Creation vs. Evolution

  • Thread starter ledhed
We already set the amounts that these words correspond to; you can't change that. You can't change how much a kilogram weighs, either, it has been standardized. You could steal it, I guess, but the world would probably hunt you down and destroy you, as they'd have to guess at the weight of things form that point forward.
Or they could resort to pounds, it works fine for us.

EDIT: Yeah, DO IT. Do it. Just do it. Dot it. Now I sound like Starsky and Hutch. But use symbols, like my dots, or whatever works, so we can see for ourselves and don't have to "imagine" it.
Base 3:

2 + 2 = 11

(2 units plus 2 units = 1 3-units and 1 unit)

Base 4:

2 + 2 = 10

(2 units plus 2 units = 1 4-units, 0 units)

Restrict yourself to Base 10 and 2+2=4 (usually). In Base 2, 2+2 is nonsense.

It depends how you organise your columns. You have 2 units plus 2 units, and have lumped them all together in the units column to equal 4 units. In Base 3 or 4 you cannot have 4 anything in a single column - the maximum is 2 (Base 3) or 3 (Base 4).
Base 3:

2 + 2 = 11

(2 units plus 2 units = 1 3-units and 1 unit)

Base 4:

2 + 2 = 10

(2 units plus 2 units = 1 4-units, 0 units)

:lol: I think some of the folks reading this are going to be scratching their heads at that for a while.
I guess I understand the examples you gave, but I haven't even heard of this type of math, much less learned about it. That'll be a few years. Or is this a glitch you found in Excel? Is this that "significant figures" bullhonky, because if you tried to send a rocket to the moon with that "math" you'd probably end up shooting it backwards, through the Earth's core, ricocheting it off Halley's Comet, fly within feet of your original target, probably going faster than the speed of light, then crash into Uranus 123.78 years before you shot the thing off in the first place.
Are you trying to tell me that Conservation of Mass and/or Energy is just a big government hoax?

You could just resort to first-grade logic and say that 2+2=22 AharrrAharrr!:lol:
I guess I understand the examples you gave, but I haven't even heard of this type of math, much less learned about it. That'll be a few years. Or is this a glitch you found in Excel? Is this that "significant figures" bullhonky, because if you tried to send a rocket to the moon with that "math" you'd probably end up shooting it backwards, through the Earth's core, ricocheting it off Halley's Comet, fly within feet of your original target, probably going faster than the speed of light, then crash into Uranus 123.78 years before you shot the thing off in the first place.
Are you trying to tell me that Conservation of Mass and/or Energy is just a big government hoax?

You could just resort to first-grade logic and say that 2+2=22

great joke, I love it! only if I had this much creativity... :lol:
I guess I understand the examples you gave, but I haven't even heard of this type of math, much less learned about it. That'll be a few years. Or is this a glitch you found in Excel? Is this that "significant figures" bullhonky, because if you tried to send a rocket to the moon with that "math" you'd probably end up shooting it backwards, through the Earth's core, ricocheting it off Halley's Comet, fly within feet of your original target, probably going faster than the speed of light, then crash into Uranus 123.78 years before you shot the thing off in the first place.
Are you trying to tell me that Conservation of Mass and/or Energy is just a big government hoax?

You could just resort to first-grade logic and say that 2+2=22 AharrrAharrr!:lol:


The result of the equation is the same, numerically, as the input. It's just the counting system used.

We use Base10 - Decimal - probably because we have ten fingers. You'll almost certainly have come across Base2 - Binary - by now.

In binary, we only have two possible digits - 1 and 0. The first column represents, as it does in all number systems, units. The next column, where we would count "tens", binary has "twos".

