Crysis 3

I'll be posting screens shortly, and by shortly I most likely mean tomorrow. :lol:

That. Bow. I'll say no more.
Well.... how is it? :crazy:

Great so far; just finished the first mission. About to get into New York....




Red Bull and Air heads for the next couple of hours. Mu hahahaha. I should really be doing school work.




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Well, I have played maybe two hours of the campaign and several different game types of multiplayer....

This is the best Crysis yet.

That is all.
What system do you have it on?

I Preordered for Xbox, so I'm wondering how nice the graphics are. Hopefully when I build my PC I can purchase it for PC and awe at the pretty pictures!
The good news is Quad SLI is supported. A quick 5 minute run and all is right with the world. The bad news is, I had to shut the game down and get the kids to school and me to work. Unfortunately, I only walked around the tutorial for a bit. With vsync on, hitting a solid 59.9fps and all GPU's at ~48%, everything maxed at 2560x1440 resolution. Too bad I don't expect that performance to hold when New York is blowing up around me. Will have to wait until tonight to see... ( unless I sneak away now :evil: )
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What system do you have it on?

I Preordered for Xbox, so I'm wondering how nice the graphics are. Hopefully when I build my PC I can purchase it for PC and awe at the pretty pictures!

PC; it won't look that good on XBOX. But, it will probably still look better than most console shooters.

I was watching some of the single player on a YouTube XBOX play-through and was impressed to say the least.
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Well, I went home long enough to load up the first mission. I am disappointing to say there are some driver issues. ~60% GPU utilization is max on all 4 GPU's at the moment. With shooting in the open I am only hitting around 40 frames. If I drop the resolution down to 1920x1200 I can hit 60 pretty consistent, but again, that only at ~60% utilization. I hope they get things figured out soon.... Beautiful game by the way!!!
That sucks; better send Nvidia some hate mail.

(IMO) Unlike the other Crysis(es?) this one I actually want to play again not just for the graphics. The environment is great.

But, I keep pestering my wife telling here I ordered another graphics card (which I haven't yet) just to gauge here reaction lol. I have done it several times now...

I am really, really, trying to not hit that check out button on Newegg; I need my tax refund NOW. lol.

I will be playing through campaign again on the hardest difficulty after that.

I can only imagine what the game looks like on your machine Pako. I really wish I would have gone double 2560x1440 monitors instead of 1080p eyefinity right now.
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It won't lol. But "it is Crysis" and that's what PC gamers want: a game they can't run lmao.

Which by the way: (to anyone)

If you are gaming on PC and you haven't bought this yet:

You're wrong.
If you are gaming on PC and you haven't bought this yet:

You're wrong.

Care to elaborate? I wasn't that impressed by Crysis 2... Or Crysis for that matter. What's the singleplayer like? If I don't care at all about multiplayer is it still worth buying? Was that the same as the previous question? Yes. Does it come with a cup holder? If I have a 680 but only an i5 could I still crank the graphics up from 'ooh nice' to 'mmm good'? I'm struggling to come up with more questions?

I think I'll wait for a price drop though, given how I felt about the first two Cryses and first person shooters in general.
SP is supposedly only 5 hours long (I guess if you're rushing).

So, if that's all you're there for wait a while for a price drop.

MP is a lot of fun.

As far as the graphics....


It is the most beautiful thing ever.

But no single GPU can max this game out.
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Definitely a great game! Now all of you, quite making me jealous of your PC shots! :grumpy: Ordering parts around Saturday, MUST PLAY THIS ON PC!!!!

Graphics are still pretty good on Xbox, but you really start to notice the difference, even from screenshots. It doesn't hold a candle. Still doesn't disappoint though, this game is amazingly fun and that bow just makes my skin tingle with excitement each time I draw back. (A bit of an Archery nut)
Alright, well... Hope to have some good Crysis 3 porn later tonight. The latest 314 drivers are helping with my setup. I have getting a solid 40 FPS instead of 10 FPS at 2560x1440 all maxed. I will have to play with the settings and see if I can squeeze another 20 FPS without dropping my resolution. Worst case scenario, I drop to 1920x1200 for a solid 60+ FPS experience. All GPU's at [Prophet]MAXIMUM POWER[/Prophet]. :D
Pako, (everyone really) get the Crysis 3 CVAR editor.

