Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex


Look at that totally impenetrable password. Good job, Trump security. This is why they took all that top secret nuclear info to Mar-A-Lago. Because there’s just no way anyone would ever get through world class security like that.
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I'd like to point out the ratio of replies to likes on this tweet. I wonder what so many people are lining up to point out to our CINO friends about it. (No I don't, really).

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I feel less awful about using coffee pods.

I also just want to say b-boy bouiebasse is worth the trouble of posting this for no other reason.

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Wasn’t Black Rifle just commenting a couple months back about how they weren’t fond of how many white supremacists/alt-right people were following them?
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Wasn’t Black Rifle just commenting a couple months back about how they weren’t fond of how many white supremacists/alt-right people were following them?
Same energy. Spoiler tagged for highly NSFW language.
Him & the other right-wing YouTubers are such slimey sacks of ****. I only enjoy seeing this dill-weed try to mingle in Texas cities and get told off by people who know better than unprepared college kids.
Wasn’t Black Rifle just commenting a couple months back about how they weren’t fond of how many white supremacists/alt-right people were following them?
Well maybe they shouldn't have built a brand around appealing to exactly those kinds of people, I find it utterly hilarious that the same pro-Trump, pro-Gun, pro-Police, Muslim-ban supporting company whose merch Rittenhouse and 6/1 insurrectionists are fans of, is now moaning that they have fascist fans.

They literally went out of their way to market directly to them (one of a number of coffee brands that did the same thing, I suspect to pass off crap coffee to morons) it's a little too late to moan about it.

Not that it makes a difference, I'm guessing these are PPP loans. Federal assistance for me and not for thee...a bit predictable.
The replies to the tweet in @TheCracker's post are hilarious. "Wah wah libs are lying. That's not the same Ben Shapiro. You can't prove it is. PPP loans are different to student loans because the terms are agreed between lender and borrower. Twitter should take this post down." etc.
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