Decimal 1 = Binary 1 (1 unit)
Decimal 2 = Binary 10 (1 2-units, 0 units)
Decimal 3 = Binary 11 (1 2-units, 1 unit)
Decimal 4 = Binary 100 (1 4-units, 0 2-units, 0 units)
Decimal 5 = Binary 101 (1 4-units, 0 2-units, 1 unit)
Decimal 6 = Binary 110 (1 4-units, 1 2-units, 0 units)
Decimal 7 = Binary 111 (1 4-units, 1 2-units, 1 unit)
Decimal 8 = Binary 1000 (1 8-units, 0 4-units, 0 2-units, 0 units)
Decimal 9 = Binary 1001 (1 8-units, 0 4-units, 0 2-units, 1 unit)
Decimal 10 (1 ten, 0 units) = Binary 1010 (1 8-units, 0 4-units, 1 2-units, 0 units)

So, using Binary, 1+1 (1 unit + 1 unit) = 10 (1 2-units, 0 units). Translate that into Decimal and you get 1+1=2. It's exactly the same sum. You can't say 5+5=1010 because although 5 units and 5 units is equal to the binary 1010, binary has no numeral "5". So 5+5=10, converted to Binary is 101+101 = 1010.

Other number systems are the same. I used trinary (Base3) and quaternary (Base4) because both use the numeral "2", but neither of them use the numeral "4", so 2+2=4 cannot be true in either, though it IS true in decimal.

Number systems can also use higher bases than decimal. A common one is hexadecimal. It uses the numbers 1-9 as decimal does, but a decimal 10 equals a hexadecimal A. 11 is B, 12 is C, 13 is D, 14 is E, 15 is F and 16 is... 10.

All number systems use a unit column as the foundation. The next column takes its name from the base used, so in decimal (Base10) 10 = 10, in binary (Base2) 10 = 2, in trinary (Base3) 10 = 3, in hexadecimal (Base16) 10 = 16 and so on. in Base 600, 10 would equal 600 (though I dread to think what the intermediary characters would be).

As they say, there are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't... :D
Ive used binary, hexadecimal and base10, but never any other base.

Have you actually used other bases before in proper work/maths?
Is this that "significant figures" bullhonky, because if you tried to send a rocket to the moon with that "math" you'd probably end up shooting it backwards
Significant figures are not bullhonky.

30 * 6.424281 = 200

What's so hard to understand about that?
A friend of mine was doing something with significant figures in Chemistry and he told me that, somehow, 5*5=30. That was the correct answer, too, and it makes zero sense to me.

And your problem equals 192.72843.

We could really use a comment from a noob to start the topic up again. All I can think about right now is math and how people like Hawking can possibly come up with "math" that makes no physical sense. I though Philosophers were a thing of the past.
A friend of mine was doing something with significant figures in Chemistry and he told me that, somehow, 5*5=30. That was the correct answer, too, and it makes zero sense to me.

And your problem equals 192.72843.

For significant figures you only take your least accurate sample of data. So if you have 1.234 x 5.67, the least you have is 3 significant figures. So rather then write the answer as 6.99678, you write 6.99. I think that's how it works anyway.

Your friend that told you 5x5=30 is an idiot.
And your problem equals 192.72843.
No it doesn't. If the problem were 30.00000 * 6.424281, then the answer woud be 192.72843.
Your friend that told you 5x5=30 is an idiot.
His friend is right. "5" only has one significant digit. Multiplied by anything else, the answer HAS to have AT MOST one significant digit. 5*5 = 25, but "25" has two significant digits, so you have to round up to 30, which only has one significant digit (since zero is not a significant digit in this case). It's horrendously confusing (it took me at least two years to figure it out completely). It makes no sense from a mathematical point of view, but in science, it is very important. Don't worry about it unless you really have to use it.
This is when a creationist jumps in and says...

"see, the world is so complex a GOD has to have made it"
That's really wierd. Walking on all fours works well for gorillas and friends because their arms are longer than their legs, which means they don't look retarded. Us humans legs are longer than our arms, obviously, which makes walking on all fours very difficult, and our ass sticks up in the air, just ready and willing to be raped by a monkey.
Maybe that's why our ancestors started walking upright, so they wouldn't get butted by monkeys anymore.
I wonder if our legs grew longer and then we walked upright, or if we walked upright before our legs grew. Or if it happened at the same time. If we stood up before our legs got longer we wouldn't be able to run very fast, so maybe that's why they grew, so we could run from those damned monkeys and finally beat them.
That's really wierd. Walking on all fours works well for gorillas and friends because their arms are longer than their legs, which means they don't look retarded. Us humans legs are longer than our arms, obviously, which makes walking on all fours very difficult, and our ass sticks up in the air, just ready and willing to be raped by a monkey.
Maybe that's why our ancestors started walking upright, so they wouldn't get butted by monkeys anymore.
I wonder if our legs grew longer and then we walked upright, or if we walked upright before our legs grew. Or if it happened at the same time. I we stood up before our legs got longer we wouldn't be able to run very fast, so maybe that's why they grew, so we could run from those damned monkeys and finally beat them.

