Creation vs. Evolution

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I don't believe what I believe in because of faith. My point of view is that I don't believe anything until someone proved to me that it does exist, in a constructive, convincing way. Just because something is documented doesn't make it true.

You believe that Jesus is the son of God, you never met the guy, you only read about him. If someone steps up right now and says that he's the new son of God, you would probably call him a fool, a faker and whatever else. Why can't someone else be the son of God? What makes it easier to believe that someone who died almost 2000 years ago was the son of God, than someone who is born right now?
And you only have faith in what you can see. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT seen. You my friend, have no faith of the kind.
And you only have faith in what you can see. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT seen. You my friend, have no faith of the kind.

Yep, I only have faith in what I can see. Until I have seen that there is a God I won't say that I believe in one. I'm also not going to claim that there isn't one, because human perception might not be advanced enough to see it, just like infra red light. But at least that has been measured, God's existence has not.. So I won't go around preaching whatever words in the bible (which were written by men).

Anyway, I'm going to quit replying here for a while because you are giving me a god damn (haha) headache.
Can anybody answer these questions for me?

How was God created?

How did he create the Earth?

Why did he create the Earth?

Why did he create people?

If God only created Adam and Eve, and Adam was driven out of eden, How could 1 man reproduce?

Thanks for any help on this one. (Im an open minded chap so this thread has inspired me to have a look. I got this far through Genesis and got stuck)
How was God created?
We don't is impossible for our finite minds to comprehend that; God is beginning, no end.

How did he create the Earth?
He spoke it into existence :)

Why did he create the Earth?
Why did he create you?

Why did he create people?
Why did he create you? (Point im trying to make is that he did it for some reason. He did want a relationship with us though, since he created everything so wonderful for us until adam and eve screwed it all up with their sin. God still loved us enough to send Christ for us so we could still have a relationship with him?

If God only created Adam and Eve, and Adam was driven out of eden, How could 1 man reproduce?
Weren't both adam AND eve cast out, since they had sons cain and abel, or am I on the wrong track?
Captain Black
Can anybody answer these questions for me?

How was God created?

How did he create the Earth?

Why did he create the Earth?

Why did he create people?

If God only created Adam and Eve, and Adam was driven out of eden, How could 1 man reproduce?

Thanks for any help on this one. (Im an open minded chap so this thread has inspired me to have a look. I got this far through Genesis and got stuck)

1) Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2) Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3) and 4) Rev 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

5) Adam took Eve with him.

Does that help?
Well, I'm Apostolic. and that means I believe in speaking in tongues. So you just really slapped my faith in the face without even knowing it for whatever reason. And no, I have discussions with people from different "denominations" of christianity all the time and I never feel insulted or like I'm insulting them.
Do you just believe in it or do you actually speak in tongues. BTW Famine cats were in the garden and the Ark.
Do you just believe in it or do you actually speak in tongues. BTW Famine cats were in the garden and the Ark.

I believe and practice in it. It is a witness of the Holy Ghost.
[Weren't both adam AND eve cast out, since they had sons cain and abel, or am I on the wrong track?[/QUOTE]

Ah, thats the other 1 i forgot, so if adam and eve had 2 sons how did they have children? (i really hope eve didnt get involved).

Yep, I only have faith in what I can see..
Come again. I know of three things I bet you believe in that you can't see. Electricity, Gravity, and the Wind. Are you sure you want to stand by that statement?
Until I have seen that there is a God I won't say that I believe in one. I'm also not going to claim that there isn't one, because human perception might not be advanced enough to see it, just like infra red light. But at least that has been measured, God's existence has not.. So I won't go around preaching whatever words in the bible (which were written by men).
ALmost. Written by men moved upon by the Holy Ghost. Big difference.
BTW, what's the big deal with cats?

BTW Famine cats were in the garden and the Ark.

Posted in the "Religion is Contrived" thread, but faithfully reproduced here...

In the Garden there was no bloodshed, according to your earlier words. The Ark carried two of every species of cat - from Felis domesticus up through to Felis leo - for 40 days and 40 nights. And only 7 "clean" animals to feed them all - and Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives.

The cat family have a peculiar imbalance in amino acids. They require certain amino acids to be ingested - arginine and taurine - or they die. A domestic cat cannot survive for more than three days without taurine. Taurine and arginine are found exclusively in meat. So, where did the cats in the bloodless Garden of Eden get their taurine and arginine and how did Noah manage to get sufficient taurine and arginine into the hundreds of feline species with just 7 cows on board?

Answers on a postcard.
Come again. I know of three things I bet you believe in that you can't see. Electricity, Gravity, and the wind. Are you sure you want to stand by that statement?

ALmost. Written by men moved upon by the Holy Ghost. Big difference.

You can see electricity, gravity and wind, you can use a device to measure them and then see that it exists. You can't stick a thermometer up God's booty and say "ah, the divinity feels good today, it's about 54 degrees holy".

