Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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Going to bed, will do in the morning. The hell is Pacifica though? Also, my offer is cotton for metals.

AI country of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska.

Will take the trade

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF (Iron for Textiles), Benomia (Iron for Oil), New Aztec Empire (Iron for Diamonds), Osea (Iron and Steel for Oil and Natural Gas), USS (Metals for Cotton)

Military Size: 125,000

Land: 62,500
Sea: 25,000
Air: 37,500

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me?
More news.

Osean Journal

Government Issues Quarantine of Highly Radioactive Cities
In contrast to the rebuilding of destroyed cities from the war, the government has now issued a quarantine to the following cities, deeming them "inhospitable and dangerous" after the sudden deaths of over 1,400 citizens living near the coasts due to nuclear fallout from parts of Europe. Details are limited, more to come in the following months.

List of the quarantined cities:

Citizens in the state capitals of Oslo, Helsinki, and Stockholm are warned of future possibilites of nuclear fallout reaching their skies from Europe. The refugees from the quarantined cities are currently undergoing testing and will be given homes in refugee camps inland.
In response to the demand for more say for the people in the New Aztec Empire, Emperor Jimmy Jackson (AKA: Montezuma III) is now allowing citizens of the New Aztec Empire to;

- Vote for the heir after the Emperor dies.
- Appose or approve acts by the Emperor. If the act is opposed, and the Emperor carries the action out anyways, the citizens have the right to overthrow the Emperor, and elect a new Monarch to the throne.
- Defend themselves given the government and/or military turn their backs on them (the citizens of the New Aztec Empire).

Nuclear weapon research has been cancelled due to opposition from other nations and the people of the NAA. All funding from this project will be sent back from research to the government.

$700,000,000 is going towards construction of factories and coal power plants across California and Yuma County. This will help speed up production of manufactured goods, vehicles, parts for naval ships, and more stuff.

$500,000,000 is going towards the construction of a city for the homeless, known as "New Haven", sharing the same name as the city in Connecticut. This city is built in Central California, about 25 miles East from Modesto, CA. Each house will be small and cheap, but large enough to house 4 people.

New Aztec Empire Nation Status (February 14th - March 31st, 2020):

Territories: California
Population: 18,845,956
Current government and economy: "People's" Monarchy/Socialism
Money: $92,800,000,000
GDP: $9,000,000,000

Trade Partners:

United Caribbean Federation
New German Empire (diamonds for iron)


Rebuilding of Bakersfield, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego: $5,000,000,000 (8 years, December 13th IRL)
Agricultural/Livestock expansion: $1,000,000,000 (4 years, November 22nd IRL)
"New Haven" city: $500,000,000 (6 years, December 6th IRL)
Factories and Coal Power Plants: $800,000,000 (5 years, November 29th IRL)

Military Size: 90,000

Land: 72,500
Sea: 13,000
Air: 4,500

Military Distribution (Red means a territory is being attacked by my forces, Green means a territory of mine is under attack by another faction.):

California: 39,000 (20,000 land, 13,000 sea, 3,000 air)
Nevada: 51,000 (50,000 land, 1,000 air)
Yuma County, AZ: 3,000 (2,500 land, 500 air)​
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The Northern African Alliance accepts the alliance offer from the Osean Federation.

I also accept the trade offer with the New German Empire, requesting iron and steel from them, while offering them (fill out the blank here please someone, I'm not good with materials...)

I am asking for a co-operation for building fighter jets with the Osean Federation. (That way you can get the best versions of a certain thing in the future the fastest. Not revealing it yet, but it IS realistic.)

Also Off-Topic, how did capturing the land work here again? Don't worry, it's nothing big, just a few small islands.

Military Actions: To be edited.
USS Report

Territories: Florida, Georgia, Alabama

Population: 17,000,000

Money: 99 Billion

Army Division:

Florida: 20,000 Army, 10,000 Navy, 15,000 Air
Georgia: 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, 1,000 Rangers
Alabama: 5,000 Army, 4,000 Navy, 5,000 Air

Current Government: Mr. Anderson (President, Liberal) Congress (61 Conservatives, 39 Liberals) Supreme Court (7 Conservatives, 5 Liberals)

Trade: Benomia, New German Empire

Allies: None

Special Tech: None, None in development

How many troops does South Carolina have?

