CREDIT GRIND - WTC 600 Tokyo Express - Glitches are Dead.

  • Thread starter Grimm6Jack
Forgot to take the pic and save the replay, but I did a few moments ago a 14:36 with two 5 sec penalties and a very slow lap in traffic.

I did the entire stint on racing hards, and the fuel setup on 1 aside from the first lap which I used it at 6 because of the first and final corners where if you put even a tiny bit of throttle the car will spin (this can be avoided by using assists such as TC but I just don't like to play with assists).

Did a pitstop on lap 7 and fueld the car to do 5.5 laps and didn't change tyres. This pitstop makes me lose about 24-25 seconds.
But my average laps are all within 1:06-1:07 with a best lap of 1:04 and traffic laps of 1:09 (most of the cars I've been passing on the main straight, lucky me) with only the 1st lap being a 1:26 and the 2nd a 1:09 due to the track not being dry enough yet.

Maybe... Just maybe now I can believe a sub 14 minute run is possible!? Not for me though... but some of the aliens can probably achieve this. I had runs where I had to brake a bit more than I should've because I wasn't fast enough to react to the left-right section of the track.
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PD will pretty much patch this in the next update since they did talk about the PP system being broken in the known issues so grind till it lasts! On a side note, I started grinding literally a few minutes after this glitch was discovered. My Tomahawk has covered 6000kms so that's a lot of grinding! My best has been 15:20 using the original tune with racing hards and no stops whatsoever. There have been very few instances wherein I've completed the race without any penalties or damage. I agree on it becoming boring now so i try listening to music while grinding!
Have managed to decrease my time now. Average lap time is around 1.10 - 1.11 with G29 wheel on intermediate tires. Fastest lap for me so far was 1.08.7...average run time for the whole thing with my current strategy is now 15:45. That's also with a couple of penalties. If I manage to be clean all the way, I think I might crack the high 14s....wife was watching me play for a bit then left because she said she felt sick watching me because of how fast I was going around the track with the bumper cam. Honestly, I think I'll need a few days off after this thing gets patched before going back to driving the normal (gr3-gr4) cars. The sensation of speed with that Tomahawk is absolute craziness 😂
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Hey, you're running quicker than I am with it. My best was 16:40, but I have a knack for finding the rear-end of that last place Viper every few laps, lol. Anyway, I must have forgotten to change the oil before I setup that sheet and posted it so I'm glad you got it to work.

I stupidly forgot to change the oil when I set that sheet up... @magawolaz said it worked after lowering the final gear one click so you might try that and see if it works. If you're getting the "!" for PP then it's really close and is probably only a click away on either the final gear, ballast, or ECU. I'll do a fresh sheet and update it when I can get into the game in a couple hours if you haven't gotten it to work.

Not sure if I mentioned it in the post but duplicate the sheet for the original tune so that it's not lost if something goes wrong.
The order in which I changed the values was 1) final gear ratio 2) power restrictor 3) ECU 4) 4 ballast 5) change individual gear values. I don't know if the order makes a difference but in case it does that is the order I always use.
Thanks for the reply bud but I got it to function.

I’ve got a better one for you now, not mine, courtesy of @Papiculo64 on the page before this. Trust me you will shatter your times now.
The key to the times I feel is don’t use brakes. Less throttle on the twisties and obviously slam the Airbrake at the hairpin.
Would love to see one of the Top guys laps.

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What's your gearing set at? I'd like to try this build.
Me too - racing softs and 1000bhp for 305PP looks intriguing. Nice thing is it's with a real car rather than the cartoon car Tomahawk, can't say I've ever been keen on many of those VGT cars.
I am looking for what car I can use in a normal way, NOT the Tomahawk, I've been thru all page's of this thread and did not find any other car mentioned, can someone point me in the right way or show me where I can find the discussion of the WTC600 in Tokyo?
It appears this has been fixed in 1.12? I have the EXACT setting as per screenshots and can't get pp below 1252.10
No. Something wrong in the settings you have, probably you didn't buy the fully manual transmission and instead the higher version of it automatic transmission or whatever its called
No. Something wrong in the settings you have, probably you didn't buy the fully manual transmission and instead the higher version of it automatic transmission or whatever its called
Can't be Mate it's solved!!!!!!!!!! I in the last hour played this race 3 times earning some 825,000 x 3 = 2,475,000.

Check the video in post no.14 of this thread.
What's your gearing set at? I'd like to try this build.

