next eye toy could match these specialist industry tools that cost several thousands of pounds, you'd still need a full 360 degree panning of the camera and then the car model stil wouldn't have an interior. As for textures, this is possible, but you'd need more than a picture of a car to make a texture fit and look good on a model, your reliable source is just passing on false info thats been discredited a good few times before and it's not a realistic goal, it would do two things, allow thousands of players to breach copyright laws very easilly, and also it's not going to provide anything of decent quality if they did do it. Sorry to bust that bubble but thats how it is I'm afraid.

What rumour, and what copyright laws? Who are you talking to?
Yeah. The only thing the eyetoy could be used for realistically is to take a picture of maybe a magazine picture or barcode or something that GT5 would recognize, which would unlock a special feature or car. That is definitely possible - but whoever started that rumor about being able to take a picture of the car in your driveway and instantly make it into a car on your game is an idiot.

I would like damage, but i would want the option to turn it off in arcade mode, and damage online could be a bad thing, i see a lot of deliberate wrecking in pc driving sims when online and i wouldnt want that to happen .

So should damge be part of the online racing?
Hmmm..eyetoy...Maybe you'll be able to punch the car when you get really pissed off at the last super liscense test. Imagine how quickly frustration will be relieved when you get swipe your hand and a giant imprint of your fist is left in the back of the car. It'll really boost the replay value.
I can't wait to see how they do the damage in Vision GT. I hope it will be so realistic, it causes many players a lot of pain and frustration. I'm talking 'bout if you're goin' 80+ mph and crash head on into something, it is GAME OVER for your vehicle and possibly even for the driver!! I say it should live 100% up to the "Real Driving Simulator" that they claim the series is.
But, of course, Arcade mode should remain relatively unchanged, or perhaps even encourage crashing!!
Why don't they make a deal with Namco and borrow their Tekken fighting engine. If a driver crashes into you, you should just solve the problem by fighting to the death.
eye toy? may be you can use it to take pictures of your face and then put them on your car, like the hood, the doors..ect, and please, your face
Why exactly would you wish to encourage crashing in a GT game?
Not in the whole game! Only in arcade mode. I want the Gran Turismo mode gameplay to be ruthlessly realistic, meaning I want crashes to actually be able to result in the death of the driver.
Once you add an actual living breathing driver into the equation, youve opened up too huge of a world at this time. If PD was going to add that in, they wouldn't until they're able to make it possible for the driver to talk with an artificially intelligent pit team :indiff: Just as they wait this long to add damage, so that it will be proportionately realistic to the rest of the game, so they will for something like that.

I think what you meant to say is that if you crash, your race or arcade session is over with some other type of major consequence. 👍
Not in the whole game! Only in arcade mode. I want the Gran Turismo mode gameplay to be ruthlessly realistic, meaning I want crashes to actually be able to result in the death of the driver.

Why in Arcade mode?
So people can take a relaxing break from the frustration GT mode will undoubtedly cause if it is how I hope it is.

Crashing is a relaxing break to you? I just can't see your logic...encouraging people to crash in a GT game is, IMHO, fairly idiotic.
Once you add an actual living breathing driver into the equation, youve opened up too huge of a world at this time. If PD was going to add that in, they wouldn't until they're able to make it possible for the driver to talk with an artificially intelligent pit team :indiff: Just as they wait this long to add damage, so that it will be proportionately realistic to the rest of the game, so they will for something like that.

I think what you meant to say is that if you crash, your race or arcade session is over with some other type of major consequence. 👍

I guess you're right... I guess we'll have to wait until GT68 or something before PD feels happy with the hardware's capabilities to do something like that and when they are happy with their abilities to make it be as realistic as possible...