Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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So if I understand correctly, all "game mods" are also participants in the game and people in charge of changing game variables, that can positively or negatively affect other competing players, are also players themselves?

This is going to end well...
Nation name: United Carribean Federation
Land list (3 to start with): Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti
Capital: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 12,333,891
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100B
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 246,677
Army: 82,225
Navy: 82,225
Air: 82,225
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 30
Navy: 40
Air: 30
Leader name: President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aquaculture, Weaponry
Researches: RPU Assault Rifle (Completion: 1YR)

Weaponry for Normal Units
Dragunov Sniper Rifle
Makarov Pistol
PKP Pechneg Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
AK-74U W/Silencer
AN-94 Assault Rifle W/Silencer
Makarov W/Silencer
Dragunov W/Silencer
ROKS Flamethrower

Vehicular Weapons
T-80 Tank
Normal Navy/Air Fighters

Nations' Motto: Sic semper tyrannis (Thus death to tyrants)

Flag: Vertical Canadian Flag with three Black Stars instead of a Maple Leaf.

I have requested trade with the New German Empire, USS, and New Aztecs.

New research has spawned for the RPU Assault Rifle. This will include a 50 round drum magazine with a SCAR-L styling, also with an optional red dot and silencer. Completion expected in one year.

As for the random event:

President Juan Carlos Jalepeno IV
Please request your needs and we will negotiate, aristocrats. A better government might be what we our infancy of a nation.

(How much money do you earn with trade? And how much on a yearly basis?)
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So if I understand correctly, all "game mods" are also participants in the game and people in charge of changing game variables, that can positively or negatively affect other competing players, are also players themselves?

This is going to end well...

Yes. Like the other two games worked well with this concept... :rolleyes:
Thanks, Jaghee.

Mike Rotch: The moderators can't mod thier own countries affairs. Jahgee doesn't actually have moderating power, so it's just Quack and me.

This has worked in forums on other websites without the checks and balances, so it's not impossible.

I just noticed no british have joined yet...
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I just noticed no british have joined yet...
Two in the morning has that effect on me, as well.
I just found this, and assuming you don't have to be a member of the other two, I'll join.
What are the territories, anyway?
I just found this, and assuming you don't have to be a member of the other two, I'll join.
What are the territories, anyway?

Don't have to be a member of the last two, you can play.
All world territories are fair game, though I would recommend Africa if you don't want to get in a huge war for 10 square miles.
You don't have to be a member of the other two. Most of the world is open, besides a few US states, the Carribean, and some area around Germany.

I'd go the British route. But hey, it's your choice.
All right then.

Nation name: Benomia
Land list (3 to start with): Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Eremites (Assuming they also aren't a pile of glowing glass)
Capital: Iram, Saudi Arabia
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Socialist/Despotist
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Mercantilism. Nothing comes in or out.
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 20 million
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100 billion
GDP (25bn to start with): 26 billion
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000):100,000
Army: 50,000
Navy: 25,000
Air: 25,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 50
Navy: 25
Air: 25
Leader name: Emperor Kronos
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Oil, Gold

National Motto: “Ad Continere et Cipere”

Standard issue weapons:

Infantry: FN SCAR-H, Sig Sauer P226
Vangard: Stinger, Colt Python
Marksman: Barret XM2010, Colt Python

Main fleet:
Sea Shadows (Marked in intervals of one, IE Sea Shadow SS1, Sea Shadow SS8, etc.)
De Zeven Provinciën-class frigates
Type 45 Destroyers

Air Force:
B3 Bombers
SR-71 Blackbird
Aurora-class superaircraft
I can have nice things!

Here is the flag:

And a little bit of information:
The People's Republic of Benomia is a fledgling, environmentally stunning nation. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 20 million are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it is effectively ruled by the Department of Law & Order, with areas such as Religion & Spirituality and Defense receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 47%, but much higher for the wealthy.

