A note on something that Duke said, about the sophisticated methods used to dating, how do we actually know that they're giving us accurate results? Who was alive 48 Trillion years ago, or however long ago they're saying, to tell us that we're indeed getting accurate results?
There was this one dude... Grog. we had him write down what year it was when a particular dinosaur died. Then we read the year and checked our radioisotope dating techniques against Grog's original recordings. That's how we calibrate the machine... it all rests on how accurate Grog's measurements were.
Ok no, there was no dude (that we know of) who was alive 48 Trillion years ago.
...and even if there was, we could still poke holes in his measurements.
Let me pose a parallel scenario
Let's say you're a park ranger. There are lots of very old trees in your park and some very young ones. You need to clear some saplings out of the way so that you can make a path for navigating the park. You notice that when you cut down one of the very young trees, it has 3 rings on the inside. Then you remember that it was exactly 3 years ago that you saw this tree just start to grow. You start to get curious so you plant some trees - one per year. 10 years later you cut open the first tree you planted. It happens to have 10 rings. Then you cut down the second tree - 9 rings. You cut down the 3rd tree - 8 rings...etc. Each tree seems to have one ring for each year of its life.
Later that month one of your oldest trees gets hit by lightning and dies. You have to cut it down to prevent it from being a hazard and when you do so you count 550 rings at the cross section.
How old do you think that tree is?
That, is a very parallel situation to what scientists do to figure out the age of rocks. They use dating techniques that they correlate using lots of other dating techniques (looking at the layers in the ground and so on) all based on deductive reasoning from observations they and their predecessors have made during their lifetimes. They're extrapolating based on observations. As with the tree example, there is no certainty that the tree is 550 years old, but our best observations of the behavior of the environment (tree) and our understanding of the anatomy of the tree and what causes it to have rings etc. etc. tells us that it is 550 years old.
You can choose not to believe that because there was not a person who watched the tree all 550 years - but you'd limit yourself and your understanding of your environment to very little knowledge. Computers, cars, rockets... nearly everything that we have invented in the last 100 years would not have been invented if people did not rely on flawed deductive reasoning to tell them about things that they cannot see with their limited abilities as a person.
Think about the tree sitution and then think about how unreasonable it is to assume that people who spend their entire lives trying to measure this stuff and disprove each other are all full of crap. They might be, it is true, but it is very unlikely.