Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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Updated status.

Nation name: United Carribean Federation
Land list (3 to start with): Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti, Military Base in Tampa, Florida (USS Territory)
Capital: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 13,233,891
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,125,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 45,000
Air: 30,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 30
Navy: 40
Air: 30
Leader name: President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aquaculture, Weaponry
Researches: RPU Assault Rifle (Completion: 3/7 YR)
Trading: New Aztecs, Osea, USS, Benomia
Alliances: Osea, USS
Military Ops:
Yearly Income: 5B
Peaceful Annexation of Jamaica: 1 4/7 of a year to completion.

Weaponry for Normal Units
Dragunov Sniper Rifle
Makarov Pistol
PKP Pechneg Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
AK-74U W/Silencer
AN-94 Assault Rifle W/Silencer
Makarov W/Silencer
Dragunov W/Silencer
ROKS Flamethrower

Vehicular Weapons
T-80 Tank
Normal Navy/Air Fighters

Nations' Motto: Sic semper tyrannis (Thus death to tyrants)

Flag: Vertical Canadian Flag with three Black Stars instead of a Maple Leaf.
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Nation name: The Northern African Alliance
Land: Libya, Tunisia, Malta(Annex), Crete(Protectorateship)
Capital: Tripoli, Libya
Total Population: 9,056,113
Libya: 5,545,148
Tunisia: 2,437,110
Crete: 621,340
Malta: 452,515
Current money : $76,25B
GDP: $25B
Military Size: 140,000
Army: 50,000
Navy: 44,000
Air: 46,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35
Leader name: The Principal of the Northern African Alliance
Top Industries: (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Technology, Fishing

Military Development:Cold Flame Jet Engines - Spring 2022,
F-115 Firehawk - Fall 2022,
ALAR (Advanced Laser-based Air Radar)
and ALAA (Advanced Laser-based Anti Air) - Spring 2024

Deadlines:(C)N-250 - 2023
Cold Fusion - 2024
Road development - 20XX
Bullet railroad construction - 2029

The Osean Federation
Trade Relations:
New German Empire | The Osean Federation

Current Military actions: Annexing Malta and Crete (peacefully)

Income per year: $2,000,000,000
Industry income: $1,500,000,000
Trade income: $500,000,000
Spending per year: $750,000,000
Total income per year: $1,250,000,000

Weaponry for Normal Units
KRISS Vector
M40A3 Sniper Rifle
M1911 Pistol
M27 Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
M4 W/Silencer
M1911 W/Silencer
M14 W/Silencer and Long-Range Scope

Vehicular Weapons
M1A1 Abrams

F/A-18F Super Hornet
F-117 Nighthawk
U-2 Spyplane
AC-130 Spectre
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers

Nations' Motto: Altivolus per aer ut unus. (Roughly translated to "Soaring through the air as one."​

Status report for today.

New developments!

I am developing a bullet train and a railway for it. It's pretty much the same as the ones we have in Japan IRL. Deadline is 2029.

I am also developing a new super-sonic commercial/transport plane, such as the Concorde. The speed will be mainly the same, but the transport models have their speed limited to Mach 1.1 for safety measures.

It will be called the N-250 (CN-250 for commercial.) and production will start in 2023.

OT: We REALLY should get months in the OP. And tell me honestly, am I developing too many things?
New Aztec Empire Nation Status:

Territories: California
Population: 18,945,956
Current government and economy: "People's" Monarchy/Socialism
Money: $102,000,000,000
GDP: $10,000,000,000

Trade Partners:

United Caribbean Federation (coal for canned foods)
New German Empire (diamonds for iron)


Rebuilding of Bakersfield, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego: $5,000,000,000 (8 years, 2028, December 13th IRL)
Agricultural/Livestock expansion: $1,000,000,000 (4 years, 2024, November 22nd IRL)
"New Haven" city: $500,000,000 (6 years, 2026, December 6th IRL)
Factories and Coal Power Plants: $800,000,000 (5 years, 2025, November 29th IRL)
Cyanogen Chloride Bomb: $800,000,000 (10 years, 2030, December 27th IRL)

Military Size: 90,000

Land: 72,500
Sea: 13,000
Air: 4,500

Military Distribution (Red means a territory is being attacked by my forces, Green means a territory of mine is under attack by another faction.):

California: 39,000 (20,000 land, 13,000 sea, 3,000 air)
Nevada: 51,000 (50,000 land, 1,000 air)
Yuma County, AZ: 3,000 (2,500 land, 500 air)
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Clinton? I dunno, Arkansas I guess.

Gamerdog: Just post the equations so we can figure out your battles...also, anyone could fact-check the statistics.

Project Super Tank is 15% complete. The concept has been drawn on paper. It will look a lot like those 8-wheeled tanks from Star Wars Episode III. Can't remember the name of them.

The game seems a lot calmer without Jahgee. I should have kicked off in the first game...for some sort of reason.

The CSSAR's President Alejandro Shepherd has decided to take a two-month long tour of the world. He's visit all player nations and NPC superpowers, and will be back....tomorrow evening.
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We REALLY NEED a time keeping system on the OP JMoney. It would be easier for newbies to keep up. Right now, we are 4/7 through 2021.
This is what I am using for war length:

This is what I am using for war cost:

EDIT: This is what I am using for soldier loss:
Can you tell us what the letters mean? These are the ones that I am looking for, others I can understand:
P means the enemy's population.
T sub i is the troops you started the war with.
T sub e is the troops your enemy started the war with.
This game won't last nearly as long as the other CaN's. JMoney, you credit yourself with a trivial thing as simply copy-and-pasting another person's idea to this forum. No offense to Quack, but you are a worse Head-Mod than he was. The actual moderators of this forum gave us (you) rules to recreate this game with; rules that you obviously ignored. You "fired" a moderator who knows more about the game than you do. Sure our past game was flawed, but we had an entire system going. We had over 3,000 posts in the second game, and around 1,300 posts in the first. If Quack didn't abandon the game, we would've been in space by now, which sounds very fun if I may say so. From the way this game is going, I can already tell by the first 15 pages that it won't last. You should change your policy and rules before everyone quits and the real mods shut down "your" game for good. Just my .02 cents. Hello to everyone else, by the way.
While Magpul is *as usual* bitching, he has a point; the rules aren't as solid as they should be.
Clinton? I dunno, Arkansas I guess.

