Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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I'm adding a no-nukes rule until 300bn GDP is reached. That should give the game time to straighten out before we go nuclear.

The CSSAR MED is 20% complete with the blade gun project.
The status of my country will be shown in these posts. These will be updated daily when I can.

-The Osean Federation-

Current States: Norway, Sweden, Finland
Total Population: 20,000,000
- Swedish Population: 10,000,000
- Finnish Population: 5,500,000
- Norwegian Population: 4,500,000

President: Vincent Nilsson
Vice President: Mikko Frantzen
Finland: Alexander Hirvonen | Sweden: Sebastian Larsson | Norway: Berit Larsen​

Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,000,000,000
- Industry income: $1,750,000,000
- Trade income: $250,000,000
Spending per year: $750,000,000
- Education, welfare, administration, law & order spending: $400,000,000
- Aircraft spending: $100,000,000
- Clean energy spending: $75,000,000
- Military spending: $75,000,000
- Automotive industry spending: $50,000,000
- Public safety and road building spending: $25,000,000
- Food For All Program spending: $25,000,000
Total income per year: $1,250,000,000

Military Primary Weapons list:
Front line:

Special Forces:
CheyTac Intervention

Combat Vehicles-

T-95 MBT
T-84 MBT
Patria AMV
And more

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers
And more

F-22A Raptor
F117 Nighthawk
F/A-18 Hornet
U-2 Spyplane
C-17A Globemaster III
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom
AH-64 Apache
And more

Trade Relations:
Military Development:
Road construction - 2024
City rebuilding - 2026

Action: We send an ambassador to the North African Alliance to talk about trade relationships and an alliance. Road construction has begun, and the rebuilding of damaged property begins. The government passes the Food For All Program, which supplies food to refugees, victims of war, and impoverished people.
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I'm adding a no-nukes rule until 300bn GDP is reached. That should give the game time to straighten out before we go nuclear.

The CSSAR MED is 20% complete with the blade gun project.

Does that mean that my research is halted, or is it that I have to wait until 300bn to use the nuke?
Updated status.

We also ask Bemonia to attempt to loosen up on their harsh governmental policies in the future, as we believe it would be best in the future.

Nation name: United Carribean Federation
Land list (3 to start with): Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti
Capital: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 13,333,891
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,125,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 246,677
Army: 82,225
Navy: 82,225
Air: 82,225
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 30
Navy: 40
Air: 30
Leader name: President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aquaculture, Weaponry
Researches: RPU Assault Rifle (Completion: 1YR)
Trading: New Aztecs, NGE, Osea, USS
Alliances: Ossea

Weaponry for Normal Units
Dragunov Sniper Rifle
Makarov Pistol
PKP Pechneg Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
AK-74U W/Silencer
AN-94 Assault Rifle W/Silencer
Makarov W/Silencer
Dragunov W/Silencer
ROKS Flamethrower

Vehicular Weapons
T-80 Tank
Normal Navy/Air Fighters

Nations' Motto: Sic semper tyrannis (Thus death to tyrants)

Flag: Vertical Canadian Flag with three Black Stars instead of a Maple Leaf.

I have requested trade with the New German Empire, USS, and New Aztecs.

New research has spawned for the RPU Assault Rifle. This will include a 50 round drum magazine with a SCAR-L styling, also with an optional red dot and silencer. Completion expected in one year.

As for the random event:

(How much money do you earn with trade? And how much on a yearly basis?)
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Trade has been accepted, Juan Carlos Jalapeno IV.
Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF, Benomia

Military Size: 100,000

Land: 50,000
Sea: 16,000
Air: 34,000

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me
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I'll be presenting some of the things that the government does, or self-inflicted events that happen in my nation like this. This is the starting edition:

Osean Journal

Government Expresses Interest in Alliance with the North African Alliance and the United Carribean Federation
"We believe them to be strong allies in the long run. Aircraft research and development and our growing interest in aquaculture to help feed our hungry are the two things we need now to provide a strong economy and keep our proud citizens happy," says Governor of Finland Alexander Hirvonen...
Project Green Field public release notes:

