- 368
- Maryland
- StuntDrifter
Poster on MSN Comment Feed"I'm sorry to say this but Microsoft is no more protected from such hijacks. Any web based system is not truly safe. Even the U.S. Department of Defense, NASA, CIA, World wide power grid and any other electronic system is vulnerable. So blaming Sony is not productive. I work in this field. These hacks are accomplished sometimes by an errant piece of software on a portable USB device. It could have been done internally by a profit driven sell-out.
We tend to see these huge amounts of stolen data as being atrocious violations of our privacy. While people post most of this information on Facebook or even in the phone book. Just a simple search of your name may turn up all of the stolen info. The hackers in this case are trying to get company specific data. So as long as you don't reply to fake Sony e-mails or letters you will be just as safe, as if this never happened."
Oh and this incident is one of the top stories on MSN as well.