Create a Nation

  • Thread starter JMoney
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Spending another 4B on 350k soldiers for my army. Should be ready soon enough.
Also, my entire Advanced Bulk Squadron (ABS) is ready for deployment. (My 6th & 7th FAST team is also ready).

Current Budget:

That is all.
Tax season has returned, with even higher prices to pay for the supplies spent on the war.

Country gains 12 billion dollars, tyrant uses half the money to develop more of the "classified weapons."

Total budget - $30 billion
Since acquiring land in China and using it for suburban and agricultural purposes, the middle class of Doogeria has been on the rise, with cities becoming less crowded.

Suburban sprawl in the south of Doogeria

One of many factories in Doogeria's huge industrial district

The parliament building in Rokjavikberg

A low flying object was seen on the skies of Raikovakia. It is rumored to be the secret vehicle, but it took off too fast for eyes to get a clear view.
Population: 47,800,000.

A mandatory tax must be payed by every citizen in the New Aztec Empire. This tax will not be too much, at least not by my Empire's standards.

The Lower-Class (60%) will pay $50 for each citizen ($2,868,000,000 total).
The Middle-Class (38%) will pay $100 for each citizen ($1,816,400,000 total).
The Upper-Class (2%) will pay $800 for each citizen ($764,800,000 total).

(I know the percentages may be weird, but I couldn't really think of good percentages. It's 1:00 AM over here.)

Budget: $38,549,200,000.

A baby boom is occurring due to the ceasefire. Most troops got to go home for a month, and now they return to their posts. Population is expected to rise by 2,000,000 people at the beginning of the next year.
Did another once-over of the posts that I was away for and have tied up some things. I don't think I've missed anything involving me now. 👍

I am offering a permanent alliance and trade to Adams nation, and trade to Hong Kong, New Jahageeia and those Russiand in Siberia.


To The Soviet Republic of Siberia: Our nation wishes to make a trade. If I give you 2 of our 12 War Machines, you will give us $1,000,000,000. These machines are not going to be sold cheap, but that's because that they are probably the strongest tank in the history of the world.

We have a deal. Your War Machines will help us greatly in bolstering our defense and carrying over technologies to the rest of our military.

In other news, Siberia continues to build, cities are growing, and quality of life is greatly improving. The weather is still harsh as it has always been, but the cities facilitate easier living. An extensive railroad network is being built connecting the nation's major cities, and $4 billion has been pumped in to speed up the completion process. Estimated completion time: Monday (4 years). When complete it will increase production speed by 300%. The first blueprints of the "Globestomper" long-range combat submarine are being drafted and a working prototype is expected to be completed within 2 years. These submarines will be used purely for observation and defense purposes, and we request an ultimatum from the United Nations agreed upon by as many nations as possible involving where our submarines and surface ships are permitted to go peacefully in the world's oceans.

Current budget: $45 billion.


Strange... A saucer-like object was reported by my soldiers in their respective outposts... Just an hour ago...
Also, my air radar workers picked up an extremely loud frequency from outer space...


Let's hope it's nothing...

The Norilsk Observatory on the southern border of the Soviet Republic of Siberia began detecting unidentified signals from space 9 hours ago (game time), and it is confirmed that the frequency is not emanating from one of our satellites.
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A low flying object was seen on the skies of Raikovakia. It is rumored to be the secret vehicle, but it took off too fast for eyes to get a clear view.

Strange... A saucer-like object was reported by my soldiers in their respective outposts... Just an hour ago...
Also, my air radar workers picked up an extremely loud frequency from outer space...


Let's hope it's nothing...

EDIT: ^^^^^

As time goes on we'll see... I'll continue updates as they come in.
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We have a deal. Your War Machines will help us greatly in bolstering our defense and carrying over technologies to the rest of our military.

Excellent. 👍

Budget: $39,549,200,000.
Strange... A saucer-like object was reported by my soldiers in their respective outposts... Just an hour ago...
Also, my air radar workers picked up an extremely loud frequency from outer space...


Let's hope it's nothing...

It is nothing like a saucer. Something much more different.

Radio jams are occurring in Raikovakia. "Solar storms," says Felix Stalorade.

Edit - Source of the radio jams were later found to be another vehicle that the president had launched under the noses of the sleeping Raikovakians. Later in the morning, a photograph was released to the public and was later taken down. The photographer was executed.

Keep in mind, the new vehicle isn't the currently orbiting vehicle, which is currently unidentified.

The photograph:

It is rumored to have cost 8 billion dollars.

Total - 22 billion dollars.

Felix Stalorade has ceased production of supervehicles. The nation is at a standstill until the cease fire is called out. He calls the time "productive time," where citizens are expected to work and raise money.
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A "prototype" is being worked on. It has the ability to fire "Quetzalcoatl's Wrath" (rockets) down upon it's target. It is pretty much a giant station in the clouds that can fire anywhere on earth.

It will be at an altitude so high, that planes cannot reach it, though it will not exactly be in space. This will be manned by a military officer out at one of my bases, moving the station around and ordering it to fire. This is a multi-billion dollar project that may or may not be worth it.