It helped me get quite a bit of performance by tweaking their settings. You can run higher than max settings and get higher frame rates by tweaking things like distant shadow refresh rates.
Great, so now I need a new jaw.

5 hours... Yeah, I'll wait for the price to come down. Thanks chap.

I'll say 7 hours. But you gotta be really really rushing it and doing it on easy/recruit.. Try swooping through it on SuperSoldier in 5 hours... I can't see it possible unless you know exactly where to go to avoid contact. Honestly, I was HUGE fan of Crysis 1&2. I thought it had everything. A environment that was open, alive & beautiful, enemies that were decently fun to fight. Crysis3 isn't giving me that love. Am I the only one going through this campaign and thinking.... it feels Call of Duty-ish?

EA games and the number "3" in the last year... seems to be the cancer...
Absolutely love this game so far. And the multiplayer is really strong this time around. The multiplayer's level design is great, too.

Runs great on my GTX 650 Ti, too. Very surprised with it's performance.
Ok, I lied. No screen shots for me, too busy playing it. :)

Results, 2560x1440 is rough. I can adjust settings, dumb it down, reduce particle effects, etc to level out my frames, but those tiny details do make a difference. Down to 1920x1200 and FPS are in the 130's most the time with heavy dips down in the 70's. Still looks great, not as good as the higher res, but for a smoother experience, it is well worth the compromise. 👍
I'll say 7 hours. But you gotta be really really rushing it and doing it on easy/recruit.. Try swooping through it on SuperSoldier in 5 hours... I can't see it possible unless you know exactly where to go to avoid contact. Honestly, I was HUGE fan of Crysis 1&2. I thought it had everything. A environment that was open, alive & beautiful, enemies that were decently fun to fight. Crysis3 isn't giving me that love. Am I the only one going through this campaign and thinking.... it feels Call of Duty-ish?

EA games and the number "3" in the last year... seems to be the cancer...

Ya, 5 hours is really, really fast. I came no where close to that. 5 hours is probably on the easiest difficulty with out doing any of the secondary objectives.

Multi-player takes a lot of cues from COD imo; in a good way though.
Just finished the campaign on PS3, really enjoyed it as I did Crysis 2. Something about this game just presses my buttons in the right way, I'm not sure if it's the gameplay running around like billy badass or the sheer spectacle of the game but I was utterly taken in by it.

I'll be making the jump to PC within the month and playing again most likely. I just hope I don't feel like an idiot when a certain console drops late this year but that's a matter for another thread.

Looking forward to getting in to the multiplayer in the next day or two, which is ultimately what I bought the game for after loving Crysis 2. Crysis multiplayer offers up challenges no other console shooter can, the muscle memory and general mental effort required I find is much higher due to the suits abilities and relentless pace. I won't even attempt MP on PC as I'll simply be a target as I have very little PC experience and starting on Crysis doesn't seem like a great idea.
God, the game looks beyond stunning... The graphics are downright amazing and I'm not even maxing the game out. Gotta say, though, my 680 os holding up well enough. No noticable slowdowns or anything, even though I've basically maxed the in-game options, aside from resolution and anti aliasing. So, yeah, I'm quite happy with how things are running 👍

All I need now is some darn time to actually play the game.
Just finished the campaign on PS3, really enjoyed it as I did Crysis 2. Something about this game just presses my buttons in the right way, I'm not sure if it's the gameplay running around like billy badass or the sheer spectacle of the game but I was utterly taken in by it.

I'll be making the jump to PC within the month and playing again most likely. I just hope I don't feel like an idiot when a certain console drops late this year but that's a matter for another thread.

Looking forward to getting in to the multiplayer in the next day or two, which is ultimately what I bought the game for after loving Crysis 2. Crysis multiplayer offers up challenges no other console shooter can, the muscle memory and general mental effort required I find is much higher due to the suits abilities and relentless pace. I won't even attempt MP on PC as I'll simply be a target as I have very little PC experience and starting on Crysis doesn't seem like a great idea.

Ha, ya everyone is really good in Crysis 3 MP; there are those still trying to figure out how to walk/look around in games though lol...

It is pretty competitive but I hold my own.





Just started messing around with the CVar tool but even prior to that my frames have been satisfactory. Although I keep messing with the settings as I don't want anything turned off or lowered. :lol: