Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
because by your logic

My second favourite phrase in any discussion. It generally means "I'm going to retype what you said in my own words and get it wrong".

By your interpretation of "my logic", but not by actual logic (logic is not subjective - it is neither mine nor yours. It just is).

If you have no firewall or antivirus and your computer is illegally compromised the person or people who compromised it are to blame because they are the ones who committed the illegal act! The same as the Sony hackers are to blame for illegally hacking Sony, or the rapists are to blame for illegally having sex with a girl who dresses sexily.

Girls shouldn't have to dress down to protect themselves from criminals. You shouldn't have to install enough security programs to occupy half of your computer's RAM to protect yourself from criminals. That's not a statement that you don't need to because crime is illegal, but a statement that criminals are to blame for committing crimes and not the victims of the crime.

Me personally, i am VERY paranoid when it comes to my PC's protection because i have lost WAAAAY to much info (around 4 TB in total) and have suffered many computer rebuilds (and to many hours of hair pulling and screaming) due to inadequate security.

Are you to blame for your information being "lost" or is whoever actually caused your information to be "lost" to blame?

I've never "lost" any information from a computer. That'd suggest that, just like Sony, your security isn't appropriate.
Well I got a new message when trying to access the PSN,


You don't have permission to access /external/index.vm on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache Server at Port 443

Before it would state the PSN is down for maintenance, I hope tis means progress!
Well I got a new message when trying to access the PSN,


You don't have permission to access /external/index.vm on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache Server at Port 443

Before it would state the PSN is down for maintenance, I hope tis means progress!

I get this too. I think its a sign!
You admins/supermods are just not going to budge from the "they did it so they are to blame" stand point. Can you not see that Sony are partly to blame in all of this?

i get the feeling i am pi$$ing into the wind
You admins/supermods are just not going to budge from the "they did it so they are to blame" stand point. Can you not see that Sony are partly to blame in all of this?

i get the feeling i am pi$$ing into the wind
Its not sonys fault that they got hacked. Everyone including mods are entitled to their opinion.
You admins/supermods

Irrelevant appeal to authority. When I'm posting as a member of staff, you'll know about it. Presently, I am not.

are just not going to budge from the "they did it so they are to blame" stand point. Can you not see that Sony are partly to blame in all of this?

Sony are to blame for a crime being committed on them. Why?

If your house is broken into, is it your fault for having outdated locks and too many nice things that are tempting for thieves?

i get the feeling i am pi$$ing into the wind

So long as you're blaming the victims of a crime for the crime being committed, you will.

Is "pi$$ing" like "pissing", only with American paper money?
You admins/supermods are just not going to budge from the "they did it so they are to blame" stand point. Can you not see that Sony are partly to blame in all of this?

Speaking personally my opinion has got nothing to do with my staff status here at GT Planet.

We have differing opinions, if you wish to try and convince me of your then present a rational argument of why the victim of a crime can be to blame for the crime being perpetrated against them. Simply claiming its because we are staff doesn't come even remotely close to that.

I have also clearly (and repeatedly) said that we have no idea what level of security Sony did or did not have, that however is a side issue in regard to who is responsible for a crime.

If you leave a bag visible on the back seat of you car then you are being more than a bit lax in regard to security, that still does not make you responsible if someone smashes the window and nicks it. Naive maybe, but complicit in the crime, no.

BTW - try and get around the swear filter again and you will find out how the staff act when we are being staff.

No, i'm an adult and have learnt the art of patience. Would laugh my arse off if your mummy buys you an eggbox and then the next day the PSN goes back live :dopey:

lol, I think im also an adult (30 years old) and I also have patience (having 2 children taught me patience) you make me LOL :dunce:

Even if I bought an Xbox and PSN went back live I would still have my PS3 so no problem there!! at least I can play online in the meantime :dopey:

Back at you
If you leave a bag visible on the back seat of you car then you are being more than a bit lax in regard to security, that still does not make you responsible if someone smashes the window and nicks it. Naive maybe, but complicit in the crime, no.


The way I see it Sony left the keys in the ignition.

(Which is not a crime - but if someone steals the car the insurance won't pay out)
Maybe someone should start a new thread about who is to blame about this situation, because this thread is no longer serving it's purpose. 👎
Maybe someone should start a new thread about who is to blame about this situation, because this thread is no longer serving it's purpose. 👎

This thread = discussion; Sticky thread = news

In a day or two, both threads will become superfluous.
But a discussion like this one is usually stopped by a mod, because it's going nowhere.

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

And it will go on like this without reaching anything!

Gimme my PSN!
Maybe someone should start a new thread about who is to blame about this situation, because this thread is no longer serving it's purpose. 👎

👍 This thread is nearing the hellfire, you either carry on what you are doing and get this thread locked, or you go back on topic and keep this thread. I don't mind which one you choose.
But a discussion like this one is usually stopped by a mod, because it's going nowhere.

Are you familiar with the Opinions & Current Events forum? It has discussions like that throughout and many are amongst the longest threads on this entire site.

With staff participating (since we're allowed to discuss things too)!

And it will go on like this without reaching anything!

It's not always about the destination, but the journey.
Well I got a new message when trying to access the PSN,


You don't have permission to access /external/index.vm on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache Server at Port 443

Before it would state the PSN is down for maintenance, I hope tis means progress!

Mine just said Maintnance on PSN network, so no change in Norway yet though.
Mine just said Maintnance on PSN network, so no change in Norway yet though.

Its gone back to
Site Maintenance Notice
The server is currently down for maintenance.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.
Are you familiar with the Opinions & Current Events forum? It has discussions like that throughout and many are amongst the longest threads on this entire site.

