Crysis 3

There's nothing wrong with the PC Version, the game looks very nice, despite what some people are saying. But there's always people complaining anyway.



Nice trailer lol.

Also, those screen shots.... wow.

Really makes me think they disabled "ultra" setting in the multiplayer alpha/beta; I know they disabled a lot of shading, effects etc. which you can turn on with the cvar editor....

But that looks like a completely different game.
Well, that at least means it's actually a demo, not a lengthy PR stunt. It's something, right? :lol:

Also, gotta love the "Sharp Dressed Man" commercial. Suit up! Ever thought about Barney Stinson wearing that suit? :lol:
Tested the PS3 online beta and I'm very disappointed by the gameplay.

Graphic is awesome, one of the best I've seen on PS3 but what you can do with the game is strange imho. Basically it's a "turn based" fps. One time you are the marine next time you are the hunter. Marines can't see hunters so when you are a marine your main goal is not being killed, I don't have fun when I can't shoot and my goal is run away or defend a stupid thing.
Not to mention people kill them selves very quickly so the match can end in a couple of minutes which is stupid. Sometime I can't even figure out what I'm doing and the match was over yet, won by my side, but I did nothing. -.-
No fun.
I loved the Ps3 beta. Apart from the connection issues, I found it very fun, and towards the last few days, very rewarding.
Just a shame it ended just as I was getting good :boggled:.
Over at they've posted an early short review of the game for those interested. Supposedly a 5hr campaign(normal difficulty) with side missions & better facial animation than L.A. Noire.
5 hours sound a tad too short to say the least. I wonder if they focused on making the game fun instead of just pretty this time.

Also, better facial animations than L.A. Noire? I'll believe it when I see it.
You can't compare Crysis on PC to console.

The only difference I see between the 360 and PS3 is AA; potentially lower textures on some objects, possibly shading as well, but... it is a beta... and the textures are already such low quality on console why does it matter...

A shame what Crytek did with the 360 version of the beta, it doesn't utilize the same AA as PS3.

And that is a judgement coming from 600x300ish compressed screen shots.
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Those console comparisons, I didnt think the XBOX 360 looked that much worse than the PS3, a few less trees here and there but to be honest it looks turd on both consoles. I want the game and would buy for the PC but sadly I am skint.

I'm gonna have to read all the posts about how much fun you're having and perhaps the "Crysis 1 best graphix evaaa!" guys showing up and hopefully get it in a few months!.
I'll probably end up buying it to test my computers perfomance. I played Crysis 2 on max settings with the downloaded textures etc. and it ran fine. Some noticable slowdown at times but still playable. It'll be interesting to see how much more demanding 3 will be.
I'll probably end up buying it to test my computers perfomance. I played Crysis 2 on max settings with the downloaded textures etc. and it ran fine. Some noticable slowdown at times but still playable. It'll be interesting to see how much more demanding 3 will be.

Same. Yet, I doubt Crysis 3 will be able to make my machine capitulate. I'd be sad if it did. :D
I'll probably end up buying it to test my computers perfomance. I played Crysis 2 on max settings with the downloaded textures etc. and it ran fine. Some noticable slowdown at times but still playable. It'll be interesting to see how much more demanding 3 will be.
That's something I'd like to know as well. I mean, it's still running on the CryEngine 3, so it can't be all that much more demaning. Although, it has been tweaked, obviously. I'm itching to find out whether I'll be able to max it out and what it's gonna look like. Not too worried, obviously, as I can run Crysis 2 with the tessalation pack and the MaldoHD Mod on max settings... But Crysis 3 just looks utterly stunning in some of those videos. Makes wonder whether that's achievable for me :lol:
I can run Crysis 2 no problem. Crysis 3 (at least the beta) different story...

Use the cvar editor to enable features that are disabled by default in the beta... chug chug chug.

Majority of these are disabled by default:


To give you an idea if you can run Crysis 3 or not:


If you don't have a 79xx/670/680 or higher... don't expect to run max.

Taken from the Nvidia website.

I am pre-loaded ready to play...

Review with screenies:

He said he played on all available platforms; so unsure what platform the photos are from. Doesn't look like PC at max though.

EDIT: Wow, definitely did not mean to triple post.
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Super Excited for this! Gonna go pick my Pre-Order tomorrow and reserve Destiny. I was a huge fan of Crysis 2 so it'll be good to get to play this and Crysis.

Definitely not maxing this out and I am running a highly oc'ed 7950/i5 2500k. I am at all very high except: shadows medium, post processing on high, smaa x2, AF @ 8x and getting around 45 fps min around 35. As you can see it is still spectacular.

I need another card lmao.

Graphics are amazing. I will post screenies as I play.




The detail in the little things...




Awesome gun: (Hard to take good screen shots though)




If you think this has bad graphics, you need glasses.
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I really, really, really wanted to be gone from work this week. I really need to be playing this game instead of sitting at my desk at the job. Game looks amazing and hoping for quad-sli out of the box. Will report my findings tomorrow!
