Create a Nation

  • Thread starter JMoney
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The meeting will be in an hour. Just so you guys know.

We had a minor one, nothing big to care about

Eliphanata, Madagascar, Israeli Empire, Ryania , Winnoise and Central Canadian Federated States have been AFK for a while… what should we do?
Thanks for making maps, Peter. 👍
Doogeria is continuing its crusade to take the coastal lines of China, and things are going well, Doogeria is still neutral on world conflicts. Also, Doogeria would like to cancel its attendance of the conference.
I'm back.

Meeting is supposed to be at 7:30 PM EST in the GTP chat, at least that's what Jahgee said.
We have finally come to a decision.

- Japan gains it's independence.
- Texas is divided into North (USS) and South (NAE).
- Okinawa belongs to the United Southern States.
- Peace is made between the United Southern States and New Aztec Empire.
Raikovakia's dictator has been assassinated, we have reached an agreement on a peace treaty North Texas, USS, South, New Aztec. Okinawa is the USS, New Jaheegia will pay 1 billion for access to said Island.
USS Status Report:

Current Territories:
Georgia* Capital
South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
North Texas
West Bermuda

Greenland: USS Army Rangers, 50k Air and Sea, 5 B2's
Stateside: 2 Million Ground, 400k Air and Sea. 4500 NAIV'S, 5 B2's
Okinawa: 1.05 Million Ground, 250k Air and Sea

Allies: MSSR, New Jahagiea, United Isles, Hong Kong
Trade: Belerancia, MSSR, New Jahagiea, Adams Nation, Soviet Siberia, Aralistan, United Isles, Hong Kong

No War

Current Funds: 10 Billion
Income: 2.25 Billion Per 6 Months
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Raikovakia's dictator has been assassinated, we have reached an agreement on a peace treaty North Texas, USS, South, New Aztec. Okinawa is the USS, New Jaheegia will pay 1 billion for access to said Island.

Erm, no he hasn't. He was in his office the whole time...
No, we assassinated him to liberate the oppressed people of Raikovakia.

I didn't hear any invasion calls. And it's a tad unfair because you guys just say he's assassinated and there goes my character. Shouldn't there be some sort of war before that, though?
USS Status Report:

Current Territories:
South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
North Texas
West Bermuda

Greenland: USS Army Rangers, 50k Air and Sea, 5 B2's
Stateside: 2 Million Ground, 400k Air and Sea. 4500 NAIV'S, 5 B2's
Okinawa: 1.05 Million Ground, 250k Air and Sea

Allies: MSSR, New Jahagiea, United Isles(?), Hong Kong
Trade: Belerancia, MSSR, New Jahagiea, Adams Nation, Soviet Siberia, Aralistan, United Isles (?), Hong Kong

No War

Current Funds: 10 Billion
Income: 2.25 Billion Per 6 Months

Agreed to ally/trade with you
I didn't hear any invasion calls. And it's a tad unfair because you guys just say he's assassinated and there goes my character. Shouldn't there be some sort of war before that, though?

I do agree. A moderator should determine whether the assassination was successful or not.
I didn't hear any invasion calls. And it's a tad unfair because you guys just say he's assassinated and there goes my character. Shouldn't there be some sort of war before that, though?

We only sent in a team of snipers sent for him only, it was funded by the UN and not announced. It was a nearly unanimous vote.

I do agree. A moderator should determine whether the assassination was successful or not.

Rhys did in the chat after you left
OK, honestly. You shouldn't be able to do that. You are just going to make ghskilla leave too.
OK, honestly. You shouldn't be able to do that. You are just going to make ghskilla leave too.

We agreed on it in the chat. I also payed 1 Billion to the USS to have access to his base in Okinawa

Current Budget: 41 Billion
No, I did not say he was dead already, I said Jahgeeia was welcome to make the attempt. The UN has recently frowned upon the actions and bloodthirst of the current Raikovakian leader.
You know, fine. He's gone just like that. Too bad, you've unleashed a worse force.

The FCU have assumed the power, all who had opposed them were assassinated. There are four leading members, and have recruited 200,000 more officers.

The orbital vehicle was now revealed as the Sky Raven.


It can orbit the Earth in 90 minutes, traveling at over 17,000mp/h. It is equipped with controllable UAVs that fire missiles and are capable of recon missions. It can fire multidirectional rockets above and below it, with a range of 15 miles and it has a missile capacity of 200. It holds 35 crew members, including two pilots.

The most significant thing about this weapon, is its laser. Yes, a bloody laser. It can fire this laser while in low orbit, and it is precise. It has a working range of 300 miles, and can obliterate anything that travels into the laser. It cannot emit blast damage, but it will electrify and kill anything that passes through it. It takes 1 hour to recharge the laser shots.

The other vehicle, the ORV, or the Orbital Recon Vehicle, is a recon vehicle, it gathers data from both space and Earth. It is like the ISS.

Guess what? Remember that satilite I launched? I has 5 missiles in it. Ask Silver. If need be I will use them to destroy The Raven.
Well, let there be war. I am sending in 1,000,000 troops to Haiti as well as the 200K troops I have from Stormtrooper. Quack and stormtrooper, will you guys join me in war against the one country that wants WW4?

All of my people have been evacuated from the surface and sent in to our underground bunkers, these bunkers can be self-sufficient for 10 years and are in an unknown location to all aside from New Jahgeeia.
Well, let there be war. I am sending in 1,000,000 troops to Haiti. Quack and stormtrooper, will you guys join me in war against the one country that wants WW4?

Yes. Im using my Podded-Sattilite to destroy the Sky Raven, but ORV is intact. The sattilite will self destruct. Well spent couple billion, eh? How many troops is everyone going to spare? And does he have allies?
Yes. Im using my Podded-Sattilite to destroy the Sky Raven, but ORV is intact. The sattilite will self destruct. Well spent couple billion, eh? How many troops is everyone going to spare? And does he have allies?

I am sending in 1.2 Million.
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