$8,000,000,000 is going towards development of this project. It should be done in about, say, 6 years (12 real-life days).

Budget: $31,549,200,000.
The Exodus' ballistic missiles have been upgraded due to Stalorade's spending, and it has been upgraded from obliterating anything in the altitudes of 3,000ft-15,000ft around a 200 mile radius from the blast zone to a 250 mile radius within the altitudes of 3,000-20,000ft.
(All rights to their respective owners)









Here's some pictures of my SOME of my current military technology/forces.

Also, the last picture will be my flag.

Madagascar has begun development of an agile boat which can be fitted with anything from scientific monitoring equipment to AA missiles. Time to completion is however long it takes for me to design it ( I will be off for about 6 hours and might begin when I get back from school)
Madagascar has begun development of an agile boat which can be fitted with anything from scientific monitoring equipment to AA missiles. Time to completion is however long it takes for me to design it ( I will be off for about 6 hours and might begin when I get back from school)

May I please buy 100 prototypes of your boats? I'd like to tinker with them to make them more effective for my uses.

Scientists in Atlanta have been working on a satilite for a few days. Strangly, however, there seems to be pods of some sort inside... in other news, the new standerd rifle for USS troops is no longer the Colt M4, but the Remington ACR. The cost is 2 Billion, and a mysterious 3 Billion is nowhere to be seen...
In other news, the USS is introducing to it's new citizens in Japan its national pasttime; football. They seems unimpressed so far.
I'm done with this game, it's getting way too complicated and starting to get a bit unrealistic. Quackjack gets my American land, Jahgee gets the rest of my Japanese land.
The American ones are yours, the Japanese ones are Jahgee's.

:embarrassed: wow, now I got 3 million, all but 50k stateside. Need to finish those navy and air troops....

Oh, and all states north of Pennselvania are up for grabs, don't need those yankee states lol...
:embarrassed: wow, now I got 3 million, all but 50k stateside. Need to finish those navy and air troops....

Oh, and all states north of Pennselvania are up for grabs, don't need those yankee states lol...

May I have them if I join the game??

What are the basics of the game?? Is it just completely what you can make up (within reason) or are their rules?
Lbsf1, read page 1. Anything north of penn is yours.

In short I'll take Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky and Pennsylvania

Current Territories:
South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
Very East Texas
West Bermuda
South Japan

Very East Texas: 1.5 Million Group Troops, 5000 NAIV, 150k Air Troops
Rest of State: 1.45 Million, 200k Air, 350k Sea
P.E.F: 50k air, land and sea

Allies: MSSR, New Jahagiea, Adams Nation
Trade: Belerancia, MSSR, New Jahagiea, Adams Nation, Soviet Siberia, Aralistan *Tell me if I forgot you*

Current Funds: 17 Billion *Made 2 Bil in trade*
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Any news on my Vietnam invasion?

Also I am introducing tax on my citizens which will create 0.5bn every 6 months (real life day)

One more thing in todays news my scientists are close to developing a device for my aircraft which will improve agility on all aircraft with no drawbacks.
Country name: Reborn States Of America
Capital: Boston
Starting land: (that NEW york and new england area mentioned above.
GDP (50 billion to start with):
Population (at least 3M to start with, no more than 50M): 30m
GDP Per Capita (divide gdp by pop.):1666.667
Total Military size (5% of population): 1.5m
Land: 3/8
Sea: 3/8
Air: 2/8
Your biggest industries: Timber, boat building, interlectual people (not an industry however you get what I mean.)
Leader title (king, president): President
Member of UN: Yes
Do you accept the rules and regulations: Yes
Do you accept that I can mod your stuff to an extent? Yes
Extra Information: Destroyed after the missile attack, new york and new england still believe they are/should be the most powerful people, the country has a very high number of interlectual people, however its main industry is currently the timber industry since the previous banking and city industries that it relied on are now non existent. There are also large ship building ports in the area and an abundancy of airfields.
Country name: Reborn States Of America
Capital: Boston
Starting land: (that NEW york and new england area mentioned above.
GDP (50 billion to start with):
Population (at least 3M to start with, no more than 50M): 30m
GDP Per Capita (divide gdp by pop.):1666.667
Total Military size (5% of population): 1.5m
Land: 3/8
Sea: 3/8
Air: 2/8
Your biggest industries: Timber, boat building, interlectual people (not an industry however you get what I mean.)
Leader title (king, president): President
Member of UN: Yes
Do you accept the rules and regulations: Yes
Do you accept that I can mod your stuff to an extent? Yes
Extra Information: Destroyed after the missile attack, new york and new england still believe they are/should be the most powerful people, the country has a very high number of interlectual people, however its main industry is currently the timber industry since the previous banking and city industries are now non existent. There are also large ship building ports in the area and an abundancy of airfields.

Want to be trade partners? You should go all the way up to Maine and take those empty states.
Any news on my Vietnam invasion?

Also I am introducing tax on my citizens which will create 0.5bn every 6 months (real life day)

One more thing in todays news my scientists are close to developing a device for my aircraft which will improve agility on all aircraft with no drawbacks.

And the cost?

Oh and I think Vietnam is yours now, your Hong Kong right?
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