Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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After thinking over my decision, I retract my last post, but I still intend to do daily random events. The game would be too boring otherwise. Also, can somebody please mod my attack on Liechtenstein with 8000 troops?

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF (Iron for Textiles), Benomia (Iron for Oil), New Aztec Empire (Iron for Diamonds), Osea (Iron and Steel for Oil and Natural Gas), USS (Metals for Cotton), NAA (Iron and Steel for Jewelry)

Military Size: 125,000

Land: 62,500
Sea: 25,000
Air: 37,500

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me?
I'm going to take this time to get some political structure going.

Head of State: Emperor Kronos
Head of Government: Emperor Kronos​

Benomia is split into three major regions, they are: Saudi Arabia (Also referred to as Benomia Prime), Yemen, and the United Arab Eremites.
Saudi Arabia: Arc Uparo
Yemen: Vladimir Drake
UAE: Uncle Ferdinand

Secretary of Defense: Arc Uparo
Secretary of the Treasury: Uncle Ferdinand
Secretary of Domestic Security: Vladimir Drake

The legislation is split into two parts, the Grand Council and the Senate. There are 235 members of the GC, which are hand-picked by the head of state. The 120 members of the Senate are elected by the members of the GC. Governors are elected by the Senate. There is no court system, and there are no public elections. As previously mentioned, public enterprise is outlawed, although the Secretary of the Treasury is pushing for public entry into the automotive industry. There are a total of 355 members of the national congress, although the Head of State and Head of Government can veto any law, as well as override any decision made by the congress. In other words, the congress is a formality and has no real power.​
USS Report

Territories: Florida, Georgia, Alabama

Population: 17,100,000

Money: 99 Billion

Army Division:

Florida: 20,000 Army, 10,000 Navy, 15,000 Air
Invading South Carolina: 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, 1,000 Rangers
Alabama: 5,000 Army, 4,000 Navy, 5,000 Air

Current Government: Mr. Anderson (President, Liberal) Congress (61 Conservatives, 39 Liberals) Supreme Court (7 Conservatives, 5 Liberals)

Trade: Benomia, New German Empire

Allies: None

Special Tech: None, None in development
Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
Instate Income: $2,000,000,000
Instate Spending: $500,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF (Iron for Textiles), Benomia (Iron for Oil), New Aztec Empire (Iron for Diamonds), Osea (Iron and Steel for Oil and Natural Gas), USS (Metals for Cotton), NAA (Iron and Steel for Jewelry)
Trade Income: $6,000,000,000
Yearly Profit for GDP Bank: $7,500,000,000

Military Size: 125,000

Land: 62,500
Sea: 25,000
Air: 37,500

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Research: Improved Iron Mining Technique - Adds 1 Billion to our income EST Completion Time 1 Year, Project Krupp EST Completion Time 5 Years

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own.
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Will there be an update to the random events post and the map/player list?

In other news, 3 scientists have died from radiation sickness in Lappeenranta. A call to leave has been issued to the remaining 24 scientists stationed in the city.
Will there be an update to the random events post and the map/player list?

In other news, 3 scientists have died from radiation sickness in Lappeenranta. A call to leave has been issued to the remaining 24 scientists stationed in the city.

Random Event post to come tomorrow morning
Stormtrooper: Yeah, your military numbers are too high, the maximum number of troops isn't 2% at maximum population, it's much lower. This is so that players start off with more equal army sizes. Also, you can only do nuclear research, not build buildings. You don't have to tear any buildings down you have built, you just can't do anything with them.

Actually, 2% of 18,845,956 (my current population) is well over the military cap of 100,000, so wouldn't that mean that I get to leave my troop count as is?
So it would be 100,000.

Yes, and with the 10,000 troops that left my military after the random event, I have 90,000 troops.

Also, the reason that I am rebuilding the main areas of cities across California is since I want to have more realism in this game, so I don't have a ton of populous cities that are entirely unharmed. The factories will produce anything from canned foods to military vehicles, so they can be produced in larger quantities, and the farms and livestock pens will grow and keep food sources to feed the hungry citizens across the nation. Most importantly, the power plants will power the nation with electricity, making things easier for the people at home.
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Just remember nuclear fallout can taint your agriculture, etc. etc.

Sadly, a week after the evacuation of Lappeenranta, another 2 scientists that studied the area have died due to radiation sickness. The remaining 22 scientists are now placed in a contamination laboratory 50 miles from civilization for further testing. They are currently in a mild condition, with no signs of any worrying symptoms.
We offer to peacefully annex Jamaica. We will offer military protection and increased food supply from our great aquaculture system.

To Benomia, we wish to trade with you. Textiles for oil?
Since game mods aren't going to determine the building times, I have decided to change them to what I think would be a realistic time to build. Read the post on page 7 for details.

Meanwhile, the New Aztec Empire wishes to trade a small amount of coal for canned foods with the United Caribbean Federation to help reduce the hunger that is going on across the NAA.
Can do.

