Why? Because there never was a book written about the flying spaghetti monster that mentioned the creation of the universe, man, and has scientific facts that back up its creation account. Find me a creation myth that has those 3.
I can't, because there is not a shred of scientific evidence to back up
any Creation myth. I'm sure you don't mean to be, but you keep making the case for an all-natural source of life stronger and stronger.
There is NO - zip, zero, zilch, null, nada, rien - scientific evidence that backs up the Judeo-Christian Creation myth, or any Creation myth. There just isn't any. Answersingenesis is nothing but the world's largest collection of fake science painted over good old fashioned Creationism as a means of attempting an end run around the prohibition of teaching Creationism in American public schools. It is
nothing else.
So your theory rests upon geological shifts and the passing of time? Just how steady of a theory is that? There is no facts or anything to prove that happened.
It's a hell of a lot steadier than a book written 2000+ years ago when there was virtually NO scientific understanding of the world at all, and never allowed to change! At least scientific theory accounts for the vast majority of the physical evidence we live in. There are kilotons of factual, physical evidence to support our understanding of the physical shifts the planet has undergone in its multibillion-year life. Just because
you don't understand (or more accurately, don't want to understand) does not mean that the facts do not exist. You can ignore the real world all you wish but somehow it manages to keep existing.
Why did the perfect building blocks of life arise on their own? Also, you believe these parts met in a ocean?
Hitching: In other words, the theoretical chances of getting through even this first relatively easy stage (getting amino acids) in the evolution of life is forbidding.
He's discounting the effects of the massive quantity of time, plus he's based everything on his assertion that ultraviolet radiation would be instantly deadly,
and his assertion that nothing but 03 (ozone) blocks ultraviolet.
I can counter that: "God couldn't possibly have created the Earth." That statement has equal scientific validity to Hitchings.
Yes, you are unrational. You've abandoned the physical evidence and the logical anlysis of it in favor of a supernatural myth that is not supported by observed phenomena. That is by definition non-rational.
Am I the one who believes in 1 : 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 odds? If you went to a casino and you saw a man bet everything he owned on those odds what would you think of him? Would you think he was rational?
You're making the classic Creationist's "mistake". I put "mistake" in quotes because it is rarely an accident; usually it is done purposely as a smoke screen in order to cloud the issue.
You quote some inconceivably huge astronomical odds
against life arising naturally as evidence that it must have been supernatually Created. But those odds are based on an incorrect assertion that renders them meaningless.
The odds against life happening precisely the way it did are astronomical. You are correct,
if you start with current existence as a
fait accompli and try to reverse-engineer it randomly, it will never happen.
But that's making the incorrect assumption that our current state of life is the only possible form life could take.
It isn't. That's why your computer motherboard analogy falls apart instantly as soon as you look at it.
There is a nearly infinite number of paths that life could have taken from those basic amino acids to self-awareness. In the nearly infinite universe, that makes the odds of it happening resolve to 1:1. In fact the odds of it happening
only once are infinitessimally small. This means that you can put a 1 followed by an infinite number of zeroes as your odds against life occurring naturally, and it will
still be meaningless because the logical assumption on which the argument is based is meainingless.
So again, you can believe what you wish, but admit to yourself that it is non-rational and that you don't care about that.