Try this one. It’s better than the original. 330mph while still in the tunnel but you need to use TC which I hate to do but for me it’s not possible without. Have fun, it’s ridiculously funny when you first start grinding. Cornering way over 200 mph and stops like you hit a wall with the air brake.
The original build is on page 1 of this thread.

@BirdDog72 try this one. It’s even faster.

@Kayaman80 definitely still working.
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Just bought and tried it over and over again following the advice, nothing to do seems to no longer work ....
Spent 1000000 to make money and found myself poorer than before! 🤣🤣🤣
Just bought and tried it over and over again following the advice, nothing to do seems to no longer work ....
Spent 1000000 to make money and found myself poorer than before! 🤣🤣🤣
Be patient and just recheck everything. Nothing is patched. The pp glitch is still working
Why i can't get your settings to match 600 pp ?? What is Full Controll Computer? in ECU. I have fully customisable.

It appears this has been fixed in 1.12? I have the EXACT setting as per screenshots and can't get pp below 1252.10

I think it’s not working anymore, tried several times but nothing to do

Just bought and tried it over and over again following the advice, nothing to do seems to no longer work ....
Spent 1000000 to make money and found myself poorer than before! 🤣🤣🤣
Depending on the build you want to use, be sure every parts and settings are the same, especially the differencial gear that might be fully customized or normal depending on the build. Max speed must be set at 590km/h before tuning the ratios in the build I posted earlier or it won't work, while in others builds it's mostly 580.
Gear ratios might change a little after tuning them so you might want to double check that too. Anyway double check everything, it still works perfectly!

Inter first 5 laps, then medium for rest of the race. Fuel 3 most of the race. You could do fuel 1 for the first 5 laps but then you have to wait more time to refuel so I use 3 whole race.
I use build of author, 2400hp one.
There are still 10-15s to be cut if you nail everything perfectly/luck with traffic but I'm happy with my time. :)
Thank you very much for the advice! I tuned a bit the build you're talking about and already have excellent results. I still can go over 600km/h in the straights and can do the full race in fuel map 1 with one pit after 5th or 6th lap ^^

Try this one. It’s better than the original. 330mph while still in the tunnel but you need to use TC which I hate to do but for me it’s not possible without. Have fun, it’s ridiculously funny when you first start grinding. Cornering way over 200 mph and stops like you hit a wall with the air brake.
The original build is on page 1 of this thread.

@BirdDog72 try this one. It’s even faster.

@Kayaman80 definitely still working.

Thank you for reposting it ^^
I tried the stickyBOMB build and I found it better as you can manage the first few laps far more faster with intermediate tires.
I tuned it a little to have more speed (over 600km/h in the straights) and to reduce fuel consumption, so I can do the full race in fuel map 1.
I already managed to make a 15:06 race with 3 or 4 penalties, so it's definitively better than the one I posted. It needs a little more tune up but eventually I'll share it later when I'm confident with it 👍
With the tune (from post no. 14), I tried Sardegna too. What's surprising is I had to refuel inspite of mainly using 6th & 7th gears. Even the tire wear was comparatively more which is weird as RH tires are wearing more than when using the same tires at Tokyo in partly wet conditions.

But overall, I prefer the Tokyo circuit because of the flow & inspite of the semi wet conditions, I enjoy it more than Sardegna which won't ace there again with this car.
This glitch is payback to PD for giving us 2k or 5k credits most of the time in the roulette!
I’m about to make a ridiculous statement. A conspiracy theory, if you will…

What if this was all guerrilla marketing by Polyphony?

It definitely got me playing a lot. 😁 Now I have the cars I wanted and will be able to play carefree for the foreseeable future. I even knocked out the trophies that require you to spend a bunch of money.

I’m just kidding…I think. 😳
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Lately I started doing this race while on 3rd camera view. I have the feeling everything goes slower and you have better controll of your suroundings, and so can calculate more precisely.
Give it a try if you are struggling.
Lately I started doing this race while on 3rd camera view. I have the feeling everything goes slower and you have better controll of your suroundings, and so can calculate more precisely.
Give it a try if you are struggling.
Not fan of the rear view, I feel like playing with RC cars 🚗 Everything looks slower, but if you play with a wheel it feels really awkward.
Especially on this race, I find it easier on bumper or cockpit view when you have to pass between a car and the wall with almost no margin. But anyway, the camera you feel better with is the best 👍