Updated status.

Nation name: United Carribean Federation
Land list (3 to start with): Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti
Capital: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 13,333,891
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,125,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 45,000
Air: 30,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 30
Navy: 40
Air: 30
Leader name: President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aquaculture, Weaponry
Researches: RPU Assault Rifle (Completion: 1YR)
Trading: New Aztecs, NGE, Osea, USS
Alliances: Osea
Military Ops:
Yearly Income: 5B

Weaponry for Normal Units
Dragunov Sniper Rifle
Makarov Pistol
PKP Pechneg Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
AK-74U W/Silencer
AN-94 Assault Rifle W/Silencer
Makarov W/Silencer
Dragunov W/Silencer
ROKS Flamethrower

Vehicular Weapons
T-80 Tank
Normal Navy/Air Fighters

Nations' Motto: Sic semper tyrannis (Thus death to tyrants)

Flag: Vertical Canadian Flag with three Black Stars instead of a Maple Leaf.

As for the random event:
Status update. Nation is becoming aware of the nuclear fallout, and sightings of bandits on Finland's eastern border have been reported.

-The Osean Federation-

Current status: Mild

Vincent Nilsson
Vice President:
Mikko Frantzen
Finland: Alexander Hirvonen | Sweden: Sebastian Larsson | Norway: Berit Larsen

The next election will be held December 2026.​

Current States: Norway, Sweden, Finland
Total Population: 20,200,000
- Swedish Population: 10,100,000
- Finnish Population: 5,550,000
- Norwegian Population: 4,550,000

Military Size: 125,000
- Army: 45,000
- Navy: 39,000
- Air: 41,000
Military strengths:
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35

Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,750,000,000
- Trade income: $750,000,000
Spending per year: $750,000,000
- Education, welfare, administration, law & order spending: $400,000,000
- Aircraft spending: $100,000,000
- Clean energy spending: $75,000,000
- Military spending: $75,000,000
- Automotive industry spending: $50,000,000
- Public safety and road building spending: $25,000,000
- Food For All Program spending: $25,000,000
Total income per year: $1,750,000,000

Military Primary Weapons list:
Front line:
And more

Special Forces:
And more

Combat Vehicles-

T-84 MBT
Patria AMV
And more

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers
And more

F117 Nighthawk
F/A-18 Hornet
U-2 Spyplane
C-17A Globemaster III
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom
And more

United Carribean Federation | North African Alliance
Trade Relations:
United Carribean Federation | New German Empire | North African Alliance​

Military Development: None at the moment.
Road construction - 2024
City rebuilding - 2026
Aircraft production - Begins June 2020

Action: The government calls for a national day of rest to keep the nation calm about the threats of nuclear fallout reaching highly populated cities. Bandits have been seen scouting the borders on east Finland. Presumed to be Russian refugees looking for a way in, threat levels are at a minimum for now.
USS Report

Territories: Florida, Georgia, Alabama

Population: 17,100,000

Money: 99 Billion

Army Division:

Florida: 20,000 Army, 10,000 Navy, 15,000 Air
Invading South Carolina: 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, 1,000 Rangers
Alabama: 5,000 Army, 4,000 Navy, 5,000 Air

Current Government: Mr. Anderson (President, Liberal) Congress (61 Conservatives, 39 Liberals) Supreme Court (7 Conservatives, 5 Liberals)

Trade: Benomia, New German Empire, United Caribbean Federation

Allies: None

Special Tech: None, None in development

How much would it cost to supply some of my troops with riot shields?
Nation name: The Northern African Alliance
Land: Libya, Tunisia
Capital: Tripoli, Libya
Total Population: 7,642,258
Libya: 5,325,148
Tunisia: 2,317,110
Current money : $75B
GDP: $25B
Military Size: 125,000
Army: 45,000
Navy: 39,000
Air: 41,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35
Leader name: The Principal of the Northern African Alliance
Top Industries: (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Technology, Fishing

Military Development: L11AX Sniper Rifles - 2020,
Cold Flame Jet Engines - Spring 2022,
F-115 Firehawk - Fall 2022,
ALAR (Advanced Laser-based Air Radar)
and ALAA (Advanced Laser-based Anti Air) - Spring 2024

Deadlines: Cold Fusion - 2024
Road development - 20XX
Railroad construction - 202X

The Osean Federation
Trade Relations:
New German Empire | The Osean Federation

Current Military actions: Annexing Malta and Crete (peacefully)

Income per year: $2,000,000,000
Industry income: $1,500,000,000
Trade income: $500,000,000
Spending per year: $750,000,000
Total income per year: $1,250,000,000

Weaponry for Normal Units
KRISS Vector
M40A3 Sniper Rifle
M1911 Pistol
M27 Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
M4 W/Silencer
M1911 W/Silencer
M14 W/Silencer and Long-Range Scope

Vehicular Weapons
M1A1 Abrams

F/A-18F Super Hornet
F-117 Nighthawk
U-2 Spyplane
AC-130 Spectre
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers

Nations' Motto: Altivolus per aer ut unus. (Roughly translated to "Soaring through the air as one."​

My status report for today.