And the 2nd comment, written by men with too much imagination after eating too much of the coca plant.

This is exactly what I meant though, with not going into a discussion with religious extremists. They will take your words, twist them, purposely misinterpret them and eventually quote from the same book again to prove that they are right and you are wrong. Yuck. 👎
You can see electricity, gravity and wind, you can use a device to measure them and then see that it exists. You can't stick a thermometer up God's booty and say "ah, the divinity feels good today, it's about 54 degrees holy".
And the 2nd comment, written by men with too much imagination after eating too much of the coca plant.
This is exactly what I meant though, with not going into a discussion with religious extremists. They will take your words, twist them, purposely misinterpret them and eventually quote from the same book again to prove that they are right and you are wrong. Yuck. 👎
No, you can detect them by their affect on other objects, but you still can't see them.
Posted in the "Religion is Contrived" thread, but faithfully reproduced here...
Considering the Topic, I guess it was inevitable.
BTW don't you know the Bible story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. Truly, if God made us out of dirt, and the animals, and measured and laid out the foundations of the earth, (although I know you don't believe, He did)I don't think controlling cats would be a big deal.
This is exactly what I meant though, with not going into a discussion with religious extremists. They will take your words, twist them, purposely misinterpret them and eventually quote from the same book again to prove that they are right and you are wrong. Yuck. 👎

You're are the one damming God and calling us monkey's. So who is twisting what?
No, you can detect them by their affect on other objects, but you still can't see them.

Well then I should have spelled it out more literally for you, I believe in anything that falls within a human's perception.
Captain Black
[Weren't both adam AND eve cast out, since they had sons cain and abel, or am I on the wrong track?

Ah, thats the other 1 i forgot, so if adam and eve had 2 sons how did they have children? (i really hope eve didnt get involved).

They supposedly had 60 children.

If you would like to think or read about the logistics of this, read my post a few pages back, that everyone seemed to ignore... :banghead:
Well then I should have spelled it out more literally for you, I believe in anything that falls within a human's perception.
So you believe GOD is not perceivable.
BTW you twisted your own words, I didn't have to do it for you.
They did they said " God controlled the cats because he's God " or something close to that.
If he couldnt controll cats animo acids how could he be God ? ( some might say " if he cant stop genocide how can he be God " but thats another story ) At least he has the cat stuff covered .
For pete's sake, will somebody answer Famine's question?

About cats? sure cats were in the garden and on the ARk. So what?
Sorry, I didn't see SCJ's answer (it was kinda hidden in that last sentence).
cain married his sister...sin had not taken its full course yet on humanity so there was no threat of incest taking its toll on their children
cain married his sister...sin had not taken its full course yet on humanity so there was no threat of incest taking its toll on their children
Are you just pulling this out of your arse? What "evidence" do you have to support that sin took effect slowly? And how do you propose their children went about dodging the facts and realities of how genetics word during reproduction?
Are you just pulling this out of your arse? What "evidence" do you have to support that sin took effect slowly? And how do you propose their children went about dodging the facts and realities of how genetics word during reproduction?

The effects of sin are not always instant. For instance. When Adam ate of the forbidden fruit he began to die. But he didn't die for about 900 years. Man was not intended to die when he was created. But brought it upon himself when he ate the fruit that Eve gave to him.
The effects of sin are not always instant. For instance. When Adam ate of the forbidden fruit he began to die. But he didn't die for about 900 years. Man was not intended to die when he was created. But brought it upon himself when he ate the fruit that Eve gave to him.
Good answer. Now could you conclude as to how and why the laws of physics and basic chemistry were different back then?
Good answer. Now could you conclude as to how and why the laws of physics and basic chemistry were different back then?

What are you talking about?
See what I'm getting at. All these theories are exclusive by what you're telling me. So how can they be the facts?
A fact is something that is undeniably true. A theory is not.
BTW, I'm not denying the fact that evolution happened or is still happening. Just not that man started out as a one celled organism a few billion years ago.

You're aware that everything is made of atoms, right?

And that when atoms join, they form molecules, right?

Then when certain molecules join and have chemical reactions or collide, they sometimes produce new molecules, right? When that happens a protein strand may have been formed. After enough protein strands are formed and they join, they for a cell. As it trades atoms with its' surroundings, taking in certain molecules and leaving out bad ones (feeding), the cell gets more complex over a period of time, because it is forced to evolve. Given enough thousands upon thousands of years, a floating krill or shrimp is formed. As they grow and evolve, crabs, shellfish, lobsters etc. may have been formed (not necessarily that type of animal, just an example) which lead to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals etc. As the climate changed they were forced to move to different places, eat different things and cope with different predators furthering the genetic variation and species. It's just one great big chain reaction with one more step added each time. Is it that difficult to conveive? I don't know how it could be refuted.