Clinton? I dunno, Arkansas I guess.
Gamerdog: Just post the equations so we can figure out your battles...also, anyone could fact-check the statistics.
Project Super Tank is 15% complete. The concept has been drawn on paper. It will look a lot like those 8-wheeled tanks from Star Wars Episode III. Can't remember the name of them.
The game seems a lot calmer without Jahgee. I should have kicked off in the first game...for some sort of reason.
The CSSAR's President Alejandro Shepherd has decided to take a two-month long tour of the world. He's visit all player nations and NPC superpowers, and will be back....tomorrow evening.
While Magpul is *as usual* bitching, he has a point; the rules aren't as solid as they should be.
MagpulWe had over 3,000 posts in the second game, and around 1,300 posts in the first.
No we don't lock threads because they don't get enough traffic. We do lock threads that are pointless or break AUP.JMoney689Do the mods here lock a thread just because it's slow?
Less realism? More chaos? Agreed, this game needs more invisible, long range nuclear weapons that cost $8.25 to produce and can be launched from your local 7-11.JMoney689I'm considering overhauling the whole thread so it's based less on realism, is more fun and free-er at the price of chaos, but I'll only do it if everyone wants me to.
cost $8.25 to produce and can be launched from your local 7-11.
Mike RotchI would recommend the participants get back to playing this version of the game, not discussing any future version of rulesets...
Project Super Tank?
This is just getting ridiculous. How much money are you spending on it? What resources do you need to make up the tank? You don't have every material in the world. Come on.
Don't know what kind of rules y'all want, so someone PM me a new set of rules.
I am 95% sure Jaghee bothered Famine into not developing this game, so blame him.
I know I'm a crappy mod, but I was the one who stepped up, and I'm doing the best I can. I'd have rather modded this game than see it die. I suppose I shouldn't have left it earlier.
I'm considering overhauling the whole thread so it's based less on realism, is more fun and free-er at the price of chaos, but I'll only do it if everyone wants me to.
I asked him a few times and he quit
* You may make ONE POST per day detailing your country's progress. In the instance of inter-country hostilities, more posts may be permitted. In the event of the Head mod rejecting actions, you may make additional posts detailing alternate actions.
gamerdog6482 47
Quackjack 46
Jahgee1124 40
No, I just stopped developing the game for you. I'm still working on it for others, but the thought of spending 50 weeks being harangued by the same, small cabal who didn't understand why they couldn't have their own way leaves me cold.
My version's still being developed. It won't be made public.