Create a Nation

  • Thread starter JMoney
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Outcome of this?

Wait a minute? Is that me?
I have 1.9 million men sitting at home at the moment and my cutting edge submarines would definitely sink your battleship so I think you lost that with Major casualties. Also Jiangnxi is not on the coast so you couldn't invade that anyway and I have the home advantage and just to let you know you have just gone to war with Derpies thing(belrucia?), Oktoberfest and QuackJacks thing as well I think because we are allies so your going down fool!
Wait a minute? Is that me?
I have 1.9 million men sitting at home at the moment and my cutting edge submarines would definitely sink your battleship so I think you lost that with Major casualties. Also Jiangnxi is not on the coast so you couldn't invade that anyway and I have the home advantage and just to let you know you have just gone to war with Derpies thing(belrucia?), Oktoberfest and QuackJacks thing as well I think because we are allies so your going down fool!

No that is not you it's AI as far as I know.

If it is you then I withdraw.

Need a new map on the OP.
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Calm down, your both my allies. Sort this out peacefully, I don't want to take sides.
Wheres Winnoise? They have Missouri, and they haven't made move in forever. And that African guy to....
Same with Israel. Can a mod edit the OP, JMoney left...

We need a few more players...

Anyways, Missouri will wait. Any other wars being fought out there?
If this got big enough it would almost warrant its own subforum, with a thread for each country (so as to keep track of who's who, who owns which country, what each country has and is doing, and so on), a stickied World Map/world info thread, a General Discussion thread, and maybe a Conflict thread where you go to have armed conflicts. That would be the only thread that would need to be moderated to determine outcomes. Just one thread for all of this is becoming exponentially more difficult to keep track of.

Also, if JMoney left, how would the OP be edited? We'd have to start a new thread, or have a Super Mod change the title to indicate the page number of a new "OP".
Parks right, we should ask for a subthread.

Anyways, a mysterious object was seen launching into orbit from the USS... *NO IM NOT PULLING A JAHGEE...*

Also, plans for a special forces unit, the United Southern States Army Rangers, on being drawn.
Hi, I have Fiji also.

(also, I have 150k ground troops in New Zealand at the moment, unless you'd like to challenge me for it, I suggest you choose another island.).

Why does it seem like every time I put an Island on my list you want to add it to yours? You seem to be bent on starting a war
^ yes, I do not remember you owning any of the pacific Magpul. I will be allowing the United Isles to claim Fiji.
The New Aztec Empire proposes an alliance with Po-Novomu Berlin. This includes, but is not limited to, joint-military operations, trade agreements, protecting each other's lands, and joint-research agreements.
What are Po-Novumo Berlins lands? If you join him, I need to be prepared for an attack.
Willing to pay 1.5 billion to start an alliance as well as trade for some Sea Warfare machinery

I don't understand what you mean. Do you want me to pay 1.5B for Sea Warfare equipment?

Whatever you mean, I accept.
I'm giving you 1.5 billion for sea equipment.

Oh, well then I accept. Naval equipment, cruisers, battleships, submarines, etc. are being sent to your nation.

Budget: $41,049,200,000.
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