Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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Nation: Canadawesome

Territory: Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon

GDP: 40,000,000 pounds of ice, 10,000,000 pounds of seal blubber.

Army: 10,000 polar bear cavalrymen with rocket launchers and titanium hockey sticks, 5000 CA-18 "Inukshuk" tanks (Hockey goalies with depleted uranium pads, M60's and missile launchers), and 10,000 angry hockey fans who will be promised that victory in battle means the NHL lockout will end.

Air force: Owls and Peregrine Falcons with nuclear hockey pucks to drop.

Navy: Stolen russian submarines and whales.

Leader: Yvon of the yukon

So does eveyone want to just concede defeat now?
Nation: Canadawesome

Territory: Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon

GDP: 40,000,000 pounds of ice, 10,000,000 pounds of seal blubber.

Army: 10,000 polar bear cavalrymen with rocket launchers and titanium hockey sticks, 5000 CA-18 "Inukshuk" tanks (Hockey goalies with depleted uranium pads, M60's and missile launchers), and 10,000 angry hockey fans who will be promised that victory in battle means the NHL lockout will end.

Air force: Owls and Peregrine Falcons with nuclear hockey pucks to drop.

Navy: Stolen russian submarines and whales.

Leader: Yvon of the yukon

So does eveyone want to just concede defeat now?

Makes more sense than anything JMoney has done
Might as well; everyone seems intent on ending this thread no matter what. And since Famine won't let me play his uber-game or what-not, I guess I'll have to say goodbye soon.
I should have known that this would end up like the last two games.

What's the point? I thought that this was going to be realistic. Now people are creating giant tanks and such that is decades away. When a nation rises from the ashes of nuclear war, they don't suddenly have everything they need to keep progressing like nothing ever happened. I tried to be realistic, and with all of the unrealistic crap that people are pulling off, there's no point anymore.

Let me make one last move before the inevitable happens:

The New Aztec Empire has made contact with extraterrestrials. They have given us bombs with a crystal substance strong enough to destroy Earth, even if used in limited quantities. The aliens said that the bombs detonate immediately, giving nobody time to react. As a result of this, we have decided to detonate the bombs and destroy Earth.

Thanks for ruining it again, guys. 👎
And did I stop you? I was simply curious of how it was going, nothing more nothing less.

That selective memory's going well for you.

Ignoring the quantity of VMs and PMs you sent me - one asking me to PM you what I'd done to that point - you spent two days arguing the toss with me about whether the largest airport in the world would be a target for an enemy in a nuclear war. Two days I could have been continuing to work on the game for everyone but you weren't happy because the part of the world you wanted to reserve for yourself (which wasn't going to happen) without even knowing the pre-game conditions was a bit messed up due to global nuclear war.

But no you had a hissy-fit, told me to screw off

If you're going to lie, we have a problem. Well, you have a problem.

I'm still developing the game. I am not developing it for public forums because I simply do not think that, after 3 completely failed attempts, it is suitable for public forums. The fact that the current game cannot even stick to its own (uncited) rules is a stark reminder of this. That you still see fit to pester me at every turn is another.
This whole thread was doomed to begin with, what with the rules being screwed up and all. Sorry for trying to see what was left and not; forgot it isn't allowed.

Just go ahead and lock this thread. And since I won't be allowed to play the real thing, I might as well say goodbye.

Adios everyone, see you in the other sections. The USS is officially closed.
Guys, come join me on NationStates, we can have a social group where we do everything and not clutter up the forums
The New Aztec Empire has made contact with extraterrestrials. They have given us bombs with a crystal substance strong enough to destroy Earth, even if used in limited quantities. The aliens said that the bombs detonate immediately, giving nobody time to react. As a result of this, we have decided to detonate the bombs and destroy Earth.

The people of the People's Republic of Benomia are immortal creatures that cannot die under any circumstances.
Good day.👍
Here is the region, post your username when you join and tomarrow or tonight if my power is still here I will post my username. We will use this usergroup as our forum, so as to not clutter up the forum.
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Quackjack? My mind is blown.

Jahgee: Please unban me, I'm sorry I accused you of bothering Famine.

Famine: You aren't still developing something if you aren't going to publish it. Otherwise, you would do something with your work, which is really the whole concept of doing work.
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No one can blame me because while everyone else tried to decide who would make the game and if they would play it, I saw the game about to go down a road it wasn't meant to go down. And then I tried to save it. I never should brought the game to Gtplanet in the first place. I should have known that a creative game would never work in a community of sim racers.

Edit: Famine: You mean you will post it in the group.
Jahgee: Please unban me, I'm sorry I accused you of bothering Famine.

I made a new region, you joined the usergroup and I won't ban any GTP members unless they make an ass of themselves in the group
No one can blame me because while everyone else tried to decide who would make the game and if they would play it, I saw the game about to go down a road it wasn't meant to go down. And then I tried to save it. I never should brought the game to Gtplanet in the first place. I should have known that a creative game would never work in a community of sim racers.

Edit: Famine: You mean you will post it in the group.

I never would have known that someone from the Runescape forums would go to a community of sim racers. See how ignorant that statement was?

It lasted longer without you in the helm, I appreciate the effort, but I thought this game was going to be realistic. Your version of creative is making a superweapon to kill everyone and that isn't fun. I can just say my weapon one-ups yours then you say that yours one-ups mine etc. then it spirals downhill. In fact, if we're supposed to be creative then why use the setting of the aftermath of a nuclear war? Why not some empty world in 2200 where we can develop whatever we want?

If the game is going to be about creativity then you might as well call it "Create a Weapon."
Before I quit, my one project was developing some Nazi Prototype tanks that were huge, but they were WW2 designs so they weren't that good
Okay, this when the gloves come off...

I never should brought the game to Gtplanet in the first place. I should have known that a creative game would never work in a community of sim racers.

For the record, I gave it a chance in the first place. That's right, the first thread, first post. I figured a newcomer might be able to handle themselves well.

And I see you've done so much to contribute to the rest of the site, let alone the primary topic of discussion, so your point and attitude is moot.
No one can blame me because while everyone else tried to decide who would make the game and if they would play it, I saw the game about to go down a road it wasn't meant to go down. And then I tried to save it. I never should brought the game to Gtplanet in the first place. I should have known that a creative game would never work in a community of sim racers.

First of all, I want to explain why I left so suddenly. The main reason is that I couldn't keep track of everybody, and the game was going to anarchy. Another reason was that I hate modding. The reason I brought this game to GTPlanet is because I was banned from the Runescape forums (where the game was originally founded), but I wanted to keep playing. The plan was to find a new forum, get the game started, and then leave and let it develop on it's own, so that I can return and be a player. This plan worked perfectly. The rules described in this thread are very much like what I intended initially, with lots of technicals. I'm very much pleased with what the game has become.
Says it all really.
Such a shame each of these threads had to end in bickering. I can't believe you all. We should've learned our lesson after #2, but we end on the same problem: fighting among the players because of an idiotic reason.

It's been fun playing with you guys, shame it had to end this way.
Before I quit, my one project was developing some Nazi Prototype tanks that were huge, but they were WW2 designs so they weren't that good

The ones that could shoot from Berlin to Paris?
I don't think so, I would classify that as artillery. Think he meant tanks such as the Tier10 tanks from World of Tanks, but thats just a presumption.
No, I was modernizing a Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster that would shoot these

I think it's safe to say that all parties involved are done playing, and if not it's close enough that you'd be playing with yourself.

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