Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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^The CSSAR will trade for oil.

Death: Sounds good, you can be the new random events mod. I'll just give you full moderation capabilities like Quack so we can keep up with the game better (as long as you want them). But don't become corrupted.

HenryT: An FTA is a Free Trade Agreement. Malta will annex but Crete wants protectorateship first. I was planning on keeping the blade gun for myslef but... I'll take $10 billion for the blueprints. I'm guessing you don't want it for that much.

Speaking of which, Project blade gun is complete. The weapon is semi-automatic, and holds gunpower in a one-liter tank built-in to the gun, good for about 500 shots. It fires an ultra-thin ultra-lightweight carbon blade that is eight inches long and 2 inches at the base. The blade is shaped like an isoceles triagle. Th gun's accurate range is about 50 yards, and has devastating results. The blade leaves the chamber traveling at about 50 m/s.
It's been almost four months since Benomia invaded Oman. I'm new to this, as I have said, so would six-eight months be a good estimate for domination length?

^The CSSAR will trade for oil.

What does the CSSAR have to offer?
Nice, deal done. I am going to research them and make them more suitable for my own needs.

So you can add Malta to my maps list, but what's a protectorateship? My English isn't THAT good.
Nice, deal done. I am going to research them and make them more suitable for my own needs.

So you can add Malta to my maps list, but what's a protectorateship? My English isn't THAT good.

A protectorate is basically you control them mostly, make most of their decisions, and protect them without actually annexing them.
Basically like a vassalage. Protectorates often don't have a military, their own currency (which doesn't apply here), and legislature.
Aaaaaand I just lost 45 minutes of work.

Most notable thing was that Tim Kaine is my vice president, and that congress elections will smooth out when more states join us.

Also, I'm invading South Carolina if I haven't mentioned that enough.
I am looking to trade oil or natural gas for military supplies.

Aaaaaand I just lost 45 minutes of work.

Most notable thing was that Tim Kaine is my vice president, and that congress elections will smooth out when more states join us.

Also, I'm invading South Carolina if I haven't mentioned that enough.

What are you talking about?
Death: Annexation will come around 2 to 3 years after protectorateship. Really, the whole point of peaceful annexation is so that you can have better relations with that territory and because it's virtually free compared to invasion. However, it does take longer, but the more countries you invade the less countries will want to annex. Your country gets a reputation for it's early actions. The CSSAR, for example, has great a great reputation because we aren't expanding...yet.

Gamerdog: I'll trade you the CSSAR MED's next project, a super battle tank, when it is complete.

CSSAR MED Project II: Super Battle Tank: Details are fuzzy at the moment. The concept is a tank about twice as large as your average MBT.

The Blade Gun has been named the M1 Carrera, and will begin production in the forth quarter of this year.
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Gamerdog: I'll trade you the CSSAR MED's next project, a super battle tank, when it is complete.

Sounds nice.

People's Republic of Benomia public announcement:
It has been decided that the former Project Green Field has been a failure for a number of reasons. The entire project has been declassified, and I now make them public.

When the People's Republic of Benomia was founded, it was founded in a position that would, in theory, make it a prime target for international war. Green Field was the black project which intended to create a biochemical weapon of extreme range. Essentially, it was trying to make a disease bomb. These have been used extensively in the past, and they do little to no damage to structures, leaving nations open for annexation without having to do any rebuilding.
After investing $50 million into PGF, it became apparent, for reasons I will not go in to here, that the world as a whole had little to no interest in war with Benomia, which was suspected due to Benomia's large oil and natural gas reserves, as well as their aggressive behavior towards it's Numbers, and finally it's oppressive government. New trade routes through Benomia exporting it's vast oil reserve caused little need for a huge military stockpile, and Benomia soon realized that spending billions of dollars on a weapon that might not get used is a very foolish idea.
Kronos' private council voted, and the vote was taken to the Grand Council. The GC made a final decision, which Kronos gave the green light: shut down PGF. All files related to development have been incinerated, and there is no hope of recovering them. Everything that remains has been revealed in this announcement.
~President Kronos
Speaking of which, Project blade gun is complete. The weapon is semi-automatic, and holds gunpower in a one-liter tank built-in to the gun, good for about 500 shots. It fires an ultra-thin ultra-lightweight carbon blade that is eight inches long and 2 inches at the base. The blade is shaped like an isoceles triagle. Th gun's accurate range is about 50 yards, and has devastating results. The blade leaves the chamber traveling at about 50 m/s.

Here we go again, and it's barely been a couple of days. Can't be bothered with 'developing' the best everything and the whole concept anyway. It's barely changed and everyone's just gonna be running around killing each other again. I'm not playing, but something needs to give with this whole concept.
Here we go again, and it's barely been a couple of days. Can't be bothered with 'developing' the best everything and the whole concept anyway. It's barely changed and everyone's just gonna be running around killing each other again. I'm not playing, but something needs to give with this whole concept.

