Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
Lol. What if gt5 or gtpsp is offered? I can't wait for the psn any longer. I go to school 5 days a week for 6 hours a day trying to release some tension on psn. My weekends are ruined now. Lol
Sony provides a free service, the PSN. How is feeling no need for a free game for that service going down anti-Sony?


And why would I own two PS3's if I'm anti-Sony?

then what is your point?

I've heard nothing from illogical banter from you that has no concrete definite proof.

I'm probably going to get booted because of this but your posts are coming across as bad graffiti - tough to understand from the get go but also aesthetically useless.

Seriously, how old are you? Scratch that, shame on me for getting sucked into this
Leo.. PSN went down a few days into my 2 week school holiday. So my holiday should have been ruined, but it wasn't because I think of the outage as something that happened. It didn't change my life drastically... And it's the weekend for me now as well. It's not ruined.
not off top i think.
Since people in the world "ain't right in the head"

If you want **** to be safe, you'd better safe it your self. :)
EDIT: if you leave keys in car, thank you, stupid choice that is. And I cant see that is caring for own property.

In the United States at least, being able to drive a standard is a dieing art and thus, the precaution on my car is the fact that it is a standard. :lol:

I don't think it's off topic but, I left my cd's in your trunk and I'm going to exagerate their value so pay up :P

What CDs are we talking about? Thriller? If that is the case, then we might be able to talk. :lol:
Lol. What if gt5 or gtpsp is offered? I can't wait for the psn any longer. I go to school 5 days a week for 6 hours a day trying to release some tension on psn. My weekends are ruined now. Lol

Sony officially said they will get PSN up by tomorrow, as many found out on saturday. If it does not I think everyone myself included will be very angry in about, 12hrs.
Seriously, how old are you? Scratch that, shame on me for getting sucked into this

What does age have to do with no need for a handout? But if it means that much to you, I'm 48 years old. I have two grown children and a beautiful wife. Anything else?:)
What does age have to do with no need for a handout? But if it means that much to you, I'm 48 years old. I have two grown children and a beautiful wife. Anything else?:)

OK! Back on topic please.
All in all, I'm pretty upset about the PSN outage. I'm just not "ZOMG PSN IS DOWN MY LIFE IZ RUINED!!!!!!111" upset. I'm perfectly calm about this situation and I'm able to wait. The thing that makes me upset about the situation are the 360 fanboys and 10-year old kids who complain and say they're going to buy an X-box. It's these kinds of people that light the match and start a forest fire. And speaking of that, here are some of my theories about who the hackers are.

  • The hackers are just some third party group who wants to pick a fight with Sony. With or without a certain motive.
  • The hackers are just a bunch of Microsoft fanboys who specialize in modded lobbies and want to give other X-box fanboys more ammunition for the "console wars."
  • A group of individuals who are hidden in their parents' basement/attic.
  • There were no hackers. Sony was just doing a major maintenance and using a bunch of hackers as a coverup statement (Seriously, how is Sony going to say that your personal information has been compromised without the risk of a possible lawsuit? In which the lawsuit will possibly end up with Sony not being guilty.).

I'm not trying to start a flame war here, so don't get any ideas.
No! The alarm not working is Sony having no firewall (and outdated software) as stated in the congressional hearing.Also , if the information the robbers used to disable the alarm was on the internet, why didn't Sony see that and fix it? :)

The so-called security expert said that he had heard second-hand from other "experts", who were monitoring internet message boards, that this was the case. He had no actual first-hand knowledge, or any hard evidence, that it was true.
Remember Sundays statement, This Week the end for me is tomorrow.

According to their last press release they are in the final stages of testing the new system. Who knows how long this will take, but I don't think it will be up until next week.
According to their last press release they are in the final stages of testing the new system. Who knows how long this will take, but I don't think it will be up until next week.

