I can't believe you are still harping on that one.
At any rate, enlighten me as to its relevance.
He's not saying crossing a horse with a donkey produces a new species and thus proves evolution. He's saying that a horse and a donkey,
different species, have enough shared genetic material that they can interbreed. The reason they have enough shared genetic material is that they share a common ancestral species recently enough to have not diverged so far [i.e. are transitional] as to be unable to interbreed. The fact that their offpring is sterile is irrelevant. The fact that they can produce offspring
is the point. They are not the same species, but pretty dang close.
As to redefinition, I'm not redifining anything. The definitions were established before I came along.
You have yet to use a single scientific term in the same manner as scientists use them. So now not only have we shown that you don't know what "theory" means, or "scientific method," we're not even sure you know what "redefine" means. You've done it, and claimed not to.
So far I would prefer to stay on one subject at a time. That has been to debunk the claims of evolution.
You have debunked nothing. You've presented no evidence for your position, nor removed any from ours. You've only stated that our "beliefs" are incorrect, when they are not "beliefs" at all.
How you draw that conclusion is beyond me.
As is much of this science, I'm afraid.
How much speciation do you suppose can be spawned from sterile offspring.
If anything it proves evolution isn't possible.
The only thing it indicates is that the mule is the end of the speciation.
As already stated, the result of the interbreeding is not the point, it's the fact that they are close enough to each other to be
able to interbreed. They are recently diverged from a common ancestor, recently enough to almost still be the same species, but not quite.
Interbreeding is
not evolution. If you thought that was what was being shown, then you missed the point. Again.
I don't know where you have been.
The evidence is either substantial to establish and support or it isn't. If not it is doubtful. So far it is too unsubstantial to establish evolution as anything other than an "abstract possibility".
your definitons, possibly so. Yet you have not offered any reason
why it's unsubstantial, nor have you picked any single piece of the process and said "That right there, that statement, that conclusion, is incorrect, and here's why: " and then proceed to explain why it's wrong. you just keep saying it can't be right because too much is assumed.
We keep saying that nothing is assumed, it all fits the evidence. Evidence we see in fossils, in genes, in real-world examples of observed change. No one has said "You're wrong, we're right, deal with it!" We've shown you facts, which you have access to, to demonstrate the correctness of our position. You've done nothing of the kind, merely refuted over and over that evolution is wrong, that it's speculation, that it's a belief system, without ever presenting anything to back it up, or refuting anything presented to you.
Copout of the first degree. You've presented nothing, ignored real information, and pressed us to show you evidence (that doesn't exist) to fit (your incorrect understanding of) evolution. Repeatedly saying "You're wrong!!!" does not make someone wrong. Show us a conclusion in evolution that doesn't fit the physical evidence. You have not yet come close to doing so.
Evolutionary science declares this as irrelevant . . .
No, it does not. The entire community can see the fossil record. The entire community can see the genetic material. The entire community has every opportunity to pick any segment of the evidence and test it against the theory, try to prove that it doesn't fit. I could get a grant, pick a species (I pick domestic cats) and work out the genome, examine the fossils of other cats, examine the information of currently living cats, look at their environments, their DNA, their structures, and try to prove that domestic cats have no possibility of having shared genetic material with other types of cats, both current and extinct, or try to determine if domestic cats have been just as they are for all eternity, unchanged, and unrelated to any other cat.
Were I to attempt to do so, I would fail, but the fact is, I could make the attempt. That is the scientific method: I would question a previous conclusion, examine the evidence which led to that conclusion, and try to discredit it, or at least present an alternate.
It's quite clear that I would be an idiot to make the attempt. We already know the domestic cat's place in the "tree of life" very well. Everything we know about its structures, genes, behaviors, and similarities to other modern cat species, all fit with its descent from earler types of cats.
There is no way that evolutionary science has thrown out the scientific method in favor of abstract speculation or uncreditable assumption. It just ain't so!
This approach from other disciplines of science certainly isn't likely to make its way into a textbook.
Yet it's in so many of them! Since it's the same approach: look at the evidence and see what conclusion it supports. Look for reasons the conclusion would break down. Look for contrary evidence. That's exactly why it makes it into a textbook.
But it's not the
same mosquito. It was the same 60 years ago, and in the generations it's existed in the different environment, descendants with different characteristics have been favored, eventually enough different that it's not the same mosquito. That's Famine's point when he said he's still a primate. He's not a member of the species which is a common ancestor of ourselves and other primate species. We've changed. We didn't come from moquitos, not immediately anyway. We came from some species far enough back that some of its descendants became chimps, some became gorillas, some became orangutangs, and some became humans. And yet not
one chimp, gorilla, orangutang, or human baby was born to that species.
Assuming his case is documented, that is true.
However evolutionary claims stretch well beyond his example, do they not?
He's shown the mechanism of change that results in speciation. Something you've asked for all through this thread. Now that you have it, you say it's not enough.
EXACTLY enough!!!!!!
You have now publicly accepted something contrary to your your earlier statement of each from his own kind, and kind produces kind
only. And it didn't take thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. Poeple live today that were living before the new mosquito even existed!!!!
That level of change, compounded over millions of generations of offspring, in millions of different conditions, in millions of different kinds of living things, is what drives evolution.
Culex pipens produced a "molestus" offspring, yet the species
Culex pipens produced the
molestus through the mechanism of Natural Selection brought about by a change in habitat.