I need the weapons to get more oil, which I will then trade for more weapons, which I will use to get more oil, which I will sell. You see?
Yeah but the fact that the guns magically has ultra light carbon and the like just leads onto what always happen. Everyone developing 'secret projects' that are revealed just after someone declares war on them, and are so amazing and powerful that they can't lose. It's gonna end the same again.
Yeah but the fact that the guns magically has ultra light carbon and the like just leads onto what always happen. Everyone developing 'secret projects' that are revealed just after someone declares war on them, and are so amazing and powerful that they can't lose. It's gonna end the same again.

The secret project I embarked on was something that already exists IRL (It was used in WWI). I was going to reveal it eventually, it just got to financially liable.

Although I am just now getting a feeling that you aren't talking about me.
No, it's general. The same always happens, but no-one is ever specific, so if they can just bring up that they were developing a 'secret project' and can just make up some ridiculously over-powered weapon to win. And this has happened every time. And I can't be bothered with it anymore.
Hah. I'm not dealing with this "blade gun" 🤬. I'm actually playing the game like its supposed to be: Facing problems and trying to find solutions in a world where the land has been hit by nukes, contamination, deaths, anarchy, and political destruction. Do none of you get that?

And speaking of which, Henry, we'll just work together on the jets. I'm not going to go too overboard with this, just keep it realistic.

And in other news, a further 10 scientists have died in the testing facility. It seems that there is something deadly in that Finnish city...
A massive explosion has occurred in the Iram National Airport, destroying every Aurora-Class superjet except one. The (secret) police are investigating, and so far terrorism is suspected. The entire army is currently massacuring the population of Oman, so no military action is at this time possible.

For the record, for all those who don't know what an Auroa-class aircraft is, click this link: Aurora
Fastest IRL thing that (may not) exists.
So you get the fastest jet ever... right after a nuclear war. Right.

A 100 mile quarantine radius has been set around Lappeenranta to prevent anyone from going too close.
On the topic of realism.

The main idea of this game is to be creative. Not to be perfectly realistic. Also, project blade gun IS realistic. South America is the most peaceful continent in the world, was hit by 0 nukes, and got the lowest dose of radiation. If three fairly-powerful countries in that region joined, they could be capable of many things under the right leadership, including a gun that fires a knife. The M1 Carrera is part of the game until Quack or Death veto. If anyone doesn't like it then they can make and run thier own game... and we'll see how long it lasts.

Also, there isn't anything special about the carbon the knife is made of. I described it as being ultra-lightweight in comparison to metal.

The way I see it, the more carbon, the cooler something is. Heck, I wish they'd make a carbon fiber engine.
Message to all friendly nations:
With the failure of Project Green Field, Benomia is looking for a nation willing to cooperate to collectively create a prototype coil gun, as Benomia is not able to divert that much funds toward military R&D.
~President Kronos
Osea, need any help with Fallout?

Also, Mr. Anderson has issued an executive order to quarantine all fallout from Atlanta. Our troops moving into South Carolina are moving by hummers, strykers and black hawks from the southeast.
I think I can sort this out, thanks.

-The Osean Federation-

Current status: Slight panic

Vincent Nilsson
Vice President:
Mikko Frantzen
Finland: Alexander Hirvonen | Sweden: Sebastian Larsson | Norway: Berit Larsen

The next election will be held December 2026.​

Current States: Norway, Sweden, Finland
Total Population: 20,350,000
- Swedish Population: 10,200,000
- Finnish Population: 5,600,000
- Norwegian Population: 4,550,000

Military Size: 125,000 (5,000 active/120,000 reserve)
- Army: 45,000
- Navy: 39,000
- Air: 41,000
Military strengths:
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35

Current money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,750,000,000
- Trade income: $750,000,000
Spending per year: $800,000,000
- Education, welfare, administration, law & order spending: $400,000,000
- Aircraft spending: $100,000,000
- Clean energy spending: $75,000,000
- Military spending: $75,000,000
- Automotive industry spending: $50,000,000
- Underground farming spending: $50,000,000
- Public safety and road building spending: $25,000,000
- Food For All Program spending: $25,000,000
Total income per year: $1,700,000,000

Military Primary Weapons list:
Front line:
And more

Special Forces:
And more

Combat Vehicles-

T-84 MBT
Patria AMV
And more

Archer-class submarine
Aircraft carriers
And more

F117 Nighthawk
F/A-18 Hornet
U-2 Spyplane
C-17A Globemaster III
KC-135 Stratotanker
UH-1Y Venom
And more

United Carribean Federation | North African Alliance
Trade Relations:
United Carribean Federation | New German Empire | North African Alliance​

Bandits vs. Osea (1,100 low tech, almost no training vs. 5,000 highly trained, highly armed)
Military Development: None at the moment.
Road construction - 2024
City rebuilding - 2026
Aircraft production - Begins June 2020
Underground farms - 2025; Farming begins at 2026

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Benomia is issuing the first wartime report, and it is brief:

The People's Republic of Benomia grows tired of the war in Oman. The Oman War will be over in three months or less, period. Oman cannot remain a power in the Arabian peninsula.
That is all.
~President Kronos
-Status of the United Southern States-

Current status: Minor Turmoil

President: Mr. Anderson, Liberal
Vice President: Tim Kaine, Liberal
Congress: 60 Conservatives, 37 Liberals, 3 Independents
Supreme Court: 7 Conservatives, 5 Liberals

Florida: Tomás Regalado, Conservative
Georgia: Kasim Reed, Liberal
Alabama: Richard Shelby, Conservative

The next elections will be in 2024.