With staff participating (since we're allowed to discuss things too)!
I can't argue with that.
It's not always about the destination, but the journey.

This journey is standing in front of a wall for a long time now, and neither side is convincing the other.

But then again, I learned something here. So carry on. :lol:
Wow.. do we really need this many pages to come to the extremely obvious conclusion that the crime is obviously committed by the criminal and not by the victim - no matter what the circumstances were?

Sony are the victim of large-scale theft, plain and simple - and we're all suffering from the consequences.

In their own minds, these hackers probably like to belief that they are some sort of modern-day Robin Hoods, fighting for the freedom and the rights of the common gamer against big evil multinational corporations. That will pass, when they grow up to be older than 16 - or when they get arrested and will be sent to jail for their crimes. 👍
The way I see it Sony left the keys in the ignition.

(Which is not a crime - but if someone steals the car the insurance won't pay out)
Again we don't know that.

For all we know Sony locked the car, took the keys away with them, had put everything out of sight and parked in a well lit car park.

The truth is almost certainly between these two.

Wow.. do we really need this many pages to come to the extremely obvious conclusion that the crime is obviously committed by the criminal and not by the victim - no matter what the circumstances were?
Quite strangely it would seem so.

Funny that you should say that leaving the keys in the ignition isn't a crime. You will find that is in fact a crime in many of the cities in the US. Not that I am saying that is a good analogy or not.

I can however guarantee that whatever security that Sony has didn't break any US laws. Simply because the US doesn't make laws like that against corporations. However if, and it is a big if, they didn't follow Visa guidelines for security, they could be in for some serious lawsuit trouble from the card companies. As for any lawsuits from actual customers the customers might as well be pissing in the wind. The Supreme Court has virtually gutted class action suits, so you will not likely ever see one pass their appeal ever again.
Sony's trying to fix it, and they'll fix it. So shut up, and do something else. It's just a friggen game console anyways.
Sony's trying to fix it, and they'll fix it. So shut up, and do something else. It's just a friggen game console anyways.

Apparently some people are too ignorant to realize that. And it's not just the forum, it's the network in general.
Sony's trying to fix it, and they'll fix it. So shut up, and do something else. It's just a friggen game console anyways.

As above. Take some photos or some other stuff. Tune some cars and race them round the Ring. Or better yet...just play something else. Where no online isn't that bad. Like FIFA or Madden NFL.
I think everyone's right to a degree. Either a.) the hackers playing nice and getting 9-5 jobs to distract them from no-good or b.) Sony being more up to date with their security measures (such as what they're turning PSN into now) would have been preventative in nature. Why not just agree that everyone has a point even if we don't agree?

Though I've talked to cops that badmouth the crap out of people who leave their car doors unlocked and complain that someone jacked stuff from their cars, and I've heard fire fighters badmouth people who leave food on the stove unattended and have a kitchen fire (the number one reason for kitchen fires, actually). Obviously it isn't the CAUSE of the incidents but shouldn't you do everything you can, knowing the nature of the world, to prevent harm to you and those you're supposed to protect? Couldn't Sony have consulted security firms to begin with when they built PSN? It would be nice if there were no hackers or fires or car thieves but unfortunately people don't play nice always. They should be punished but you CAN play a role in your own protection. It's dual natured and arguing just one side seems to miss the point IMO.

As for it just being a game system. Yeah you're right. But we'z nerdz and we'z needz our SKYNET~
Sony being more up to date with their security measures

We have no evidence that they weren't.

Couldn't Sony have consulted security firms to begin with when they built PSN?

We have no evidence that they didn't.

Anything can be hacked - even the PS3 which lasted a staggering amount of time unhacked. No network is secure. Nothing is secure. There's always something more you can do to protect yourself and there's always a new way around it. It doesn't matter what security measures are in place, you cannot protect yourself from a determined criminal - and the criminal is always to blame for committing the crime.

My car has a 15 year old immobiliser and a 10 year old alarm. If someone really wanted to nick it, they could. Even if they weren't bothered about driving it, they could HiAb it away - so I have it parked in the garden behind a 6 foot fence, a forty foot house, thirty feet away from the road behind two locked garage doors. I could do more - I could park it inside the garage behind it (so it's then sixty feet from a road and behind three locked garage doors, under cover). But ultimately if someone still wanted to take it, they could.

If they do, it's not my fault, it's not Mazda's fault, it's not Clifford's fault, it's not Lidget's fault, it's not my friendly local builder who put the fence up's fault, it's not the local council contractors who built the extension's fault and it's not the local council contractor who built the house's fault. It's the criminal's fault. It really is just that simple.
Yes it sucks, but I'm not complaining, PSN is free to use(apart from my monthly Internet bill) so I can just sit back and wait for it to come up. I honestly can't believe what some people are saying in this thread though for the record..
I'm passing the time by playing GT4. Just been bothered to do B licence.

I'm passing my time by going to my dad's workplace. And kind of helping him out. Sort of. Then I'm gonna get on with my next fan fic chapter if I have enough day left.
I'm passing my time by going to my dad's workplace. And kind of helping him out. Sort of. Then I'm gonna get on with my next fan fic chapter if I have enough day left.

By the end of today I WILL Have a Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II. For GT4 players, is it worth doing the Gran Turismo World Championship to win it, or is it 🤬?
For GT4 players, is it worth doing the Gran Turismo World Championship to win it, or is it 🤬?

I quite liked it in GT4, but if you are playing for A-Spec points it's not really a useful 200pt car in any event. Fun to drive though. 👍