Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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If three fairly-powerful countries in that region joined, they could be capable of many things under the right leadership, including a gun that fires a knife.

But why? Why would this ever happen?

It makes no sense.
There are ballistic knives, which are kind of like a blade launcher. I don't understand why it would not be possible to fire knife blades with a gun.
Because in this day and age (or 2020, for that matter) ballistic knives/guns are just pointless. Two things, bullets and body armor. We're not running around in cloth.

His decision, whatever. How much did it cost to make the guns, though? Plus, if the countries are capable of doing many things, then why is it that the first thing to do with that power and potential is to make a knife gun? Your choice? Whatever.
There are ballistic knives, which are kind of like a blade launcher. I don't understand why it would not be possible to fire knife blades with a gun.

Oh it is entirely possible, but that wasn't what I was asking.

I asking why it would make any sense to develop such a silly weapon.
I made it because it has potential. Just look at the Needler from Halo. I love that weapon, and it was my inspiration. In the future, technology will be stronger and we might be able to make the knifes out of explosive plasma. In any case, the CSSAR is ahead if all other nations in this sense.

Quack: Your troops in SC have suffered about 17,000 casualties, but have captured Charleston.

EDIT: Quack: That island on the map south of south america is under my control, as it is part of chile and argentina.
I made it because it has potential. Just look at the Needler from Halo. I love that weapon, and it was my inspiration. In the future, technology will be stronger and we might be able to make the knifes out of explosive plasma. In any case, the CSSAR is ahead if all other nations in this sense.

Why not just shoot plasma? Do you even know what plasma is?
I made it because it has potential. Just look at the Needler from Halo. I love that weapon, and it was my inspiration. In the future, technology will be stronger and we might be able to make the knifes out of explosive plasma. In any case, the CSSAR is ahead if all other nations in this sense.

Quack: Your troops in SC have suffered about 17,000 casualties, but have captured Charleston.

EDIT: Quack: That island on the map south of south america is under my control, as it is part of chile and argentina.

Good job! Does getting ahead really matter? If I wanted to, I could have just developed a superweapon and be done with this game.

If I had your land, I'd be using it productively. I wouldn't be developing pointless weapons in a world of turmoil. In fact, I could already have made the nation a prosperous superpower.

Bandits have begun firing at the buildings and taking potshots. Ground troops have been sent in to deal with the threat. Marksmen line up on the rooftops and M2 Brownings have been lined up on the balconies to provide devastating cover fire towards the bandits. Due to their low-tech weaponry (hunting rifles, AK-47s, etc.) the use of tanks and jets would be too wasteful. There are about 1,100 of the bandits. There are 5,000 Osean ground forces set up and ready to defend. If a moderator can, please mod this otherwise I'll do it myself.

In other news, research of underground farming by using aeroponics is currently going underway. Underground farming will be researched to avoid contamination of agriculture by nuclear fallout. It will also be used as a way to give us independence on agriculture.

The construction of the facilities will be done by 2025, and the crops will begin to grow in the start of 2026. The price is now updated in my status above.
People's Republic of Benomia war-time announcement:
Benomia has achieved major victories in the Oman war. We have taken Muscat.
Benomia has set their goal for total domination in ~45 days. We intend to have complete control of the region, and to have totally annexed Oman by that time.
~President Kronos

The USS has begun to finish off the South Carolinian defense, and will have annexed the state in 1 month *Tonight*. We have lost half of our men due to complications with the fallout, and President Anderson has ordered the quarantine of Atlanta to be finished by the end of the week. Next state to capture is Mississippi, then onto North Carolina and Virginia/DC. But, as we are dealing with several issues, that will come later.

Remainder of the army sent in: 10,000 Army, 2,000 Navy, 3,000 Air, 900 Rangers

Any other countries that want trade and/or alliances?
Good job! Does getting ahead really matter? If I wanted to, I could have just developed a superweapon and be done with this game.

If I had your land, I'd be using it productively.

Says the guy whose developing jets and air warfare..
Says the guy whose developing jets and air warfare..