Crime is relatively low, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Benomia's national animal is the King Cobra, symbolic for stealth and ruthlessness, and its currency is the Ven.
It's national motto is Latin for "To Control and Deceive".
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That looks good, though wait for JMoney to confirm you, I'll give you a random starting event as well. Check Post 4

I'll make you a 2000*1333 sized flag
The way I see it, for the random events I see people getting taken hostage, mass death, people leaving the military...
And I get a billion GDP. Sounds like a great deal!
Two more things:

1. Can you have something on the OP to remind everyone what year/season/whatever the game is currently in? If you don't keep track then it might confuse people about the world status.
2. The game is yet to start, right?
Hey Jaghee, can I have a random event as well? And also, can you make me a flag? I'm on mobile.

I want a Canadian flag base (two red stripes, one middle white stripe), with three black stars in the middle. Please and Thank You!
Two more things:

1. Can you have something on the OP to remind everyone what year/season/whatever the game is currently in? If you don't keep track then it might confuse people about the world status.
2. The game is yet to start, right?

1. I agree
2. Yes, tomarrow we can do stuff, and the random events in Post 4 go into effect.
So right now, here is my nation status:

Territories: California
Population: 18,845,956
Current government and economy: Absolute Monarchy/Socialism
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Military Size: 90,000

Land: 72,500
Sea: 13,000
Air: 4,500

Military Distribution:

California: 90,000 (72,500 land, 13,000 sea, 4,500 air)
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Hey Jaghee, can I have a random event as well? And also, can you make me a flag? I'm on mobile.

I want a Canadian flag base (two red stripes, one middle white stripe), with three black stars in the middle. Please and Thank You!

What is your country? And do you want the maple leaf and the stars or just the stars?
Here is the flag of the New Aztec Empire:


(Credit to the Alternate History Wiki for making this flag.)
I don't trust AI nations, let alone ones in my path of expansion. Stormtrooper, want to tackle it with me?
Gamerdog: Your app looks good, welcome to the game.

RE: We ignore the mafia's want for legal drugs. We surround the building with a SWAT team, then breach and try to save the hostages...
Dam, I am really tempted to join back in to this....

Edit: Stormtrooper, did you already name my vehicles? If I come back, it's gonna be really helpful :D

Edit v2: Couldve been you mistyping NAE as NAA.
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RE: We ignore the mafia's want for legal drugs. We surround the building with a SWAT team, then breach and try to save the hostages...

You breach successfully, however they manage to wound both of the hostages before you can get to the room, but they are both expected to make a full recovery.
Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria, Liechtenstein
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,000,000,000

Military Size: 100,000

Land: 50,000
Sea: 16,000
Air: 34,000

How many troops are their stationed in Switzerland?
I don't trust AI nations, let alone ones in my path of expansion. Stormtrooper, want to tackle it with me?

Don't. Not with this little amount of troops. Jaghee learned that the hard way in Create a Nation 2.
Nation name: The Northern African Alliance
Land list (3 to start with): Libya, Tunisia
Capital: Tripoli, Libya
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalist
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 5,670,690
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100B
GDP (25bn to start with): $25B
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 30,000
Air: 35,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35
Leader name: The Principal of the Northern African Alliance
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Technology, Fishing

Extra:The Federation of Northern African Alliance is a tiny, genial nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate population of 6 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The medium-sized government concentrates mainly on Education, although Social Welfare and the Environment are secondary priorities. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 18%. A large private sector is led by Arms Manufacturing, followed by Soda Sales.

Political parties are banned from advertising and receiving private donations, education and welfare spending are on the rise, the government is seen to favor multi-religion. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is relatively low.

Northern African Alliance's national animal is the Hawk, and its currency is the Dinar.

Weaponry for Normal Units
KRISS Vector
M40A3 Sniper Rifle
M1911 Pistol
M27 Light Machine Gun

Special Forces Units
M4 W/Silencer
M1911 W/Silencer
M14 W/Silencer and Long-Range Scope

Vehicular Weapons
M1A1 Abrams
F/A-18F Super Hornet
F-117 Nighthawk
The usual suspects in the Navy :sly:

Nations' Motto: Altivolus per aer ut unus. (Roughly translated to "Soaring through the air as one."

Sorry Deaths, I used your form as a base :D
Jahgee come on, you get 3. And all those I think we can agree is not fair. HenryT ill add you later.
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