Last chance, says the FCU. The Raven has 10 laser charges, and is aimed at all of your capital cities.
That's pretty dirty. Just my 2 cents.
Last chance, says the FCU. The Raven has 10 laser charges, and is aimed at all of your capital cities.
Oh great. So basically my Raven doesn't even get a chance to fight, it basically just gets shot down, without me allowing to have a fair fight. Screw this, war's off, and you can take over for a year.
Heh, missile shield is activated. Fighter jets from Edwards AFB are being sent to destroy your machine.
@Quackjack: Again, not fair. That's BS.
I'm only invading him at this point after he declared war on me after killing his oppressive dictator. One of my world conference's goals was to improve the living conditions of all humans, whether it is by simply cleaning their water or killing their masters.
War's off. If I can't even make an attack without any of my things being destroyed all in one text then what's the point?
Now, I am holding another conference at this point to get this situation sorted out, tomarrow at 8 in the GTPlanet chat we will have one in the UN Headquarters, we are all equals and our goals are to have all countries be at peace and all humans have better living conditions.
Sounds good. No wars against Raikovia, or vice versa until then. Other lands however... Is anyone going to stop me if I go for Alaska?
I am investing 11 Billion dollars into solving world hunger, I feel that this will be attained in 10 years.
Current Budget: 30 Billion
If this U.N. believes that the expansionist government of New Jahgeeia is more peaceful than Raikovakia, I'll resign.
Tell me, U.N. members, what makes Jahgee1124 a more well-suited leader than Raikovakia's leader?
Haven't you changed. What happened to your crust-destroying Nuclear-Missle-Bombs, eh?
Sounds good.
Another debate?
The 200k men I sent out to attack Raikovia will be sent to Po-Novonu Berlin.
Military Distribution:
California: 150,000.
Arizona: 100,000.
Nevada: 100,000.
Oregon: 100,000.
Utah: 100,000.
New Mexico: 100,000.
Texas: 474,000.
Washington: 101,400.
Idaho: 101,400.
Barbados naval base: 26,000.
Po-Novonu Berlin protection force: 300,000.
New Jahgeeian assistance force: 200,000.
Total number of troops: 2,002,800.
My Raven isn't gone. Same with Exodus, and the ORV. The FCU is gone, and Raikovakia is a peaceful place now, are you pleased?
The Raven will be used for gathering data, along with the ORV, which is going to be turned into a new sort of ISS. Exodus will be to protect the sea, and it will sail around the globe.
Happy now?
No answer? No answer from any U.N. members?
Have you seen what I have provided for the world, my conference stopped the massive war between Raikovakia, The USS & The New Aztec Empire and soon my country will be the one that allows all people to live with no threat of starvation.