I have been improving conditions for all countries I have conquered, Raikovakia was only interested in destroying anything that opposed it. All territories in my country have no problems in regard to hunger or fresh drinking water.
You guys just wanna restart this thread? This is getting stupid.
Which is why a new International Peace and Human Rights Summit is being held. Tomarrow at 8 PM EST Location TBD
Storm, i'll join your peace thing.
I'll be in the summit room at 10 PM Eastern Berlin, be there and I will tell you my plans.
Stormtrooper, my leaders name is Grandeführer Isaac, we have reelections every 10 years.
Grosseführer? Grand = Grosse in German, BTW.
I didn't want it all in German, I wanted the beginning to be Italian. Grande = Great in Italian BTW.
Oh, good news!! You'll lose a war against Ethiopia, I guess.