There are certain times when it is necesarry to develop an advantage in combat over an unforseen enemy. We are not saying the Benomia is going to war any time soon, nor are we implying hostility to any nation other than Oman. What we are saying is it is necesarry to prepare for such a war, should it ever break out. We cannot repeat the mistakes that led us here.
It is for this reason that the government of the People's Republic of Benomia has initiated Project Green Feild, which, if completed, would grant Benomia a very large militaristic advatage over other nations.
All I can say now is this: preliminary reports are good, and we expect to release more information about Project Green Feild in the near future.
~Overlord Kronos

That is where it stands.
The New Aztec Empire will offer diamonds and oil in exchange for iron and coal (to fuel power plants). Any offers from any nation are welcome.
The New Aztec Empire will offer diamonds and oil in exchange for iron and coal (to fuel power plants). Any offers from any nation are welcome.

I have Iron, I will take Diamonds

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF, Benomia

Military Size: 100,000

Land: 50,000
Sea: 16,000
Air: 34,000

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me?
Uh huh. Build your military projects. Just remember that it isn't free.

This is my final update for the day. Any more events happening to me then I'll edit it in this post.

-The Osean Federation-

Vincent Nilsson
Vice President:
Mikko Frantzen
Finland: Alexander Hirvonen | Sweden: Sebastian Larsson | Norway: Berit Larsen​

Current States: Norway, Sweden, Finland
Total Population: 20,000,000
- Swedish Population: 10,000,000
- Finnish Population: 5,500,000
- Norwegian Population: 4,500,000

Military Size: 125,000
- Army: 45,000
- Navy: 39,000
- Air: 41,000
Military strengths:
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35

Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,750,000,000
- Trade income: $750,000,000
Spending per year: $750,000,000
- Education, welfare, administration, law & order spending: $400,000,000
- Aircraft spending: $100,000,000
- Clean energy spending: $75,000,000
- Military spending: $75,000,000
- Automotive industry spending: $50,000,000
- Public safety and road building spending: $25,000,000
- Food For All Program spending: $25,000,000
Total income per year: $1,750,000,000

Military Primary Weapons list:
Front line:
And more

Special Forces:
And more

Combat Vehicles-

T-84 MBT
Patria AMV
And more

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers
And more

F117 Nighthawk
F/A-18 Hornet
U-2 Spyplane
C-17A Globemaster III
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom
And more

Alliances: United Carribean Federation
Trade Relations: United Carribean Federation, New German Empire
Military Development:
Road construction - 2024
City rebuilding - 2026
Aircraft production - Begins June 2020

Action: The government begins titanium mining in Norway. Aircraft/jet fighter production will begin in June 2020. They also ask for trade relations with the New German Empire.
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We want your iron and steel and we can provide you with oil and natural gas.

Sounds good to me

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF, Benomia (Iron for Oil), New Aztec Empire (Iron for Diamonds), Osea (Iron and Steel for Oil and Natural Gas)

Military Size: 100,000

Land: 50,000
Sea: 16,000
Air: 34,000

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me?

Iron for textiles?

Sounds good

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF (Iron for Textiles), Benomia (Iron for Oil), New Aztec Empire (Iron for Diamonds), Osea (Iron and Steel for Oil and Natural Gas)

Military Size: 125,000

Land: 62,500
Sea: 25,000
Air: 37,500

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me?

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We accept trade from whoever offered it. Who was that lol. Also, we are preparing to go to south carolina soon.
Current state of affairs:

Land list : Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Eremites
Capital: Iram, Saudi Arabia
Economy Type: State property.
Population: 18.5 million
Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: 26 billion
Military size: 10,000
Army: 5,000
Navy: 2,500
Air: 2,500
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 50
Navy: 25
Air: 25

Benomia has invested exactly $50 million into Project Green Field. Results positive. More information coming soon.
Going to bed, will do in the morning. The hell is Pacifica though? Also, my offer is cotton for metals.
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