I am also announcing the return of the CFJ engines. These engines, as most of you know, emit close to no hot flame, eliminating the heat source 99.8%. The prototypes currently have only the advantage of stealth over the regular ones, but their capabilities are being expanded as we speak.

The F-115 Firehawk is a new generation stealth bomber, that utilises the CFJ engines and advanced stealth technology. (When I say that, it means it has extra panelling :lol: In real terms, it's only a bit better than the B2)

The ALAR and ALAA are two revolutionary defense systems, that use the most powerful lasers in the world (currently) to scan the air for anything suspicious, and have a 98% detection rate.

I have already spent 25B on researching these technologies. Don't worry, I have stayed realistic enough with these, the same with the deadlines of them.

Edit: GHS, interested in CFJ engines?
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Guys, can you gimme a report on what I should add to the map?

Also, much more detailed report soon.

Should we appoint another mod, JMoney is falling behind.
^about 5-8 months.

Jahgee: You're fired. You don't get to argue with me. I stepped up and decided to run this thread, and you going back and forth with me makes it much harder. From now on, there will be no random events, unless someone other than Jahgee wants to due them once per week.

D3ATH: Jamaica would want to become a protectorate of your country. This stage usually comes before annexation.


The CSSAR MED is 80% complete with project blade gun.

The CSSAR wants an FTA with Australia and South Africa.
Well fine, this time I am leaving

JMoney: Don't say you stepped up and did anything, all you did was copy and paste something from the group while actually removing content. When quack did it, at least the death count made sense. His way made it so you could start out with 10 Million in a realistic matter, that way we aren't just making people up.
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$800,000,000 is going towards development of a new weapon. This chemical weapon uses cyanogen chloride, a very lethal blood agent that causes injury upon impact with eyes and/or organs, and can cause many symptoms, drowsiness and nausea just to name a couple. The lethality of this weapon can kill a human within tens of minutes, and can even penetrate through gas masks.

This weapon takes the form of a 1,000 pound bomb, filled with a very large dose of cyanogen chloride, and after detonation, will spread blood agents about half of a mile away from the site of impact. The explosion only spreads out for a couple hundred meters, though the blood agents may spread out much further.

New Aztec Empire Nation Status (April 1st - May 15th, 2020):

Territories: California
Population: 18,845,956
Current government and economy: "People's" Monarchy/Socialism
Money: $92,000,000,000
GDP: $9,000,000,000

Trade Partners:

United Caribbean Federation (coal for canned foods)
New German Empire (diamonds for iron)


Rebuilding of Bakersfield, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego: $5,000,000,000 (8 years, December 13th IRL)
Agricultural/Livestock expansion: $1,000,000,000 (4 years, November 22nd IRL)
"New Haven" city: $500,000,000 (6 years, December 6th IRL)
Factories and Coal Power Plants: $800,000,000 (5 years, November 29th IRL)
Cyanogen Chloride Bomb: $800,000,000 (10 years, December 27th IRL)

Military Size: 90,000

Land: 72,500
Sea: 13,000
Air: 4,500

Military Distribution (Red means a territory is being attacked by my forces, Green means a territory of mine is under attack by another faction.):

California: 39,000 (20,000 land, 13,000 sea, 3,000 air)
Nevada: 51,000 (50,000 land, 1,000 air)
Yuma County, AZ: 3,000 (2,500 land, 500 air)​
JMoney, the CSSAR was your country right? In that case, I would be interested in the blade gun blueprints, they would be a great reserve weapon.

Anything I can offer you in return?
I will do the random events, once a week, every Friday. Sound good?

D3ATH: Jamaica would want to become a protectorate of your country. This stage usually comes before annexation.

So, would my annexation be complete on Tuesday? (Around 6 months game time)
Guys, can you gimme a report on what I should add to the map?

Also, much more detailed report soon.

Should we appoint another mod, JMoney is falling behind.

Tell me about it.

^about 5-8 months.

Jahgee: You're fired. You don't get to argue with me. I stepped up and decided to run this thread, and you going back and forth with me makes it much harder. From now on, there will be no random events, unless someone other than Jahgee wants to due them once per week.

D3ATH: Jamaica would want to become a protectorate of your country. This stage usually comes before annexation.


The CSSAR MED is 80% complete with project blade gun.

The CSSAR wants an FTA with Australia and South Africa.

Are you kidding me... 👎

@Henry - I'm interested in the CFJ engines.
Great, do you want blueprints, prototypes, or mount-ready MkI's?

We should also develop a fighter jet together.
The People's Republic of Benomia has begun drilling for natural gas.
Along with that, oil surpluses have reached a new high with the recent disappearance one of the only two nations we were exporting to. Benomia is looking for counties that are willing to trade resources or products for Benomia's oil and natural gas.
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