I'm working alongside HenryT to research jets. What's wrong about aircraft production? Please look below. Aircraft production also includes commercial airliners. Not just fighter jets... :rolleyes:

-The Osean Federation-

Current status: Slight panic

Vincent Nilsson
Vice President:
Mikko Frantzen
Finland: Alexander Hirvonen | Sweden: Sebastian Larsson | Norway: Berit Larsen

The next election will be held December 2026.​

Current States: Norway, Sweden, Finland
Total Population: 20,350,000
- Swedish Population: 10,200,000
- Finnish Population: 5,600,000
- Norwegian Population: 4,550,000

Military Size: 125,000 (5,000 active/120,000 reserve)
- Army: 45,000
- Navy: 39,000
- Air: 41,000
Military strengths:
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35

Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,750,000,000
- Trade income: $750,000,000
Spending per year: $800,000,000
- Education, welfare, administration, law & order spending: $400,000,000
- Aircraft spending: $100,000,000
- Clean energy spending: $75,000,000
- Military spending: $75,000,000
- Automotive industry spending: $50,000,000
- Underground farming spending: $50,000,000
- Public safety and road building spending: $25,000,000
- Food For All Program spending: $25,000,000
Total income per year: $1,700,000,000

Military Primary Weapons list:
Front line:
And more

Special Forces:
And more

Combat Vehicles-

T-84 MBT
Patria AMV
And more

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers
And more

F117 Nighthawk
F/A-18 Hornet
U-2 Spyplane
C-17A Globemaster III
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom
And more

United Carribean Federation | North African Alliance
Trade Relations:
United Carribean Federation | New German Empire | North African Alliance​

Bandits vs. Osea (1,100 low tech, almost no training vs. 5,000 highly trained, highly armed)
Military Development: None at the moment.
Road construction - 2024
City rebuilding - 2026
Aircraft production - Begins June 2020
Underground farms - 2025; Farming begins at 2026

We've ordered the recruitment of 17,000 more troops to replace the lost ones. Cost and completion date?
500K a troop, so it would cost 8.5M. As a co-mod myself, I say it will take three days real time.

NVM...bad math...=P....would it be 8.5B?

Random events will be every Saturday around 7PM CT.
8.5 Billion and in three days... worth it.

Will be back to prewar numbers by tuesday.
Osea, I ask you a favor: Soon, we will attenpt to invade the Dominican Republic. They outnumber us two to one. In return, we will give you 30% of our aquaculture profits for the next five years, added with you having a territory in whichever of our territories you want.
Any update on my invasion of Nevada?

New Aztec Empire Nation Status (May 16th - June 30th, 2020):

Territories: California
Population: 18,845,956
Current government and economy: "People's" Monarchy/Socialism
Money: $93,000,000,000
GDP: $9,000,000,000

Trade Partners:

United Caribbean Federation (coal for canned foods)
New German Empire (diamonds for iron)


Rebuilding of Bakersfield, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego: $5,000,000,000 (8 years, December 13th IRL)
Agricultural/Livestock expansion: $1,000,000,000 (4 years, November 22nd IRL)
"New Haven" city: $500,000,000 (6 years, December 6th IRL)
Factories and Coal Power Plants: $800,000,000 (5 years, November 29th IRL)
Cyanogen Chloride Bomb: $800,000,000 (10 years, December 27th IRL)

Military Size: 90,000

Land: 72,500
Sea: 13,000
Air: 4,500

Military Distribution (Red means a territory is being attacked by my forces, Green means a territory of mine is under attack by another faction.):

California: 39,000 (20,000 land, 13,000 sea, 3,000 air)
Nevada: 51,000 (50,000 land, 1,000 air)
Yuma County, AZ: 3,000 (2,500 land, 500 air)​
Last edited:
Land list (3 to start with):New York, Vermont, Massachusetts
Capital: Warwick
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democratic
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalism
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 11339582
Current money ($100bn to start with): 100bn
GDP (25bn to start with): 25bn
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000 (have too many)
Army: 33,334
Navy: 33,333
Air: 33,333
Military strengths (out of 100): I couldn't say.
Leader name: Juayi Aringh
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Agri. and Electronics
Extra: Name of Land is Nermotsets
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