The only problem that I have with Touring Mars entry is that the angle of the car and the ground are wrong, they don't match up, they're very close, but not matching, so it makes it look like the back look much higher than it should be.
I would've slightly stretched the background by about 10 pixels so that it gives better perspective, but without distorting the image.
Also is that the shadow is wrong, the light is coming from directly behind the car, so the shadow shouldn't be present on the left side of the picture. It needs to be longer in front of the car.
Well spotted Der Meister - my pic doesn't bear too close scrutiny, really just going for maximum, immediate impact. Close scrutiny will reveal that it's a botch job that took all of ten minutes to do And what the hell is a C-West Razo Sylvia doing in the middle of the desert anyway?
Once again ~Drift King~ comes us with a really original entry 👍
Thats one of the most original ideas I have seen in a while, anyway I was going to enter this, but Test Drive Unlimited is eating away at my gaming time.