Also, how much, and how long, would rebuilding Atlanta take?
Hows about Iron and Steel for Jewelry HenryT? Quack, according to JMoney from before, South Carolina has around 5,000 troops

Will take the trade

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000
Trade Partners: UCF (Iron for Textiles), Benomia (Iron for Oil), New Aztec Empire (Iron for Diamonds), Osea (Iron and Steel for Oil and Natural Gas), USS (Metals for Cotton), NAA (Iron and Steel for Jewelry)

Military Size: 125,000

Land: 62,500
Sea: 25,000
Air: 37,500

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops vs. their 330

Government Actions: Save All Citizens Act - Government will provide food and shelter for all citizens unable to provide their own

I am asking all current players if they would like to trade with me?
^When was that a rule, Jahgee?

Quack: The military of south carolina is one percent of it's real life population. It will take at least 10 years to rebuild Atlanta, depending on how much you want to spend.

Jaghee: Just do weekly random events, I have an existance in real-life and I can't be on here 24/7.

Stormtrooper: You can keep researching nuclear items, but you wouldn't be able to use it until 300bn gdp. I wouldn't because at this point it's a waste of money.
Updated status.

We wish to invade Mississippi with 82,225 troops against 29,785 troops.
We are doing this to prevent a possible border war between the USS and Texaco in the future.

Also, how much money do you earn a year? 2B?

Nation name: United Carribean Federation
Land list (3 to start with): Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti
Capital: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 13,333,891
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,125,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 45,000
Air: 30,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 30
Navy: 40
Air: 30
Leader name: President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aquaculture, Weaponry
Researches: RPU Assault Rifle (Completion: 1YR)
Trading: New Aztecs, NGE, Osea, USS
Alliances: Osea
Military Ops: Invasion of Mississippi

Weaponry for Normal Units
Dragunov Sniper Rifle
Makarov Pistol
PKP Pechneg Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
AK-74U W/Silencer
AN-94 Assault Rifle W/Silencer
Makarov W/Silencer
Dragunov W/Silencer
ROKS Flamethrower

Vehicular Weapons
T-80 Tank
Normal Navy/Air Fighters

Nations' Motto: Sic semper tyrannis (Thus death to tyrants)

Flag: Vertical Canadian Flag with three Black Stars instead of a Maple Leaf.

As for the random event:
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I wish to invade Malta and Crete with a force of 25,000 men.

Also, I dont exactly understand the random event, blame my English.
D3ATH, your millitary is to big. Recalculate it. Also, pull out of Mississippi or we will take that as a declaration of war. Mississippi is in our direct sphere of influence, and will team up with the New Aztecs to take down Texaco. We will, if it will bring peace, let you have a base in Tampa, Florida.

Also, South Carolina's army is 47,000 strong. We will send in our force of 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, and 1,000 Rangers to take it. Check my OP to see my millitary strengths.
Project Green Field public release notes:

That is where it stands.

The seafaring community, "The Flotilla of Anarcho-Capitalist Exiles," has dispatched agents to PGF development sites to recover information on the project. Fearing its potential for escalating international conflict and threatening global economic and political security, the FACE agents steal and scrap all project materials and data.

World leaders pledged their support for the flotilla with supplies and protection as their fears had been FACEd.
^? The hell is that? I presume we're gonna ignore the guy who isn't playing.

EDIT: What I'm getting is he is trying to prevent gamerdog from using a cheap move to say "lolihaveanuberarmy"
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Stormtrooper: You can keep researching nuclear items, but you wouldn't be able to use it until 300bn gdp. I wouldn't because at this point it's a waste of money.

So how long will the construction of my buildings take? I don't want to decide the completion time since it would probably end up being too short or too long.
^When was that a rule, Jahgee?

Quack: The military of south carolina is one percent of it's real life population. It will take at least 10 years to rebuild Atlanta, depending on how much you want to spend.

Jaghee: Just do weekly random events, I have an existance in real-life and I can't be on here 24/7.

Stormtrooper: You can keep researching nuclear items, but you wouldn't be able to use it until 300bn gdp. I wouldn't because at this point it's a waste of money.

I remember it being a rule in 3, you weren't around then. I think daily events would be better.

It's not too big. Actually less. 13,333,891 divided by 50 (2%) is around 266,000, which is less than what I currently have.

And fine, we will back out of Mississippi. Just don't step in ANY part of the Carribean.

