Creation vs. Evolution

  • Thread starter ledhed

You might want to re-read that a little more carefully:

"About 99 percent of genes in humans have counterparts in the mouse," said Eric Lander, Director of the Whitehead Institute Center for Genomic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "Eighty percent have identical, one-to-one counterparts."

The mouse does not have 99% identical DNA with a human, it has 80%. The 99% comes from human mouse counterparts (so DNA that carries out the same function but is not identical), which is not a massive shock given that we are both mammals.
Creationists, watch and learn:

Somewhat older video, I didn't realize it was on YouTube until it popped up on Stumble upon.

This is just sad really:

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Isn't Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (as seen as static on your TV) basically proof that the Big Bang happened?

The exact warmth and distribution of the Cosmic Background Radiation indicates that some fourteen billion years ago, give or take a few billion, God farted.

And the Universe was never the same.
Isn't Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (as seen as static on your TV) basically proof that the Big Bang happened?

I think, strictly speaking, that CMB only makes up something small like 1% of the static you see on your TV.

Though that's just being pedantic I guess. Your point still stands :)
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Why can't both be true? I mean the universe had to come from somewhere. It doesn't make sense that the universe has always just constantly existed. Therefore, God created the universe theory. But at the same time, evolution is true as well. I mean God planted the seeds (single-celled organisms), which could have arrived here from a meteor or comet or something, eventually evolved into what is here on this planet today.

I think both are true. It's just that we've found more evidence to support one. We haven't found anything yet that disproves God. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.
I think both are true. It's just that we've found more evidence to support one. We haven't found anything yet that disproves God. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

Just like nobody has found anything that proves he exists either. Evidence towards evolution goes a long way, absolutely zero evidence of a creator speaks volumes to me.
God is the Universe, it "created" itself, and everything evolves on its own. Creation and Evolution are both used in this scenario. We can't prove the ideas of the Universe or completely explain it correctly, it is something that we may never understand.
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God is the Universe, it "created" itself, and everything evolves on its own. Creation and Evolution are both used in this scenario. We cant prove the ideas of the Universe or completely explain it correctly, it is something that we may never understand.

So we just give up and say 'God did it' despite not a single piece of evidence that points to a creator and we throw away the huge amount of evidence we have accumulated around the birth of the universe?

No thanks.
God is Gaia. The Earth is a living breathing system. If it dies, we die. If we die, it does not. We need to be nurturing it and growing hemp on it. We should not be destroying animals' homes to build factories and mansions and golf courses on. We have no sustainability. It's like we're just waiting for the next big wipeout/war.
Well the fact that we have order in the COSMOS, Laws governing us both physically and morally (unless you want to go the subjective morality route that is impossible to live up to) it points to a creator. The old watch in the forest example that I'm sure you have heard referenced before.

I was unaware that this thread was on here but I am a philosophy/religion enthusiast so I may make more posts in here if it stays civil.

LOL "proof". We know one can not prove to you God exists. It is a philosophical question you must contemplate on your own. But I do believe a consistent line of logic will lead you to the belief of a God.
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Well the fact that we have order in the COSMOS, Laws governing us both physically and morally (unless you want to go the subjective morality route that is impossible to live up to) it points to a creator.
Why does it point to a creator?

Oh and morality is not the preserve of religion but that's for a different thread.

The old watch in the forest example that I'm sure you have heard referenced before.
The watchmaker/ID argument is one that has been discussed many times here, it doesn't however hold up to scrutiny at all.

I was unaware that this thread was on here but I am a philosophy/religion enthusiast so I may make more posts in here if it stays civil.
It stays civil without a doubt, the staff see to that. All I would ask is that it stays on topic, this is focused on creation vs evolution, for more general religious discussion we have the Do you believe in God thread:

Which this belongs in:

LOL "proof". We know one can not prove to you God exists. It is a philosophical question you must contemplate on your own. But I do believe a consistent line of logic will lead you to the belief of a God.

Who is 'we' and why can you not prove the existence of God? Feel free to explain the logical steps that you feel leads to a belief in God and why that removes the need for proof in the other thread. (oh and please don't double post and for one hoping it stays civil LOL "proof" is not a good start).
Well the fact that we have order in the COSMOS

Order? You'd be surprised. The universe is an incredibly chaotic place, on both the biggest and smallest of scales.

If it looks ordered, that's more a perception issue - we're witnessing a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of time, so stuff appears to happen very slowly and in an ordered manner, from our frame of reference.
Well for every law there is a law maker. You may feel that morality doesn't point to a God but the fact that you can't have it without a God is a easily debated topic that Atheists don't like going into. If you have a position on morality I would love to hear it.

The lol at "proof" part isn't mocking if that is how you took it. The challenge you present is not achievable unless I have a full understanding of what reasoning you follow and having some agreeable starting point. You know that... So I just thought it was a lot to ask out of the gate ;)
Well for every law there is a law maker. You may feel that morality doesn't point to a God but the fact that you can't have it without a God is a easily debated topic that Atheists don't like going into. If you have a position on morality I would love to hear it.

The lol at "proof" part isn't mocking if that is how you took it. The challenge you present is not achievable unless I have a full understanding of what reasoning you follow and having some agreeable starting point. You know that... So I just thought it was a lot to ask out of the gate ;)

Once again the wrong thread, so you will find my reply in the correct one.
Ahh my bad! I figured Creationism and God went hand and hand in this thread. That restricts a lot of comments directed towards the debate because if you have reason to believe God is real that kinda kills the evolution discussion.