Gamerdog: Just post the equations so we can figure out your battles...also, anyone could fact-check the statistics.

Project Super Tank is 15% complete. The concept has been drawn on paper. It will look a lot like those 8-wheeled tanks from Star Wars Episode III. Can't remember the name of them.

The game seems a lot calmer without Jahgee. I should have kicked off in the first game...for some sort of reason.

The CSSAR's President Alejandro Shepherd has decided to take a two-month long tour of the world. He's visit all player nations and NPC superpowers, and will be back....tomorrow evening.

Project Super Tank?

This is just getting ridiculous. How much money are you spending on it? What resources do you need to make up the tank? You don't have every material in the world. Come on.
Expect a slow week this time around, because of that big "Frankenstorm" thingy in America, you know?

I'm not in the path, but be easy on the other players this week, JMoney.
While Magpul is *as usual* bitching, he has a point; the rules aren't as solid as they should be.

Then you shouldn't have been so eager to start a new game.

We had over 3,000 posts in the second game, and around 1,300 posts in the first.

The success of a quality game is not judged on how much people can successfully postwhore, but how much they enjoyed the game. On that count, all iterations of the game failed given the acrimony at each one's conclusion.
Don't know what kind of rules y'all want, so someone PM me a new set of rules.

I am 95% sure Jaghee bothered Famine into not developing this game, so blame him. I know I'm a crappy mod, but I was the one who stepped up, and I'm doing the best I can. I'd have rather modded this game than see it die. I suppose I shouldn't have left it earlier.

Do the mods here lock a thread just because it's slow? In that case, I too dought this game's chances. I'm considering overhauling the whole thread so it's based less on realism, is more fun and free-er at the price of chaos, but I'll only do it if everyone wants me to.
Do the mods here lock a thread just because it's slow?
No we don't lock threads because they don't get enough traffic. We do lock threads that are pointless or break AUP.
I'm considering overhauling the whole thread so it's based less on realism, is more fun and free-er at the price of chaos, but I'll only do it if everyone wants me to.
Less realism? More chaos? Agreed, this game needs more invisible, long range nuclear weapons that cost $8.25 to produce and can be launched from your local 7-11.

I would recommend the participants get back to playing this version of the game, not discussing any future version of rulesets...
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Mike Rotch
I would recommend the participants get back to playing this version of the game, not discussing any future version of rulesets...


Thank you. About time someone with authority got this into our skulls.

Anywho, enough about future rules, but instead playing with current rules.
Project Super Tank?

This is just getting ridiculous. How much money are you spending on it? What resources do you need to make up the tank? You don't have every material in the world. Come on.

Next week: Project SUPER CHUCK NORRIS.
Don't know what kind of rules y'all want, so someone PM me a new set of rules.

Hmm, like the ruleset I spent an hour or two on, but you ignored?

I am 95% sure Jaghee bothered Famine into not developing this game, so blame him.

Nope, It was me; I asked him a few times and he quit, so I said **** it let's just use my rules; which you ignored.

I know I'm a crappy mod, but I was the one who stepped up, and I'm doing the best I can. I'd have rather modded this game than see it die. I suppose I shouldn't have left it earlier.

True, somewhat true, and true. If you just stopped, replaced my rules with these ones (but keeping some of the big stuff) we'd be fine.

I'm considering overhauling the whole thread so it's based less on realism, is more fun and free-er at the price of chaos, but I'll only do it if everyone wants me to.

Lol no.
I asked him a few times and he quit

No, I just stopped developing the game for you. I'm still working on it for others, but the thought of spending 50 weeks being harangued by the same, small cabal who didn't understand why they couldn't have their own way leaves me cold.

I told you I was away all weekend doing something else. And after driving 300 miles (7 hours), being awake for 36 hours from 48 and then driving back 300 miles (6 hours) - thus at a relatively low point of humour and tolerance - I still had VMs and PMs asking if I was done yet.

It's worth noting that in the rules (unreferenced) in post one, this remains:

* You may make ONE POST per day detailing your country's progress. In the instance of inter-country hostilities, more posts may be permitted. In the event of the Head mod rejecting actions, you may make additional posts detailing alternate actions.

And within this six day old thread we find...

gamerdog6482 47
Quackjack 46
Jahgee1124 40

That alone tells me I'd have been herding cats.

My version's still being developed. It won't be made public.
You obviously want nothing but to lock me *and anyone else who dared ask when it would be done* out; why don't you simply get to the point? Could you either lock this thread and kick me out or take who you want and go?
To "lock" you?

I obviously wanted to be allowed to finish what I was doing, like I kept asking of you. Nothing more. Even now you continue to make that as difficult as you can make it.
And did I stop you? I was simply curious of how it was going, nothing more nothing less. But no you had a hissy-fit, told me to screw off and

No, I just stopped developing the game for you. I'm still working on it for others, but the thought of spending 50 weeks being harangued by the same, small cabal who didn't understand why they couldn't have their own way leaves me cold.

My version's still being developed. It won't be made public.

Locking me out.
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