Total Population: 17,100,000
- Floridian Population: 10,000,000
- Georgian Population: 5,000,000
- Alabamian Population: 2,100,000

Military Size: 91,000
- Army: 43,500
- Navy: 20,000
- Air: 27,500

Florida: 20,000 Army, 10,000 Navy, 15,000 Air
Invading South Carolina: 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, 1,000 Rangers
Alabama: 5,000 Army, 4,000 Navy, 5,000 Air

Military strengths:
Army: 40
Navy: 28
Air: 32

Current money: $99,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,500,000,000
- Trade income: $1,000,000,000

Spending per year: $1,000,000,000
-Domestic Upkeep: $500,000,000
-Army Upkeep: $250,000,000
-Foreign Loans: $250,000,000

Total income per year: $1,500,000,000

Military Weapons list:

Front line:
M4 Carbine

Combat Vehicles-

M1 Abram

*I'm not good with ships, just old US Navy ships really*

Black Hawk's
Sea Knight's


Trade: United Carribean Federation, Benomia

Military Development:Riot Shield costs being worked out

Actions: Mr. Anderson has sealed the ruins of Atlanta to anyone. USS troops are currently flooding the south-eastern border of South Carolina, and local rebels are being rooted out.
-Status of the United Southern States-

Current status: Minor Turmoil

President: Mr. Anderson, Liberal
Vice President: Tim Kaine, Liberal
Congress: 60 Conservatives, 37 Liberals, 3 Independents
Supreme Court: 7 Conservatives, 5 Liberals

Florida: Tomás Regalado, Conservative
Georgia: Kasim Reed, Liberal
Alabama: Richard Shelby, Conservative

The next elections will be in 2024.

Total Population: 17,100,000
- Floridian Population: 10,000,000
- Georgian Population: 5,000,000
- Alabamian Population: 2,100,000

Military Size: 91,000
- Army: 43,500
- Navy: 20,000
- Air: 27,500

Florida: 20,000 Army, 10,000 Navy, 15,000 Air
Invading South Carolina: 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, 1,000 Rangers
Alabama: 5,000 Army, 4,000 Navy, 5,000 Air

Military strengths:
Army: 40
Navy: 28
Air: 32

Current money: $99,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Income per year: $2,500,000,000
- Industry income: $1,500,000,000
- Trade income: $1,000,000,000

Spending per year: $1,000,000,000
-Domestic Upkeep: $500,000,000
-Army Upkeep: $250,000,000
-Foreign Loans: $250,000,000

Total income per year: $1,500,000,000

Military Weapons list:

Front line:
M4 Carbine

Combat Vehicles-

M1 Abram

*I'm not good with ships, just old US Navy ships really*

Black Hawk's
Sea Knight's


Trade: United Carribean Federation, Benomia

Military Development:Riot Shield costs being worked out

Actions: Mr. Anderson has sealed the ruins of Atlanta to anyone. USS troops are currently flooding the south-eastern border of South Carolina, and local rebels are being rooted out.

That format looks familiar...

Bandits begin firing across the border. 32 civilian casualties. More on this later.
Send me your sign-up if you have it, and did I miss anyone else or their territories?
Send me your sign-up if you have it, and did I miss anyone else or their territories?


Here's my form.

Nation name: Osea
Land list (3 to start with): Sweden, Finland, Norway
Capital: Stockholm, Sweden
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Federate Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Mixed economic system
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 20,000,000
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,000,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): 25,000,000,000
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 32,000
Air: 33,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35
Leader name: President (Current - Vincent Nilsson)
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aircraft, electronics, automotives, hydroelectric and solar power
Extra: Formed by mutual agreement between leaders of Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Each country has turned into a state, with each having its own government while a head government rests in Stockholm. The government is funding CleaNergy Industries which is researching and developing ways of getting cleaner energy through hydroelectric and solar power. Due to the cold climate, agriculture is limited. Volvo has become an important figure in the automotive industry, with them manufacturing safe and reliable cars at a relatively cheap price. Production of aircraft is also an important part of the economy. Swedish jet company Saab (yes, I've rebuilt them) produces new and efficient fighter jets and also commercial airliners. A very neutral country which isn't focusing on war or military development, more on prosperity and survival in hard times.

The main language is English (for easier translation) while each state also kept their traditional languages of Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish respectively.


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