Haha :lol:
Nice theory 👍
That's really wierd. Walking on all fours works well for gorillas and friends because their arms are longer than their legs, which means they don't look retarded. Us humans legs are longer than our arms, obviously, which makes walking on all fours very difficult, and our ass sticks up in the air, just ready and willing to be raped by a monkey.
Maybe that's why our ancestors started walking upright, so they wouldn't get butted by monkeys anymore.
I wonder if our legs grew longer and then we walked upright, or if we walked upright before our legs grew. Or if it happened at the same time. If we stood up before our legs got longer we wouldn't be able to run very fast, so maybe that's why they grew, so we could run from those damned monkeys and finally beat them.

No no no. Its because we were created in the image of God.

I always thought of God as a bloke with a white/silver/ beard (not unlike santa claus - coincidence?) - but apparantly he must also a look a little bit like Oprah Winfrey, go figure.
^too long...

just adding my 2 cents. Any scientist out there will obviously agree with the evolution side of the coin, and i belive in evolution. Its simple, evidence can be asscociated with evolution, fiction and myths lie in creation. to be honest i have no idea of the creation aspect, as i was never taught it at school or anything. all i follow are the laws of physics:tup:
^too long...

just adding my 2 cents. Any scientist out there will obviously agree with the evolution side of the coin, and i belive in evolution. Its simple, evidence can be asscociated with evolution, fiction and myths lie in creation. to be honest i have no idea of the creation aspect, as i was never taught it at school or anything. all i follow are the laws of physics:tup:

If you don't understand the other side of the argument, how can you expect to talk intelligently about it?
If you don't understand the other side of the argument, how can you expect to talk intelligently about it?

i have never waisted my time attempting to understand the creation side of the coin, because i know it is just a MADE UP STORY told by philosiphers and this same story has passed from generation to generation.

seriously, who in their right mind could actually believe that the planet and all the animals were created in 7 days?? LOL. its simply fiction, its a fairytale.

The Earth was formed some 4.6 billion years from the accretion disk revolving around our young sun. our solar system was once a huge spiral of matter that gradually contracted as the temperature cooled

and life on earth began relatively early in the life of the earth, some 4billion years ago, probably from very tiny self replicating RNA molecules, like all things, these molecules competed for energy/space and oxygen, hence natural selection favours those molecules which r more efficient at replication, back then, the atmosphere did not contain any freely available oxygen.

about 3.9 billion yrs ago, the earth was in a constant state of bombardment by asteroids, and it is thought that life was actually encouraged to evolve, life persisted, even though the oceans boiled away many times due to extreme temperauture flucuations.

and ever since the first molecules formed, life has evolved from these tiny molecules, to bacteria, to later fungi and algae, then to small worms jelly fish and sponges. About 560 million years ago is the critical period for the life on earth, during the cambrian period- a rapid evolutionary explosion, and it is where all the body plans for later animals were formed, and is still a matter of scientific debate. from then on, more advanced life forms evolved, like sharks, birds, dinosaurs, and plants and trees.

This is what is known as evolution, it takes place over an immense time frame. us humans are simply a microscopic milli second of the the life of the Earth.
I have changed my opinion. I was a "i belive in God and he made our world" type of guy before i came in here.

But that was due to me not getting all the facts.
I have changed my opinion. I was a "i belive in God and he made our world" type of guy before i came in here.

But that was due to me not getting all the facts.

I stand corrected.

Anybody else, either way?
I have seen many more facts that I didn't know before that support my belief of evolution, but I've also seen many creation facts that I didn't know before. Now I understand both sides better, but I believe in evolution even more.
I believe in evolution. However there are flaws to both theories. I just came up with one big gaping hole for the evolutionists.

Why did earth's life suddenly exploded in diversity, numbers, etc, in the last 544 million years? I've just studied about that subject, and couldn't help wondering what was happening for the rest of the 4.1 billion years. Anyone with an answer or a suggestion? :sly: I think this will make a good debate if people participate.