It's not too big. Actually less. 13,333,891 divided by 50 (2%) is around 266,000, which is less than what I currently have.

And fine, we will back out of Mississippi. Just don't step in ANY part of the Carribean.

Everybody has to start with 100K, you didn't pay for more than that so far, I think that is what Quack is in arms about
If they can research nuclear weapons, I can go ahead with PJF. Which isn't nuclear weapons, for the record.

That's just the thing - you have left it deliberately ambiguous, which invites the potential for a sweeping "my weapon of death beats yours".

We have given ample opportunity for the rules of this game to be properly sorted out before reviving it. If this thread ends in acrimony and people quitting the game because someone 'invented' a ridiculously overpowered weapon, this will be the last iteration of CaN.
Jahgee: I'm going to put my foot down. You are obviously confused about your role in this game, so I'm changing your title to "Event Randomizer". The only difference between you and a regular player is that you come up with random events once per week (or year in game time).

Stormtrooper: Yeah, your military numbers are too high, the maximum number of troops isn't 2% at maximum population, it's much lower. This is so that players start off with more equal army sizes. Also, you can only do nuclear research, not build buildings. You don't have to tear any buildings down you have built, you just can't do anything with them.

The CSSAR plans to build thier military up before attacking anyone. I've got over twice the land anyone else does right now (at least, as it appears on the map)...and it's the twelfth biggest in the world.
The government of the People's Republic of Benomia have done their first field test of Project Green Field, which was an absolute failure and killed 12 engineers. PGF has been put on indefinably hold.
Updated status.

Nation name: United Carribean Federation
Land list (3 to start with): Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti
Capital: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 13,333,891
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,125,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 45,000
Air: 30,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 30
Navy: 40
Air: 30
Leader name: President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aquaculture, Weaponry
Researches: RPU Assault Rifle (Completion: 1YR)
Trading: New Aztecs, NGE, Osea, USS
Alliances: Osea
Military Ops:

Weaponry for Normal Units
Dragunov Sniper Rifle
Makarov Pistol
PKP Pechneg Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
AK-74U W/Silencer
AN-94 Assault Rifle W/Silencer
Makarov W/Silencer
Dragunov W/Silencer
ROKS Flamethrower

Vehicular Weapons
T-80 Tank
Normal Navy/Air Fighters

Nations' Motto: Sic semper tyrannis (Thus death to tyrants)

Flag: Vertical Canadian Flag with three Black Stars instead of a Maple Leaf.

As for the random event:
JMoney, I suggest doing a progress report on the year. For example:

The current year is 2020.
(1/7) (If it's Monday)
(2/7) (If it's Tuesday, etc. etc. and then restart the x/7 back to 1/7 after a year. Nice way to keep track of times.)

Progress report.

-The Osean Federation-

Current status: Stable

Vincent Nilsson
Vice President:
Mikko Frantzen
Finland: Alexander Hirvonen | Sweden: Sebastian Larsson | Norway: Berit Larsen

The next election will be held December 2026.​

Current States: Norway, Sweden, Finland
Total Population: 20,100,000
- Swedish Population: 10,100,000
- Finnish Population: 5,500,000
- Norwegian Population: 4,500,000

Military Size: 125,000
- Army: 45,000
- Navy: 39,000
- Air: 41,000
Military strengths:
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35

Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,750,000,000
- Trade income: $750,000,000
Spending per year: $750,000,000
- Education, welfare, administration, law & order spending: $400,000,000
- Aircraft spending: $100,000,000
- Clean energy spending: $75,000,000
- Military spending: $75,000,000
- Automotive industry spending: $50,000,000
- Public safety and road building spending: $25,000,000
- Food For All Program spending: $25,000,000
Total income per year: $1,750,000,000

Military Primary Weapons list:
Front line:
And more

Special Forces:
And more

Combat Vehicles-

T-84 MBT
Patria AMV
And more

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers
And more

F117 Nighthawk
F/A-18 Hornet
U-2 Spyplane
C-17A Globemaster III
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom
And more

United Carribean Federation | North African Alliance
Trade Relations:
United Carribean Federation | New German Empire | North African Alliance​
Military Development:
Road construction - 2024
City rebuilding - 2026
Aircraft production - Begins June 2020

Action: The government accepts the North African Alliance's offer and sends our greatest aircraft engineers/designers into their country. The government also sends a group of 200 scientists to study radiation in the quarantined cities.
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