I agree with this statement. With all the hoopla about another attack (this weekend), why would Sony risk another bad PR move and release something before they are absolutly sure it is ready? Testing a whole new system will take time.
Why as a species should we not be striving towards perfection? Less than perfect is acceptable given maximum effort was exhausted and that maximum effort produces an adequate result. Causing trouble for the purpose of causing harm is not acceptable.

There is no such thing as perfection. You strive for it all you want. But in reality it doesn't exist. Being aware of such circumstances should tell you there are flaws in the system and steps should be taken to make up for it. Sony did not do this.

Sony should know better than to be hacked? Sony should know to prevent something from happening before it happens like in Minority Report?
Sony should be aware of the potential danger. Do you not use an antivirus on your PC? If you don't, you are daring.

Yes, Sony should have invested more time and money into provisions to prevent an unforeseen attack, but hindsight is 20-20. This is especially true when there are other factors that likely were preventing an immediate upgrade. In many companies, money and manpower available is the limiting factor. I would be willing to guess that those limiting factors are exacerbated because of how large a company Sony is; for Sony, the sheer numbers an immediate update are probably staggering and a phased upgrade was likely a much better solution. But none of that is an excuse for the hacking.
There is no excuse for the hacking. Its not justifiable. However, if Sony was aware of the "potential" danger, they should not have released their "unready" network putting ALL of their consumers info at risk. You don't Beta test your users personal info.

Yes, I am. What I said before still applies. The bank should not be robbed in the first place. Two wrongs, bank robbing and a malfunctioning alarm, do not make a right.
However, by your point of view the bank shouldn't need an alarm to begin with. But reality states otherwise. How can you argue life?

EDIT ASIDE: Miscellaneous, just thought of it, and not sure what it pertains to, but wanted to include somewhere before I lost the thought: an unlocked parked car, with the keys in the ignition, and no note stating the owner wants the car stolen is not an excuse to steal a car ; that scenario may scream, "steal me", but that "voice" is not a legitimate reason. Even with a note stating the owner wants the car stolen, the note would need to be properly notarized and at that point, I do not think theft would apply.
This is based on a perfect society which does not exist. In a perfect world we'd never have to lock our doors or windows and fear would not exist. But that is not the case. The truth is, there are bad people out there. There are people you can't control. Its because of these people that particular laws and society rules are put into place(along with common sense). If you know there are people out there that steal cars and rob banks and do other things they are not supposed to, would you not put up a hinderence to keep your items protected? Hence, locks, alarms, guard dogs and other items used for protection.

You can strive for perfection but will only find dissappointment. Nobody is perfect.
There is no excuse for the hacking. Its not justifiable. However, if Sony was aware of the "potential" danger, they should not have released their "unready" network putting ALL of their consumers info at risk. You don't Beta test your users personal info.

I totally agree.

However, I can't imagine that Sony would carelessly throw caution into the wind and go live with something that is extremely vulnerable. In other words, I'd guess that they had some due diligence and launched the network with security they felt was adequate. This is all strictly opinion however as I have no idea what really happened.

The quote by the Sony president "we were unaware of it, we did not recognize it..." (regarding the vulnerability) - could there be any translation issues there?
Sony provides a free service, the PSN. How is feeling no need for a free game for that service going down anti-Sony?

At least have the good grace to not totally change approach, you clearly stated this was a bribe, I beg to differ:

Money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.
Source -

Something given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc.;
Source -

I certainly don't feel that Sony is corrupting my behaviour, but I do feel they are making up for the loss of a service.

And why would I own two PS3's if I'm anti-Sony?
I have no idea of knowing how many PS3's you have, but what I am able to do is read you posts, and to be quite frank many of them are borderline flame-bait (and I know I am not the only member of staff to notice this) and are also characterised by pointless additions.

First we had the weird obsession with the war of independence, claims regarding WWII and now semi-random images.

Trust me on this, none of these things are characteristic we would look for in a long term contributor to the site.

There is no such thing as perfection. You strive for it all you want. But in reality it doesn't exist. Being aware of such circumstances should tell you there are flaws in the system and steps should be taken to make up for it. Sony did not do this.

Sony should be aware of the potential danger. Do you not use an antivirus on your PC? If you don't, you are daring.

There is no excuse for the hacking. Its not justifiable. However, if Sony was aware of the "potential" danger, they should not have released their "unready" network putting ALL of their consumers info at risk. You don't Beta test your users personal info.

However, by your point of view the bank shouldn't need an alarm to begin with. But reality states otherwise. How can you argue life?

This is based on a perfect society which does not exist. In a perfect world we'd never have to lock our doors or windows and fear would not exist. But that is not the case. The truth is, there are bad people out there. There are people you can't control. Its because of these people that particular laws and society rules are put into place(along with common sense). If you know there are people out there that steal cars and rob banks and do other things they are not supposed to, would you not put up a hinderence to keep your items protected? Hence, locks, alarms, guard dogs and other items used for protection.

You can strive for perfection but will only find dissappointment. Nobody is perfect.

Look, if you want to get into victim-blaming, why stop with Sony? Here's a few more for you:
  • Anyone who gave Sony their credit card details, since every reasonable person knows they could be stolen.
  • Anyone who has a credit card period, since every reasonable person knows credit cards can be lost or stolen.
  • Anyone who signed up for PSN, since every reasonable person knows that online networks are vulnerable.
  • Anyone who even hooked up their PS3 to the net, since every reasonable person knows the internet is a big scary place.

Seriously...Sony likely did what every business does: they installed what they considered to be adequate security for the biggest credible threat. It would seem their precautions were not adequate in this case, but they may have thought, in good faith, that this attack was unlikely. Indeed, if it took three outside security firms to actually uncover the mechanism and details of the attack, maybe Sony cannot be faulted for not anticipating it.

No security - home, online network, bank, whatever - is 100% and never will be. A criminal with enough resources - time, money, personnel, technology - can defeat any set of locks and guards, electronic or flesh and blood.

Bottom line, criminals are responsible for the crimes they commit, not the victims. Should people and companies take precautions? Yes, they should take reasonable precautions. But again, the criminals are the ones who bear full responsibility for the crimes they commit!
I didn't expect sony to do this as compensation for us, I just expected an apology.

However it does make me think that the situation may be worse than sony is letting on to us at the moment.
I just Discovered Something which may be Kind of stupid but the error I am getting is 803A203 something not the 807....etc most people are getting :odd:
I'm starting to loose my patience as well, too.
Its been raining since the shutdown.
Everyone is like give Sony a break. How about not.
That respectful mentality of Japanese ppl is starting to play on my nerves and its not only directed at Sony.
I know exactly that Japanese people are having a hard time.
So insted of trying to look like a tuff guy, what about asking for support, be honest enough.
They sure are respectful but respectful liars.
It is going to make players very upset if Sony keeps announcing a date it will be back up and then not sticking to that date. We are entering the weekend now, when employees @ Sony go home, so it looks like the best we can hope for is Monday :(
It is going to make players very upset if Sony keeps announcing a date it will be back up and then not sticking to that date. We are entering the weekend now, when employees @ Sony go home, so it looks like the best we can hope for is Monday :(

That's the thing, Sony hasn't given us any "dates". Just time periods, which are not really solid to begin with. In my honest opinion, I would rather have them take their time and get it rock solid instead of rushing it and possibly getting hacked again. 👍
That's the thing, Sony hasn't given us any "dates". Just time periods, which are not really solid to begin with. In my honest opinion, I would rather have them take their time and get it rock solid instead of rushing it and possibly getting hacked again. 👍

If they said within a month to me, i'd accept.

So please SONY, don't tease with soon, shortly, next week etc.
Just fix properly.
Nobody wants it to be up right away, just to get hacked all over again..
Then downtime again. :)

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